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1871 - 1910

Contributed June, 1999 by Lee Freeman


Lauderdale Times, May 9, 1871, p. 3

Sad accident.—Mr. La Bell a Canadian, who came to our town a year ago was accidently shot, and it is feared mortally wounded by young Bud Ellis yesterday. The shooting was altogether accidental. Ellis having demanded of La Bell his money, was playfully drawing his pistol, when it was discharged the ball grazing one of La Bell’s eyes and passing behind the other. Ellis was brought before the Mayor and discharged.

Lauderdale Times, May 16, 1871.

Dead.—We regret, with our entire community, that Mr. La Bell, who we mentioned in our last as being wounded in the right eye by a pistol shot is dead. He died on last Thursday, the ___, at 3 o’clock. His funeral services were conducted by the Rev. John B. F_aseu, of Huntsville, on Friday afternoon, in a very impressive and touching manner, admonishing all to be ready for death, as, in this case, it might come when we least expected. A considerable number of ladies and gentlemen were preset at the funeral and at the grave to pay their last tribute of respect to the memory of this unfortunat[e] man who had thus been suddenly snatched from home, friends and a loving wife’s embrace. What a fearful warning is this sad affair.

Florence Times & Journal, Florence, Ala. January 8, 1873, p. 3

Mrs Kate Davis, Wife of Mr. W. H. Davis of this place, died suddenly at the home of her father-in-law Mr. J. M. Davis, in Louisville Ky., on Friday, the 3d Inst. 

Mrs. Davis was on a visit to her husband’s relatives, and no doubt in the full enjoyment of the pleasures of the season when the angel of death laid his icy fingers upon her, and robbed her family and friends of their cherished wife, mother and sister. She was a lovely and accomplished lacy, and will be deeply deplored by those who enjoyed her friendship and acquaintance.

DIED—At the residence of John M. Davis (her father-in-law), in Louisville, KY., January 3d 1873, in the 28th year of her age, Mrs. Kate Pate Davis wife of W. H. Davis, of Florence, Alabama.

Highly gifted, accomplished, noble woman. She charmed all who met her with the elegance, beauty and refinement of her manners. She was blind for years, and bore her cross with that patience and cheerfulness which alone is God-given. In her was verified this truth, "They serve Him most, who best bear His mild yoke."

Taken from us suddenly, with scarce a warning, the sun of her young life had indeed set forever; leaving us in the gloom and damp of everlasting sorrow. The days which she has brightened still will shine, fair islands flowering in the sea of years.

She was endeared to a large circle of friends and relatives by a thousand ties too tender for utterance. May God’s mercy and comfort, like the dew of heaven rest on the bereaved husband and her children, upon whom this blow falls most crushingly. We have lost her. "death lies on her like an untimely frost, The sweetest flower of all the field." H. J.

At her residence near Waterloo in this county on Christmas night Mrs. Nancy Waters, aged 83.

Times and Journal, Wed. Jan 15, 1873, p. 6

DIED.—At Eastport, Mississippi, on Wednesday evening, the 8th instant, after an illness of ten days, Mrs. Kate E. Pell, wife of Mr. Lewis Pell in the 22nd year of her age. Mrs. Pell leaves a large circle of relatives and friends in and around Eastport that mourn her death.

At Saltillo, Tenn., on Saturday the 11th inst., James Thomas Clouston, aged 15 months and 5 days, son of Mrs. Annie E. Clouston, formerly of this place. The remains arrived here on the steamer Rapidan last Monday morning, and were interred in our cemetery.

DIED.—In Pulaski, Tenn., on the 28th Dec., 1872, Booker Shepard, an old and much esteemed citizen of that place. For many years he was a leading and useful member of the Methodist E. church, South, and died in the triumphs of the religion he professed. A good man has fallen, but his works will follow him. W.

Times and Journal, Jan 22, 1873.

MAN KILLED.—Week before last, a young man named Jehu Simmons of Wayne county, Tennessee, was killed eight miles from Florence on the Little Cypress road, by the falling of a tree on him, while sleeping in his camp. A limb of the tree struck his head causing instant death. The deceased and a friend were bringing cotton and marketing to Florence. A very large number of his friends, we are informed, attended the funeral, from which the inferences are made that his sad fate excited much sympathy amongst his neighbors, and that the young man was highly esteemed in his neighborhood.


DIED—In Florence, Saturday night, Julian Claton, Infant son of Mr. & Mrs. W. T. Price.


DIED—Near Lockhart, Colwell County, Texas, on the 10th of January, 1873, Mrs. Susan Ann Barr, wife of John Houston Barr, aged 38 years, 8 months, and 24 days.

The deceased passed away as only the Christian can die,--in the fill belief that she was prepared to meet her God in peace. The Grave had not terrors, Death had not sting, and the darkness of the valley of Death did not frighten her; she knew that these were only the gateway through which she must pass from this, a world of sickness, pain, disappointment, and death, to a "beautiful land of rest," peace and joy, where these things are "felt and feared no more." She cannot return to earth, but the stricken husband, the dear little motherless babe, and her many sorrowing relations and friends, who are left to mourn her departure, may go to her, whose happy spirit has "passed over the river," and is now enjoying the fulness of the reward prepared for all who hold out faithful to the end of their lives.  S. G. B.


Times and Journal, Wed, Feb 19, 1873

We regret the recent death of three of the oldest citizens of our county, who were, also, we are informed, good and true men. On the 2nd inst. Died Samuel Richardson, aged 65 years; on the 9th inst., Fountain Rodgers, aged 77 years; on the 10th George Simmons, aged 83 years. While these respected citizens had attained to the three score and ten of human life, it is natural that those who knew and loved them should deeply sorrow at the departure to the unknown bourne.


DIED.—Near Florence on the 6th inst., Mrs. Isabella Harvell wife of Mr. C. J. Harvell of this county. Mrs. Harwell [sic] ws born on the 22nd day of April, 1847, and was married on the 16th day of May, 1867. Mrs. Harwell professed religion in the summer of 1866, at New Hopewell Church, and became a very consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal church, South.

We were intimately acquainted with Mrs. Harwell and particularly so, since her attachment to the church, and from her pious walk, and close attendence to preaching, she give evidence of a true christian. She leaves a husband, three small children, and a large circle of relatives and friends, to mourn her loss.     An Acquaintance.

On the 3rd inst., at the residence of D. P. Yarborough, Cherokee, Mrs. M. Davidson, aged 24 years.


Florence Times – Journal, January 14, 1874

DIED.—Near Florence, on the 11th inst., at his residence, Dr. John M. Hood, aged – years.

Florence Standard-Journal, Web Jan 21, 1874

Mr. Howell Sledge died in this county on the 11th inst.

DIED.—Macauley, in Liverpool, England on 22d inst., at 6 o’clock. P. M. James Auley Macaulay, aged fifty-one years, a member of the firm of Hunt & Macauley, of this city, and of R. A. Curd & Co., Liverpool. James A. Macauley, resided for several years, during his early manhood in Florence; he afterwards removed to Louisville; thence to New Orleans where he was a partner in the firm of Hunt & Macaulay; on the death of R. A. Curd, in Liverpool, he was compelled to remove to that city in order to take charge of the extensive business business [sic] of R. A. Curd & Co.; with which he was connected.
Mr. Macaulay was much beloved and respected in Florence: he was noted for is Literary and Commercial intelligence;--his creed was "Good Will to all men." Kindness and Charity to the distressed; duty to his family; and fidelity to his friends.


DIED.—At the residence of Mrs. John M. Hood, on the 27th January, Clinton Heslep, Jr., aged 30 years.

In Memphis Tenn, on the 26th instant, Mrs.Chas. Phillips, nee Andrews.


Florence Times—Journal, Wed., Feb. 4, 1874

Bowmer Serena Chamberlin, daughter of J. M. & M. E. S. Chamberlin, was born February 22, 1870, and died January 21, 1874.
A quiet, beautiful and good child was litder[?little?] Bowmer, the first, and therefore the dearest treasure, of her bereaved parents. [Long paragraph of condolence follows.]

Florence Times—Journal, Wed. Feb. 18, 1874.

DIED.—At the residence of L. C. Moore, near Florence, on the 10th instant, Abia Parsons, aged 75 years. Mr. Parsons was born in Virginia, in 1799. He was a resident of this county for a great many years, and was highly respected by all who knew him.

Florence Times—Journal, Wed. Mar, 18, 1874.

Mr. Phineas Thomas died at his residence in this county on the 13th inst., of meningitis.

Florence Times—Journal, Wed. Mar. 25, 1874

An old maid died lately in Virginia. Her name was Miss Bettie Kitchen, and she was noted for her good works. She was 122 years old.

Died.—Martin—On the 5th inst., Lou Ela, infant daughter of A. G. and L. A. Martin.

Florence Republican, Tuesday, May 12, 1874

An unfortunate colored man, named Davis, was drowned near the railroad bridge last Friday. We did not learn the particulars.

Florence Republican, June 2, 1874

Attempt to Murder.
A Young Man Cuts a Young Lady’s Throat.
Again the rude hand of a murder has been reeking revenge.
We are reliably informed, that on last Friday evening, about six miles from Courtland, an attempt was made by a young man by the name of Horn, aged 18, to murder a Miss Sheats, aged 14. It appears that Horn went to the house of the young lady’s parents, and soon after his arrival asked Miss S. to take a walk to the spring near by, when they reached the spring and had seated themselves, Horn proposed marriage to the young girl, which she declined to accept He then drew a knife and cut her throat. She gave the alarm by screams for help, her parents hearing her immediately went to her assistance, but too late; the bloody hand of the assassin had done its work. Her parents conveyed her to their home, and week and faint, she told them why Horn had committed the deed. Horn was arrested and lodged in the calaboose at Courtland, where he remained until about 11 o’clock, Friday night last, when a party of men assembled at the prison, opened the door and took the prisoner out and informed him that they were going to hang him. He then asked them to grant him time to pray; which they did. He fell upon his knees and prayed earnestly for his parents, but neglected to dedicate his own wicked soul to his Heavenly Father, for forgiveness for the bloody crime he had committed. Hanging was too light a punishment for him.

Florence Times—Journal, Wed. June 3, 1874

On last Friday night, James Horn was taken from jail at Courtland and hanged. He was placed in jail only that evening, charged with an attempt to murder a Miss Sheets, aged 14 years. If we mistake not, this is the same young man who was mixed up in some way with the Pillow murder. If memory serves us right, he was approached by the would-be-murderer, but refused to take any part whatever in the affair.

Florence Republican, Tues. June 9 1874

Mr. Samuel Martin, a soldier of the war of 1812, and quite an old man, died at the residence of Mr. James Oakley, in this county, on the 2nd inst. About one week before Mr. Martin’s death, he had come to Florence, and on his return home was taken sick and fell from his horse, and was found next morning in a very precarious condition, from which he never recovered. Peace to his ashes, and rest to his soul.

Drowned.—Gray Boyd, and two other colored men, went to the river, on Saturday morning last, to run a Trot-line, they had previously set out; when near the bank the the [sic] canoe capsized, and they all went out. Boyd, it is said , commenced swimming, and the other two supposed he would reach the bank without any trouble, but all at once he went under to rise no more. The alarm was given by the two who were with him, and a great many went to the river to find him. Several dives were made, but he was not found until Sunday evening. Unfortunate man!


Florence Republican, Tues. June 10, 1874

Mrs. Debbie Estepp, an old and highly respected lady, was taken suddenly ill, and died in three hours at her home in this county, a few days since.

We regret to learn of the death of Judge R. W. Walker, of Huntsville, who was one of the best lawyers in the South, a scholar and a gentleman, and was greatly admired by all who knew him.

Florence Republican, Tues. June 30, 1874

Died.—Moore.—On the 19th inst., at 2:40, a.m., at the residence of the Misses Cain, in this place, John N. Moore, aged 22 years.

Murder at the Colored Baptist Church.—At the colored Baptist church in this place, on Sunday night, two colored men, Cole Williams, and Simon Jackson, got into a dispute about a girl that both wished to accompany to church, when Jackson, stabbed Williams in the neck, severing the jugular vein, and killing him almost instantly. Jackson escaped.
Since writing the above, Jackson has come in and surrendered himself. His examining trial will come off today.

The funeral of Dr. John Douglass deceased was preached at his fathers house near Centre Star, in this county, by the Rev. J. B. Stevenson on last Sabbath. The Masonic burial services were performed by the lodge at Rodgersville and the one at this place, the Dr. being a member of the former. This was the last sad rites administered over the sleeping dust of a noble hearted, good man. The The [sic] Dr.’s universal popularity was fully shown by the large audience that had assembled to hear the funeral preached. The sermon was one of Dr. Stevenson’s best productions. After the services were over, all partook of the bounteous feast prepared for them by Mr. Douglass, there being sufficient to feed all and have plenty left.

Shooting Affray.
On Sunday last at about 6 ½ P.M. Maj. Jos. H. Sloss, shot, and it is supposed, fatally wounded Mr. Geo. Long, in Tuscumbia. While Maj. Sloss was in congress, Mr. Long circulated some slanderous reports about the Majors daughter; and when congress adjourned and the Maj. Came home, these slanderous reports were communicated to him, and the shooting above refered to is the result. Maj. Sloss was in the upper story of Warren’s Store when the shooting took place. He used a double barreled shot gun, loaded with buck shot. The shot struck Mr. Long in the hip, side, neck and head, and we understand the physicians say he cannot recover. Maj. Sloss made no attempt to escape, and is now under guard at his own house.

King (Col,) shot and killed---Ford (col,)

Christopher Tompkins Jr., was stabbed and killed in Frankfort on the 5th inst., by a man who was drunk

Simon Jackson, col, who killed Coleman Williams, col, last Sunday was a week ago, was held for trial at the next term of the Circuit Court, in the sum of $500 at his examining trial last Thursday and in default of bail was sent to the Tuscumbia Jail.

Florence Times-Journal, Wed. July 29, 1874

Miss Rosa Poe, late sister of Edgar A. Poe, died in Washington last week, age 68.

Florence Republican, Tues. July 21, 1874

Mrs. Susan W. Leigh, an old and highly respected lady was called from earth to a more delightful place of abode last Tuesday morning. Mrs. Leigh. has long been the highly respected, Christianly matron of the Florence Synodical Female College, and the young ladies who return here to school in September will surely miss the motherly care of this good woman. We unite with the whole community, in extending our sincere sympathy to those she left behind. Peace to her soul.

Florence Times—Journal, We., July 29, 1874

DIED.—Leigh.—In Florence, on the 14th inst., Mrs. Susan W. Leigh, wife of the late Wm. Leigh.

Tribute of Respect—The Trustees of the Florence Synodical Female College, hear with deep sorrow of the death of Mrs. Susan W. Leigh, late Matron of said college. 


For seventeen years she has devoted herself with unwavering fidelity, and christian conscientiousness, to the care of the young ladies of the institution, with a store of useful knowledge she was ever ready to impart instruction; with a tender interest in the young ever ready to inspirit them with their leaudable [sic] endeavors, [sic] and to warn them from the ways of evil; with an earnest piety ever cheering on to brighter worlds, and leading the way."

She has passed from her sphere but her name will ever be a word of grateful and tender memories in our college:
Resolved; That the Board of Trustees attend her funeral in a body.
Resolved: That these resolutions be spread on the Minutes of the Board of Trustees, and that the Florence papers be requested to publish the same.  R. M. PATTON, President of Board of Trustees.  R. T. Simpson, Secr’y.


Chas. Wilson, was stabbed and instantly killed by Simpson Dawson near Eufaula on the 10th.


Hon. Christopher Tompkins died at his residence in Franklin county on the 7th inst.


Florence Times—Journal, July 22, 1874.

Died.—In Lauderdale county, Ala., on the 22d July, 1874, Wm Tennent son of James and Cornalia Simpson, aged 8 months.

Florence Republican, Tues, July 28, 1874

Died. Simpson—In Lauderdale county, Ala., on the 22nd, July, 1874 Wm. Tennent, son of James and Cornelia Simpson, aged 8 months.

King—Near Lexington, Ala., on the 13th day of July 1874, Mrs. Millie E. King, aged 22 years, wife of James W. King.


Correction.—We are glad to announce that Hon. Christopher C. Tompkins is still living, and that the report of his death was not true, as stated in our last issue, But we understand his health is very feeble.


Florence Times-Journal, Wed. Aug. 5, 1874, p. 3

As we go to press we have the painful intelligence of the death of Dr. J. T. Hargrave, who died about half past seven o'clock this morning.

A Child of Peter and Mrs. Lizzie Broadfoot died last night, at 7 o'clock.

DIED--Williamson--At Bailey's Springs on the 31st ult., an infant son of Mrs. Williamson.

Mrs. Gilmer, of Decatur, was found dead in her bed, on the morning of the 3rd inst.

Florence Republican, Tues, Aug. 11, 1874, p. 3

DIED. HARGRAVES.--At the residence of Mrs. W. H. Mitchell, in this place, on the morning of the 5th inst., Dr. J. T. Hargraves. Florence has lost one of her oldest and best citizens in the person of Dr. Hargraves, he was an honest man, an excellent citizen and an eminent physician.

Florence Republican, Tues., August 18, 1874

--We regret to learn that Mr. Matthew Wilson, one of the oldest and most highly respected citizens of Lauderdale county, died at his residence, five miles east of Florence, Sunday night at 10 o'clock.

--We regret to learn of the death of Mr. John Baxter of Tuscumbia, who died last Friday of Apoplexy. Mr. Baxtor was well known in Florence as a jovial, whole souled agreeble gentleman, and his many friends here will receive this sad intelligence with regret.

Florence Republican, Tues. Aug. 25, 1874, p. 3

--An old man by the name of Hickerson, confined in Tuscumbia jail, died on the 13th inst. He and his son, being confined there for the murder of Turner, some time since.

Florence Republican, Tues., Sept. 1, 1874, p. 3

--We learn that Mr. David Stradford, who has been in very poor health for many years, died in South Florence on the night of the 28th.

Florence Times-Journal, Sep. 9, 1874.

--Demopolis, Sept. 1, 9 p.m.
About 9 o'clock on Monday night last, Mr. W. M. Lipscombe, ex-Revenue Collector and a Democrat, was found dead on the line of Clarke and Marengo counties. Mr. Lipscombe had been engaged in hunting up the leaders of the recent Chocktaw county riot, and it is believed that the rioters murdered him. The negroes are still under arms in Greene county awaiting the arrival of the Government supplies.

Florence Times-Journal, Wed. Sep 9, 1874, p. 3.

DIED: GRESHAM.--In this county, on the 3d inst., of bilious fever, Mr. A. J. Gresham.

Florence Gazette, Sat. Nov 27, 1880, p. 3

Fount Turpin, a negro man, was killed at his home near Waterloo recently, by unknown parties.


Florence Gazette, Sat. Apr. 1, 1882, p. 3

Jenny Brown, a colored woman, an old citizen of Florence, died Tuesday night, aged 58 years. Her disease was dropsy.

On last Friday, Sylvester Hargraves, a colored man of this town, aged about 25 years, who was with Dr. Brock, up at Decatur, was struck on the back of the head with a shovel, by one Frank Williams, colored, also of this place. His skull was crushed in, and he lingered till Monday morning, when he died. Williams narrowly escaped lynching, at the hands of the colored men present, but was finally lodged in Somerville jail. Sylvester was a peaceable, inoffensive man, and Williams is, we are afraid, "a very bad egg.". He is the same man who threw the large rock at Conductor Booth, some weeks ago; and came here with Carrington's Circus, some years ago, though he did not, unfortunately for us, leave with it. Sylvester leaves a wife and one child, Williams is unmarried.

A young colored man named Henry Blair, who went from here to Decatur, to work with Dr. Brock, returned home sick with the pneumonia, of which disease he died Wednesday.

Florence Gazette, Sat. Sep. 23, 1882, p. 3.

A little colored girl, Mattie Cook by name, aged 10 years, grand-daughter of Martha Cook, died here Tuesday, of typhoid fever.

Florence Gazette, Sat. Oct 28, 1882, p. 3

A colored girl, twelve years old, named Mahala Peters, was killed last Sunday evening, near Bethel church, in the Reserve, while returning from preaching, by a kick from a mule, which was rode by Grief Kernachan.--She was struck in the side, and died in a few minutes after being hurt. An inquest was held by Esq. J. R. Cox.

Florence Gazette, Sat Nov. 18, 1882, p. 3

On Monday morning at 3 o'clock, Rev. W. H. Ash, pastor of the colored congregational church of this place, died after a sickness of some two weeks, of an affliction of the bladder. He was born in 1847, in South Carolina. Moved when very young, to Providence, R.I. Took a college course in Lincoln University, and a theological course in Boston, Mass.-- He had been here about three years, and had always conducted himself so as to win and retain the respect of all our community, by his uniformly correct, unobtrusive gentlemanly, Christian deportment. No man in Florence stood higher than he, in the good opinion of the community , and no man in the South was doing more for the real advancement of his race. He was not only a man of culture but also of fine intellect. His body was carried to Montgomery, Ala., Monday night, where his father-in-law, a highly respected man, resides.

The Florence Times, Friday, 19 Oct 1900, p. 1

“East Florence News”
     Mr. George Walters died at his home near town last Thursday morning after a very painful illness of several months. Mr. Walters was one of the most industrious and successful farmers in the county.

     Miss Maggie Dugger while visiting her uncle, Mr. J. A. Dillon, was taken with fever several weeks ago and died Monday. The remains were sent to her father’s home in Nashville.

Florence Herald, Friday, Jan. 19, 1906, p. 3

The angel of Death visited the home of Mr. And Mrs. R. E. Lanier, of East Florence, the 25th of December, and called to the home above, heir little son, Homer, aged three years, eleven months and seven days…

Florence Herald, Friday, Jan. 19, 1906, p. 4. 

Dr. John G. Frierson, of Mt. Pleasant Tenn., who spent his boyhood and young manhood in this city, died a few days since at his home in Mt. Pleasant, of pneumonia. Dr. Frierson had been in declining health for several years, and had not the strength to resist the disease which attacked both lungs. He was an occasional visitor here to his old college chums, Jas. W. Milner and R. T. Simpson Jr., during the last few years of his life, and was well known by our people, who extend sympathy to his wife, who survives him.

Florence Herald, Friday, Jan. 19, 1906, p. 6

WRIGHT [Community News]
Health is very good here.
Charlie Dean and Ed Sharp had a little difficulty Christmas day over a cigar, and that night Charlie Dean and two others went to arrest Sharp but failed. The next day they tried to arrest him and he started to run when John Dean shot him. He lived about a week, but his wounds were fatal and he died. His remains were laid to rest in the cemetery at Wright. Charlie and John Dean are in jail awaiting trial. We extend our sympathy to both sides. Christian Girl.


Florence Herald, Friday, Jan. 19 1906, p. 6

A Unique Character Dies At His Sheffield Home
William J. Davis, a pioneer citizen of Sheffield, and one of the most unique characters in this section, is dead, aged 74 years. The deceased was a Georgian by birth and served as a brave soldier in the Confederate army. He had a peculiar fondness for running for office, and was a standing candidate for county representative, having also entered the contest for mayor of Sheffield at one or more times. He was a Zionite in religion, and always enthusiastic when discussing spiritual matters, which he frequently did, privately and publicly. Everybody seemed to be acquainted with Mr. Davis and his eccentricities.

Florence Herald, Friday, Jan. 26, 1906, p. 6.

…..We are sorry to report the death of Mrs. Becky Ann Dial, who died at her home last week. She left a host of near relatives and friends to mourn her departure. A good woman has gone to her reward. Peace to her ashes. She is waiting for you, dear children, at the golden gate.

Florence Herald, Friday, Feb. 9, 1906, p. 6.

…Tom McClanahan died by his own hand by hanging himself in his own home last Thursday evening. He sent his wife away from home so he could be alone to do the awful deed. It was a surprise to all, for he was as kind an old gentlemen as one could wish to meet. The remains were interred with Masonic honors Saturday evening. We extend our hearty sympathy to the loved ones who survive him.

…..Another instance of self hanging was that of Mrs. Butler, of Pruitton, who killed herself on the 21st alt., She was alone in her home, and her husband upon returnin home and finding the doors locked, burst in and found her in the attic -- dead. She was buried on the 24th. No cause is known for the above two cases; perhaps they were not in their right mind.


Florence Herald, Friday, Feb. 16, 1906, p. 3

Death of a Christian.
Mrs. Maggie Flynt, wife of Morgan Flynt, died at her home near Oakland, Jan. 30, 1906, aged 44 years. She went blind 17 years ago last January. She was taken sick with cancer in July, 1905, and her suffering was great until the last. She leaves a husband, five children, and many relatives and friends to mourn her death. …

Florence Herald, Friday, Feb. 16, 1906, p. 4

Child Fatally Burned. Dress Catches Fire at Grate.
Last Sunday morning, Frank, the three-year-old son of Mr. And Mrs. Edward Craig, was fatally burned. Mrs. Craig had occasion to go into the yard, and while she was out of the house the child began to play in the fire. His dress ignited and soon the little fellow was almost wrapped in flames. He ran screaming to the back porch, where he was met by his mother, who smothered the flames. It was found that the left arm and body from the thigh to the shoulders had been the most severely burned. Dr. Blair was summoned and dressed the burns. Medical aid, however, served only to relieve the suffering and the little fellow lingered until Monday morning. The funeral services were conducted at the residence Tuesday afternoon by Rev. A. O. Price, and the interment was at Tuscumbia.--Shefild Reaper.

page 5
Death of Prominent Citizen of Sheffield
The news of the death of Mr. J. G. Aderton, in Birmingham, yesterday afternoon, while it did not create surprise caused profound sorrow in Sheffield. Mr. Aderton had been ill some time, and about two weeks ago he was removed to Birmingham to be operated on for cancer of the kidneys. The operation was performed eight or ten days ago, but the disease had too far progressed for medical science or surgery to overcome, and he gradually sank after the operation.
The remains will be taken to St. Louis, Mr. Aderton's old home, for interment. Besides Mrs. Aderton and their daughter, Miss Nellie Aderton, who were in Birmingham with Mr. Aderton the remains will be accompanied to St. Louis to-night by a number of friends from Birmingham.

Mr. Aderton was auditor of the Sheffield Cast Iron Pipe and Foundry company and also a director in that corporation…--

Sheffield Reaper

Florence Herald, Friday, Feb. 16, 1906, p. 6

Resolutions of Respect.
At a meeting of the Tri-city congregation of the B'nia Israel, held at Sheffield, the following resolutions were passed: "It is with the profoundest sorrow that we have heard of the death of the mother of our brother, Herman Nadler, in her far away home in Romania; therefore, be it Resolved, that we extend to Brother Nadler our heartfelt sympathy in this his sad bereavement, and we commend him to God, Who alone can comfort in such sorrow."  J. Spielberger, H. A. Wienbaum, Aaron Bresler, Committee.

Florence Herald, Friday, Feb. 23, 1906, p. 1

Kick of Mule Causes Death---
Of a Prominent Citizen of Lauderdale County and a Leading Mason---
Death Results in Short Time---
J. M. Pigg, Near Cypress Inn, Meets Violent Death While Visiting---
The sad news come from near Cypress Inn that Esquire Jasper Pigg, a prominent farmer, was kicked to death by a mule last Sunday. Mr. Pigg and family had been spending the day at the home of a neighbor's, John Lawson. In the afternoon Mr. Pigg went out to catch his mules in order to drive home. In going near one of the animals, Mr. Pigg received a kick in the stomach, from which he died in about half an hour. The body was taken home and prepared for burial. The interment was made in the Lawson cemetery, where the ritualistic ceremony of the Masonic order was held, he being the worshipful master of his home lodge. He will be greatly missed in the community in which he resided.


The Florence Times, Friday, Jan. 21, 1910, p. 3.

Aged Citizen Dead
Mr. James Hardwick, one of the oldest citizens of Lauderdale, died at his home, two miles north of Florence, on Saturday last, at the advanced age of 84 years. The interment took place in the Finn graveyard on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mr. Hardwick was one of our most worthy citizens, and after a long and useful life he has gone to his reward.

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