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Lauderdale County, Alabama
Laud Cem # 406 T2S, R8W, Sec 36
Surveyed January 2008 by Robert Torbert
Location: From Florence, go E on US 72 beyond Elgin; Rt on CR 574 before crossing First Creek. Go to the top of the hill. The Cemetery is behind the barn. There is only one tombstone, but there are many buried there.
Jimmy Baggett owns the property.
Lauderdale Marriages Archibald Baggett to Lilly Jones 29 Jan 1834
Lauderdale Marriages Archibald Baggett to Nancy E. Dobbins 2 Mar 1857
The 1870 Census lists the following:
Arch Baggett 50 yrs GA
Nancy D. 40 yrs AL
Elain J. 23 yrs AL
Sophia A. 30 yrs AL
Dobbins, James 9 yrs AL
Dobbins, Sarah 8 yrs AL
Baggett Cemetery
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