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Tax Sales in Local Newspapers

TAX COLLECTOR'S SALE. LAND & LOTS [Submitted by Lee Freeman; Source: From the Florence Gazette, Sat., June 23, 1849, p. 3.]

THERE will be sold to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door, in the town of Florence on Saturday
The 29th Day of September next, So much of the following described lands as will be sufficient to pay the State and county tax accruing from the year 1843 up to 1848-namely :The south east half of the south east quarter of section twenty-one, of township two, and Range eleven-State and county tax, two dollars and forty cents-containing eighty acres and said to belong and assessed to William WILLBOURNE.
Part of South east quarter, of section nine, township two, and Range 8-containing 40 acres-Tax from 1843 up to 1846, one dollar and ninety cents-Said to belong to Walter WEST & Co.
The north west quarter of section three township three, and range seven, valued at five hundred dollars ; State and county tax two dollars. Said to belong to A F DOUGHERTY.
Part of the----of section----town ship------Range----containing 80 acres ; State and county tax forty cents. Said to belong to BINFORD’S estate.
The South half of South East quarter of South west quarter, of Section eleven, of Township two and range nine----containing fifty acres----valued at 25 dollars, State and county tax ten cents. Owner UNKNOWN.
Fractional section seven ; Township 9, and Range eight ; containing 60 acres ; valued at one hundred and eighty dollars ; State and county tax seventy-two cents. Owner UNKNOWN.
A part of the South East quarter of section two, and township one, range 12 ; containing fifty-eight acres----valued at one hundred and fifty dollars ; State and county tax sixty cents----assessed to P. W. ANDERSON.
Lot No. 209 and 210, valued at one hundred dollars ; State and county tax forty cents----belonging to John DYAS.
Town property valued at fifty dollars ; taxes for 1847 and 1848, twenty cents belonging to Phillip J. SCUDDER.
Lot Number 156, on college [sic] street, near market [sic] ; State and county tax forty cents belonging to Phillip J. SCUDDER.
Part of fractional Section 13, township two, and Range fourteen ; containing 321 acres ; valued at two hundred and thirty dollars. State and county tax ninety-two cents----belonging to Henry SAULS.
Lot Number eighty two ; valued at two hundred dollars. State and county tax eighty cents ; belonging to Patrick McGUIRE.
Lot number two hundred and eleven, and two hundred and twelve ; valued at one hundred dollars. State and county tax four dollars ; belonging to Lawrence KEY & Co.
                                                                              AARON T. ASKEW, T. C.
                                                                              Florence June 23, 1849.       6 tf.

Tax Collectors Sale. [Submitted by Lee Freeman; Source: From the Florence Gazette, Sat., June 15, 1850, p. 3.]


THERE will be sold at the Court House door in the town of Florence, on the 9th day of September, 1850, so much of the following described Land, as will be sufficient to pay the Tax and cost.
West half of south east quarter of section 5 township 3 range 11; containing 80 acres valued at $240. State and county tax 84 cents; printers fee and other expenses $7 50 cts ; owner UNKNOWN, tax for 1849.
                                                                                                  A. ASKEW, T. C.
North-east quarter of section 8 township 1 range 8, containing 160 acres. Also, north-east of south-east quarter of section 8, township 1, range 8; containing 40 acres in all 200 acres valued at $300, State and county tax $1 05 ; printers fee, and other expenses $7 50 and fifty cent, belonging to or granted to Jacob FRENCH ; taxes for 1849.  
                                                                                                  A. ASKEW, T. C.
Part of north-east quarter of section 8, township1 and range 8 ; containing 84 acres, valued at 100 dollars ; State and county tax 35 cents ; printer’s fee and other expenses $7 50 ; belonging to the estate of William DAVIS ; taxes for 1849. 
                                                                                                 A. ASKEW, T. C.
South-east quarter, fractional section 1, township 2, and range 15, containing 140 acres, valued at 500 dollars ; State and county tax 1 dollar and 75 cents ; printer’s fee and other expenses 7 dollars and fifty cents ; owner UNKNOWN ; taxes for 1849. 
                                                                                                 A. ASKEW, T. C.
North-west quarter of section 16, township 2, range 7 ; containing 160 acres. Also South-west quarter section 29, township 2, range 7 ; all valued at $400 ; State and county tax $1 40 ; printer’s fee and other expenses $7 50 ; taxes for 1849, belonging to J. F. BELEW 
                                                                                                A. ASKEW, T. C.
Fractional part of the west half of the south-west quarter of section 2, township 3, range 8 west ; containing 51 acres, valued at $64 ; State and County Tax 22 cents ; Printer’s fees and other expenses, $7 50, taxes for 1849, entered by Alexander AIKIN. 
                                                                                               A. ASKEW, T. C.
Part of north-east quarter of section 11 township 2, range 12, containing 40 acres ; also south west quarter of section 1, township 2, range 12, containing 145 acres the whole valued to $600 ; State and County Tax $2 10 ; assessed to Dr. Edward L. BUMPASS ; Printer’s fee and other expenses ; $7 50 tax for 1849.
                                                                                               A. ASKEW, T. C.
A fractional part of section 7, township 3, range 8, containing 60 acres valued at $180 ; State and County Tax 72 cents for 1848 ; Printer’s fee and other expenses 7 dollars and 50 cents ; owner UNKNOWN 
                                                                                              A. ASKEW, T. C.
West half of the south east quarter of section 6, township 3, range 11, containing 80 acres ; valued at 320 dollars ; State and County tax, one dollar and 12 cents ; Printer=s fee and other expenses 7 dollars and 50 cents ; belonging to Elisha BROWN’S estate ; taxes for 1849. 
                                                                                              A. ASKEW, T. C.
North east quarter of south west quarter of section 17 township 1, range 7, 40 acres ; valued at 100 dollars ; State and County Tax, 35 cents ; Printer’s fee and other expenses, 7 dollars and 30? cents, belonging to Richard WILLIAMS [sic] estate ; tax for 1849. 
                                                                                             A. ASKEW, T. C.
South west quarter of section 9, township 2, range 8, containing 40 acres ; valued at 100 dollars ; State and County tax 35 cents ; Printer’s fee and other expenses, 7 dollars and 50 cents, owner UNKNOWN ; tax for 1849.
                                                                                                  A. ASKEW, T. C.
Part of lot Number 1, section 28, township 2, range 8, as follows, beginning at the south-west corner of lot No. 1, thence east 34 poles, thence north, 23 and a half poles, thence west 34 poles, thence south 23 and a half poles to the beginning corner belonging to the estate of Benjamin JACKSON, deceased ; containing five acres ; valued at 20 dollars ; State and County tax 9 cents ; printer’s fee and other expenses, 7 dollars and 50 cents ; tax for 1849.
                                                                                                   A. ASKEW, T. C.
Twenty acres of land, the east end of the South half of south-east fourth of south-west quarter of section 8, township 2, range 9, for the taxes of the above described 20 acres of land valued at 25 dollars ; State and County tax 9 cents for 1849 ; owner UNKNOWN ; Printer’s fee and other expenses; 7 dollars and fifty cents.

West half of north-west quarter of section 25, township 5 ?, 3 ?, range 15 ?, containing 80 ? acres, valued at 160 dollars, State and County tax 56 cents ; Printer’s fee and other expenses, 7 dollars and fifty cents ; taxes for 1849 ; assessed to Dabney MORRIS.
                                                                           AARON ASKEW
                                                                           Florence, June 8, 1850.      3-3m

NOTICE [Submitted by Lee Freeman, 2 Mar 2001; Source: The Florence Gazette, Sat., May 19, 1855, p. 3]

THERE will be sold to the highest bidder, at the court house door in the town of Florence, on SATURDAY, The 9th day of June next, the following described lots as laid down in the plan of the town of Florence, for the State and County tax, for 1854, viz:
     Number 61 owner unknown, tax and cost    $ 4.15 
     number 62 owner unknown, tax and cost     $ 4.15 
     number 63 owner unknown, tax and cost     $ 4.15 
     number 64 owner unknown tax and cost      $ 4.15 
     number 72 owner unknown, tax and cost     $ 4.15 
     number 160 owner unknown, tax and cost   $ 4. 7 1/2 
     number 177 owner unknown, tax and cost   $ 3. 7 1/2 
     number 179 owner unknown, tax and cost   $ 3. 7 1/2 
     number 181 owner unknown, tax and cost   $ 3. 7 1/2 
     number 182 owner unknown, tax and cost   $ 3. 7 1/2 
     number 183 owner unknown, tax and cost   $ 3. 7 1/2
     number 185 owner unknown, tax and cost   $ 3. 7 1/2
     number 186 owner unknown, tax and cost   $ 3. 7 1/2
     number 204 owner unknown tax and cost    $ 3. 7 1/2
     number 206 owner unknown tax and cost    $ 3. 7 1/2
     number 224 owner unknown tax and cost    $ 3. 7 1/2
     number 225 owner unknown tax and cost    $ 3. 7 1/2
     number 226 owner unknown tax and cost    $ 3. 7 1/2
     number 227 owner unknown tax and cost    $ 3. 7 1/2
     number 228 owner unknown tax and cost    $ 3. 7 1/2
     number 231 owner unknown tax and cost    $ 3. 7 1/2
     number 249 owner unknown tax and cost    $ 3. 7 1/2
     number 251 owner unknown tax and cost    $ 3. 7 1/2
     number 255 owner unknown tax and cost    $ 3. 7 1/2
     number 256 owner unknown tax and cost    $ 3. 7 1/2
     number 257 owner unknown tax and cost    $ 3. 7 1/2
     number 258 owner unknown tax and cost    $ 3. 7 1/2
     number 259 owner unknown tax and cost    $ 3. 7 1/2
     number 261 owner unknown tax and cost    $ 3. 7 1/2
     number 262 owner unknown tax and cost    $ 3. 7 1/2 
     number 263 owner unknown tax and cost    $ 3. 7 1/2 
     number 264 owner unknown tax and cost    $ 3. 7 1/2 
     number 265 owner unknown tax and cost    $ 3. 7 1/2 
     number 268 owner unknown tax and cost    $ 3. 7 1/2
     number 273 owner unknown tax and cost    $ 3. 7 1/2 
     number 317 owner unknown tax and cost    $ 3. 7 1/2 
     number 326 owner unknown tax and cost    $ 3. 7 1/2 
     number 327 owner unknown tax and cost    $ 3. 7 1/2 
     number 328 owner unknown tax and cost    $ 3. 7 1/2 
     number 329 owner unknown tax and cost    $ 3. 7 1/2 
     number 330 owner unknown tax and cost    $ 3. 7 1/2 
     number 339 owner unknown tax and cost    $ 3. 7 1/2 
     number 340 owner unknown tax and cost    $ 3. 7 1/2 

Also the north west quarter of the north west quarter of section nine of township one and range twelve west- belonging to NATHAN LEE the State and County tax of the north west   quarter of section nine, township one, and range twelve west, for 1853 and 1852, tax and cost  $  4.04
                                       AARON ASKEW, T. C.

SALE OF LAND FOR TAX. [Submitted by Lee Freeman, 2 Mar 2001; Source The Florence Gazette, Wed., May 30, 1860, p. 2]

I WILL  sell to the highest bidder, before the Court House door in Florence, on the 6th day of July 1860, the following lands lying in the County of Lauderdale for the unpaid Tax, assessed in the year 1859:
    The N. half, S 29, T 1, R 11, Tax 50 2/3 cents. Printers fee $1, assessed to Newton CROW.
    The S E 1/4 of S W 1/4, S 19, T 1, R 10, tax six & one third cents, printers fee $1, assessed to Ivy LAWSON.
    The S W 1/4 of N E 1/4 and the N half of N E 1/4, S 1, T 2, R 11, Tax 95 cts., printers fee $1, assessed to the estate of
    Bjoh>d [sic] TERRELL.
    Lot No. 153 and 153 in Town of Florence, tax 31 & one third cts., printers fee $1 , assessed to William HICKS.
    Lot No. 404 in town of Florence, tax 3 1/4 cts. printers fee $1, assessed to unknown owner.
    The S E 1/4 of S E 1/4, S 8 , T 2, R 7, and the N W 1/4 of N E 1/4, S 16, T 1, R 8, net tax $6 57 cents, printers fee
    $1, assessed to N. M. LEATH.
    Lot No. 403 in the town of Florence, tax 50 & two third cents, printers fee $1 assessed to KETCHUM & GIST.
    Lot No. 224, in town of Florence, tax 69 3-4 cents, printers fee $1, assessed to M. J. TAYLOR 
    The S E Quarter, of N E Q, and the SE Q of S 34, T 1, R 15, Tax $23 43 cents, printers fee $1, assessed to R A EMERSON.
    The S half of S 26, T 1, R 15, Tax 50 2-3 cents. Printers fee $1, assessed to John T EMERSON.
    Lot No. 129, in town of Florence, Tax $1 61 and 2-3 cts. printers fee $1, assessed to Thomas STONE.
                                          T. M. PHILLIPS, T. C.
                                           May 23, 8w. nb.    

                                           Lauderdale county.

Tax Sale. [Submitted by Lee Freeman; Source: The Florence Gazette, Wed., Aug. 4, 1875, p. 4]

On the 23rd day of August 1875, I will commence selling at the front door of the Court House in Florence in the County of Lauderdale Alabama, the following Real and Personal property for non payment of taxes due the Corporation of Florence for the year 1874, and will continue the sale from day to day until it is all sold or disposed of according to law.


Lot                 Assessed To                    Tax

205                J. T. Burtwells [sic]              .25
Part 76           Est Thos Burnsides           2.50
250                Jack Burtwell                   1.00
72                  Est. M. Donovan              4.00
117                 Jno. M. Davis     
118                 "                                   12.50
164                Dilsey Gray                      2.50
8                   Humphrey Hardy              8.00
Part 368         Mrs. M. P. Morrow            12.50
267                Rob't McCorstin               3.50
253                Martha Mitchell                 "    
254                "                                   1.00
363                Mrs. S. W. Probasco         3.50
277                Ruffin Donelly & Co     
75                  McCorstin & Co
                         1 billard table              7.50
W. E. Blair, Tax Collector,
45.-Prs. fee in each case 65 cts., per line.


TAX COLLECTOR’S SALE OF LAND. [Submitted by Lee Freeman; Source: The Florence Herald, Sat., July 6, 1889, p. 3]

I will proceed to sell, at public auction, on the 15th day of July, 1889, in front of the Court House in the city of Florence, Alabama, the following described real estate, as hereinbelow [sic] described, for taxes due the State of Alabama, and County of Lauderdale for the year 1888. To-wit:
          Mrs E S WOODALL-NE ¼ of SW ¼ , Sec 35 T 1 R 11 Taxes $1, fees and costs
          G B WATERHOUSE-Lots No 20, 21, 22, 23 [,] 24 and 30 fronting on Wills street Taxes $9, fees and costs
          Owner UNKNOWN-Lot No 494 Taxes $10, fees and costs
          George HANLEY-W ½ of NE ½ and NW ¼ of SE ¼ , Sec2 [sic] T 1 R12, for 2 years Taxes $3, fees and costs
          James O’BRIANT’s Est-NE ¼ of NW ¼ and NW ¼ of NE ¼, Sec3 [sic] T 1 R 12 Taxes, 80 cents, fees and costs
          Henry PIGG-S ½ of SE ¼ , Sec4 [sic] T 1 R 12 Taxes $1.60, fees and costs
          George WILLIFORD-SW ¼ of SW ¼, Sec 2 R 12; SW ¼ of NW ¼ 11 [sic] T 1 R 12,
          Owner UNKNOWN-Lot in Waterloo, bounded on East by POTTS on West by RICHARDSON, on North by TUCKER, on South by SULLIVAN Taxes 25 cents, fees and costs
          Owner UNKNOWN-SE ¼ of SE ¼ , Sec3 [sic] T2 [sic] R7 [sic] Taxes $2, fees and costs
          W P NEWMAN-326 acres, including Slough Island at bank of Elk River, described as follows, to-wit: Lot No 5 bounded on North by R D ANDREWS & CO, on East by Elk River, South by Tennessee River, on West by Lindsey WADKINS Taxes $12, fees and costs
          Owner UNKNOWN-E ½ of NW ¼ of SW ¼, and SE ¼ of SW ¼ , Sec15 [sic] T 1 R 1 R8 [sic], for 5 years. Taxes $5, fees and costs


Delinquent Tax Notice. [Submitted by Lee Freeman; Source: The Florence Herald, Thurs., July 21, 1892, p. 2]


The State of Alabama,
Lauderdale County.

Take notice that the Tax Collector has filed in my office a list of delinquent tax-payers, and of real estate upon which taxes are due; and therein is reported as assessed to the individuals named below, who are non-residents of the county, and to “Owners Unknown,” the following real estate, to-wit:

For Decree August 8, 1892.
            H. KRIESMAN [sic], 1 house and lot corner of Huntsville road and Athens street, ( Florence Beat ), taxes $18, fees and costs.
            Joseph WERLY, Stutts beat, 2 ½ of n e ¼, sec. 5, T. 2, R. 8; n w ¼ of n e ¼ of sec. 5, T. 2, R.8, taxes $1.08, fees and costs.
            R. W. TILL, Waterloo beat, n w ¼ of n w ¼, sec. 8, T. 1, R. 14, 5 acres of s e ¼ of sec. 1, T. 2, R 15, taxes $2.48, fees and costs.
            E. J. WHITE,Gravelly [sic] Springs beat, n e ¼ of s e ¼, of sec. 1, T. 1, R. 14, taxes 36 cents, fees and costs.
            E. M. SMITH, Gravelly Springs beat, s w ¼ of s w ¼of [sic] sec. 25, T. 1, R. 13; w ½ of n w ¼ of sec. 36, T. 1, R. 13; n w ¼ of s e ¼ of sec. 35, T. 1, R. 13; n e ¼ of s w ¼ of sec. 35, T. 1, R. 13; 156 acres of n e ¼ of sec. 35, T. 1, R. 13, taxes $1.80, fees and costs.
            J. T. MILLER, part of Market lot, taxes $5.18, fees and costs.

This is to notify you to appear before the Probate Court of said county at the next term thereof, commencing on Monday, the 8th day of August, 1892, then and there to show cause, if any you have, why a decree for the sale of said real estate should not be made for the payment of the taxes assessed upon the same, fees and costs.
                                                                                                J. J. MITCHELL,
7 21 3t                                                                                    Judge of Probate.

Tax Collectors Sale [Submitted by Lee Freeman on 2 Mar 2001; Source, The Florence Standard-Journal; Wed., Jan. 15, 1873, p. 3]

I will sell on Monday, the 20th day of January, 1873, in front of the Court House door in Florence,
Alabama, the following described real estate, for the payment of taxes due the corporation of the town of
Florence, for the year 1872:

Part of lot no. 73 assessed to Elwood Beadle, taxes                                $ 9  00
Part lots nos 54 and 346 asse'd to Geo Hart, tax                                      16  87
Lots nos 133, 134, 135, 136, 137 and 138 asse'd to T A Jones, tax                  40  72
Lots nos 157 and 158 asse'd to Wilson Southern, tax                                  4  72
Lot no 142 asse'd to Mrs. Ann Stevens, tax                                               3  00
Lots nos 55 and 56 asse'd to Z P Morrison, tax                                         4  00
Vincent Armistead, ( col, ) insolvent, tax                                                $ 3  00
Jack Boyd, ( col ) insolvent, tax                                                               3  00
Jas Barner ( col ) insolvent, tax                                                               3  00
Jos Brown ( col ) insolvent, tax                                                               3  00
T E Brown, insolvent, tax                                                                       3  00
W D Crow, insolvent, tax                                                                       3  00
John Delo, insolvent, tax                                                                       3  00
Henry Ellis, insolvent, tax                                                                      3  00
Ed Foster [col] insolvent, tax                                                                 3  00
R W Foster, insolvent, tax                                                                     3  00
Wm Goodloe [ col ) insolvent, tax                                                          3  00
Wm Harris ( col ] insolvent, tax                                                             3  00
Ralph Hargraves [ colored ) insolvent, tax                                              3  00
Frank Hyde, insolvent, tax                                                                   3  00
Herbert Rowland [ colored ) insolvent, tax                                             3  00
Geo Holt [ col ] insolvent, tax                                                               3  00
Pony Irvine [ col ) insolvent, tax                                                           3  00
Constance Jackson, [col] insolvent, tax                                                  3  00
Hilliard Johnson ( colored ] insolvent, tax                                              3  00
Kirk Johnson [col] insolvent tax                                                           3  00
Bill Kennedy [ col ) insolvent, tax                                                         3  00
Jas C Kendrick, insolvent, tax                                                              3  00
Alfred Mitchell ( col ) insolvent, tax                                                      3  00
F O Morrison, insolvent, tax                                                                3  00
H T Morrison, insolvent, tax                                                                3  00
John Pettus ( col ] insolvent, tax                                                         3  00
Rush Patton ( col ] insolvent, tax                                                        3  00
Ed Rivers ( col ] insolvent, tax                                                            3  00
Bill Sanders ( col ] insolvent, tax                                                         3  00
Tom Wise [ col ) insolvent, tax                                                           3  00
Wm Wade [ col ) insolvent, tax                                                          3  00
Dave Wade [ col ] insolvent tax                                                          3  00
                                         ED. BLAIR,
      [ Jan 8, 1873. ]                 Tax Collector.



Tax Collector's Sale On Tuesday, May the 26th, '74. [Contributed by Lee Freeman 2 Mar 2001; The Florence Standard-Journal, Wed., Apr. 29, 1874, p. 3]


By ED BLAIR, City Tax Collector Part of lot 143, asse'd to Celest Allen, tax $ 3 75 Lot 74, asse'd to Elwood Beadle, tax 6 00 Part of lot 271, asse'd to Simon Callahan's estate, tax 3 00 Part of lot 364, asses'd to Mrs. Louisa Glenn, tax 5 25 Lot 204 asse'd to Walter Glenn, tax 37 Part of lot 147, asse'd to Ed Hart, tax 5 25 Lots 153, 154, 155, 156, 177, 183, and 230, asse'd to Saml Hyde, tax 10 50 Lots 121, 209, 210, 211, 212, 269, 270, 271, 272, 274, 313, 314, 324 and 375, asse'd to Malcolm Hannah, tax 52 50 Papt [sic] of lot 315, assessed to Willis Marks, tax 75 Part of lot 363, asse'd to Mrs. S. W. Probasco, tax 7 50 Part of lot 277, asse'd to Ruffin, Donally & Co., tax 1 13 Part of lot 52, asse'd to Richards, expenses 25 00 Lots 225 and 226, asse'd to Abram Streiter**, tax 6 75 Lots 157 and 158, asse'd to Wilson Southern, tax 1 75 Part of lot 364, asse'd to Alex H. Wood's estate, tax 13 50 List of unpaid taxes, no property found : Barnes & Norvell 2 25 Milton Brown, col 3 00 Wm Campbell, col 3 00 Peter Duckett, col 3 00 Davis & Co 16 00 Spencer Ewing, col 3 00 R. A. Hester 3 00 Wm Harris, col 3 00 Pony Irvine, col 3 00 Hill Johnson, col 3 00 Kirk Johnson, col 3 00 Geo. Key, col 3 00 Lawson Murdock, col 3 00 Rush Patton, col 3 00 Alexander Paraer, col 3 00 Ben Patton, col 3 00 Ben Reynolds, col 3 00 David Wade, col 3 00 John Weakley, col 3 00 Wm Wood, col 3 00 R W Foster 3 00 Henry Ellis 3 00 W H Francis, col 3 00 Henry Moore, col 3 00 N S Nye 3 00 Dan Parker, col 3 00 Reuben Walker, col 3 00 A M Parkhill 3 00 ED BLAIR, C. T. C. April 29, '74, 4t [**NOTE: Abram, "Abe" Streiter should be listed as "colored".]

TAX COLLECTOR’S SALE. [Contributed by Lee Freeman; Source: the Florence Times, Sat., June 11, 1892, p. 3]

Lauderdale County.
   Under and by virtue of the decrees of the probate court made and entered on the 13th day of June, 1892, the undersigned, as tax-collector of said county, will sell in front of the court house door in the town of Florence, Ala., on Monday, the 18th day of July, 1892, and from day to day thereafter until the property is all sold, the following described real estate as condemned by said decrees of the probate court, for taxes and charges due thereon for the year 1891, to-wit:
George A. CLARK, s 1-2 of se 1-4 of sec 4 t 1 r 12; 1-2 of ne 1-4 of nw 1-4 of sec 3 t 1 r 12; 1-2 of nw 1-4 of 1-4 of sec 3 t 1 r 12; 1-2 of ne 1-4 of sec 35 t 1 r 11; e 1-2 of nw 1-4 of sec 15 t 1 r 8; nw 1-4 of sec 15 t 1 r 8; ne 1-4 of sw 1-4 of sec 15 t 1 r 8; sw 1-4 of sw 1-4 of sec 2 t 1 r 12; sw 1-4 of nw 1-4 of sec 11 t 1 r 12; lot 5 block 436; lot 2 Blair & Wood plat. Taxes $10.46 fees and cost.
Wade ALLEN, lots 14 15 blk 574; lot 13 blk 579; lot 22 blk 563; lot 12 blk 558; lot 24 blk 571; lot 21 blk 585; lot 14 blk 575; lot 7 blk 583; lot 12 blk 579. Taxes $36.50 fees and cost.
Anna HOLMES Rogersville beat se 1-4 of se 1-4 of sec 22 t 2 r 7. Taxes 32c fees and cost.
HILL & SMITH, lot 1 blk 577. Taxes $1.35 fees and cost.
Mrs. E A BENHAM estate, east 1-2 of lots 115 116. Taxes $54 fees and cost.
CRITTENDEN & SON, se 1-4 of nw 1-4 of sec 14 t 2 r 8; ne 1-4 of sw 1-4 of sec 14 t 2 r 8; se 1-4 of ne 1-4 of sec 23 t 2 r 8; e 1-2 of se 1-4 of sec 23 t 2 r 8. Taxes $1.80 fees and cost.
G W WAGNER Stutts beat, n 1-2 of se 1-4 of sec 30 t 1 r 9. Taxes 90c fees and cost.
WOOD & WALKER, Mitchell’s beat ne 1-4 of ne 1-4 sec 34 t 1 r 7; sw 1-4 of ne 1-4 sec 34 t 1 r 7. Taxes 72c fees and cost.
J T TANT, Mitchell’s beat sw 1-4 of se 1-4 of sec 24 t 1 r 7; 16 acres part of nw 1-4 of se 1-4 of sec 24 t 1 r 7. Taxes 50c fees and cost.
W R SMITH e 1-2 of ne 1-4 of sec 3 t 1 r 12. Taxes 72c fees and cost.
M C & F B THOMPSON nw 1-4 of sec 36 t 2 r 11; 20 acres of se 1-4 of sec 25 t 2 r 11.
F B THOMPSON lots 1 2 3 of lot 31.
Mrs. B L JONES lot 118; part of lot 117; 1-2 of lot 1 blk 2 Mitchel’s [sic] plat of lots 3808 [sic] 381. Taxes $72 fees and cost.
Jacob J BELUE, Lexington beat ne 1-4 of nw 1-4 of sec 6 t 1 r 8. Taxes 36c fees and cost.

Given under my hand this the 13th day of June, 1892,
June 18, 3t Tax Collector.

Tax Sales [Submitted by Lee Freeman;  Source: the Florence Times, Fri., June 3, 1898, p. 3]

State of Alabama,
Lauderdale County, To whom it may concern.
Take notice that the Tax Collector has filed in my office a list of delinquent tax payers and of real estate upon which taxes are due and unpaid the following real estate to-wit:
H. T. PATTERSON, 2 lots 50 ft each cor of Sweetwater and Cedar streets blk 202; 1 lot in blk 203, tax---
D. A. OVERBY, lot 7 blk 428 tax $3.90, fees and cost.
Nelson THOMPSON, part lot 356, tax 97c fees and cost.
Aaron LUMPKINS, lot 9 blk 350, tax $1.30 fees and cost.
Emanuel PORTERFIELD, 30 acres of nw 1-4 os [sic] se 1-4 sec 7 t 2 r 11, tax 97c fees and cost.
F. P. GREENWOOD, lot 12 blk 584; lots 19 20 21 blk 571; lots 9 and 10 blk 564 tax 78 cts fees and cost.
Alabama Land and Manufacturing Co., 120 acres pt of se 1-4 sec 6 t 3 r 11, tax $14.64 fees and cost.
J. E. LANKFORD, ne 1-4 of ne 1-4 sec 15 t 1 r 7; w 1-2 of ne 1-4 sec 15 t 1 1 7 [sic]: nw 1-4 of se 1-4 of sec 15 t 1 r 7, tax $4.46 fees and cost.
Julia KENDRICK, lots 3 and 4 blk 541, tax $1.30 fees and cost.
W. H. HOLT, lot 7 blk 95, tax 98c fees and cost.
J. H. CRANK, lot 11 blk 438, tax $1.30 fees and cost.
L. B. MOORE, 2 acres in nw corner 380 381, n 1-2 of lot 3 blk 400 tax $3.90 fees and cost.
J. H. WHITEHOUSE, lots 3 and 4 blk 427, tax $5.85 fees and cost.
Mrs. Helen WHITEHOUSE, lot 12 and n 1-2 of lot 13 blk 427, tax $13.19 fees and cost.
Bamberger, Bloom & Co., lot 2 blk 950 tax $1.30 fees and cost.
Jesse CARTER, part of se 1-4 sec 3 t t 3 r 11, tax 75c fees and cost.
Joe CLAIBORNE, 1-4 acre part e 1-2 of ne 1-4 sec 34 t 2 r 11, tax 75c fees and cost.
E. B. ELLIS, s 1-2 lot 1 blk 2 Mitchell plat 380 381 tax $2.28 fees and cost.
Nannie FLAKE, lot 30x 150? it [sic] in sec 3 t 3 r 11 tax 65c fees and cost.
Jim HOOKS, 65-100 acres part of w 1-2 sec 6 t 3 r 11 tax 52c fees and cost.
Florence Building and Investment Co., lots 17 and 18 blk 550, lots 25 and 60 tax $9.10 fees and cost.
Lewis MORRIS, C, n 1-2 of ne 1-4 of nw 1-4 of sec 16 t 2 r 9, tax 98c, also one poll, $1.50.
Mrs. W. T. McMAHAN, s 1-2 of se 1-4, and nw 1-4 of se 1-4 sec 35 t 1 r 7, tax $1.68 fees and cost.
James KELLY, sw 1-4 of sw 1-4 of nw 1-4 sec 33 t 2 r 7, tax $2.10 fees and cost.

Tax Sale. [Submitted by Lee Freeman, 2 Mar 2001; Source: The Lauderdale News, May 12, 1880, p. 3]

List of Corporation Taxes Unpaid.
    On Saturday the 22d day of May, I will proceed to sell at the Court House door in the town of Florence, county of Lauderdale and State of Alabama, to pay the taxes assessed thereon for the year 1878, the following described real estate lying in the corporate limits of said town and county and State, viz :

    Andrew Blair's estate, part lot 80            10  00
    Noah Barrett pt lot No. 257                    37
    Mrs. E. A. Benham pt lot 115                    7  50
    Mrs. H. A. Cross, pt lot 336,                     4  00 50
    J. J. Cross pt lot 67,                               25
    William Campbell ( col. ) pt lot 357          3  50
    Mariah Ewing lot 223                            2  50
    Mrs. L. J. Glenn part lot 363,                   2  75
    C. W. Helden, 384,                                12  86
    James Harvey 306                                38
    James Hogan, 163                                3  38
    Alex Jones, 60,                                    4  00
    J. O. Jones, 117,                                     8  00
    Henry Johnson estate 186,                    2  00
    Hilton Key, pt lot 52,                            8  33
    Robt. Key, 201,                                     1  00
    N. T. McKay, part lot 376                       9  27
    Wash McCorstin, 162,                           4  50
    J. W. McAlester, 198                             10  90
    Lawson Murdock, 206,                          8  35
    Mary E. Price, 125,                                9  00
    John Rapier's estate, 210                      1  00
    Florida Rolf pt lot 256,                         2  50
    Mrs. A. J. Rice, pt lot 383,                      10  00
    J. H. Richards, pt lot 53,                        2  50
    N. H. Rice, 386,                                  12  40
    George Schmidt, 104,                          3  62
    Abe Streiter, 225,                               7  00
    R. W. Simpson, col., 68,                      1  00
    J. S. Woodell, pt lot 365,                     6  25
    J. S. Wilson, pt lot 275,                       1  00
    Rube Walker, 240,                             4  25
        Sale in legal hours.
                        W. E. BLAIR.
        Tax Collector for said town.
April 21, ‘80.-5t.

NOTE: Alex Jones, Hilton and Robert Key, and Abe Streiter should probably be listed as colored. John Rapier should probably be listed as mulatto, or colored.

2024 by County Coordinator Patricia Bryant Hartley.

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