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Lauderdale County, Alabama
Charles Littleton Cemetery
Laud Cem # 215 T1S, R11W, Sec 6
Surveyed April 1996 by Orlan Irons & Robert Bentley
Location: From Florence, go N on AL 157 about 6.5 m; Rt on CR 11 about 6 m; Lt on CR 127 to the second house on the Rt. Drive behind this house to the cemetery across the field to the cedar trees.
The children of Joshua and Caroline Darby:
DARBY, Henry Johnson 29OC1835
DARBY, Nancy Elizabeth 1841
DARBY, William Leander 15SE1847
DARBY, Samuel Ottison Casey
JOHNSON, Thomas H. m Elizabeth, d of Levi & Elizabeth Duckett Casey
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