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Florence City Cemetery

Timothy McCord’s Eagle Scout Project    
Survey Completed August 2001 & Updated April 2016 by Robert Torbert; Data entry by Robert Ellington Torbert    

     Map of Florence City Cemetery    


Miscellaneous Photos of Cemetery


Cemetery Listing


The results of this survey were compared to the data presented in Some Lauderdale County, Alabama Cemetery Records, prepared by Jill K. Garrett and Iris H. McClain, and published in 1970. Where differences were found, a further field examination was done to ensure that the correct data is presented in this survey. However, the tombstone inscriptions included in the earlier book are more complete than those presented in this document. Where they recorded burials and tombstones not found in this survey, their information is included in Section X.    
Burials from 1985 - 2000, recorded in the Cemetery’s Interment Records, for which there are no tombstones, are recorded as Section Z. Some of these records provided more complete names than appear on the tombstones. This additional information is included within ( ); i.e. SMITH, John W(illiam).    
To aid researchers in locating specific tombstones within the cemetery, the map designates Sections (Alpha) and Subsections (Numeric); i.e. Section A, located next to the cemetery maintenance office, is divided into Subsections A1, A2, and A3.    
Rows are numbered from West to East.      

Section & Subsection descriptions are as follows:    
A1 is the North 1/3 of Section A and includes the area from Florence Blvd to the pathway between tombstones for Cook & Schmedlkofer next to driveway #1; and Thomason & Allen on the service road next to the Cemetery office..    
A2 is the middle 1/3 of Section A and includes the area from the above pathway to the pathway between tombstones for Rice & Young next to driveway #1 and between Allen & Lyles next to the service road.    
A3 is the South 1/3 of Section A and includes the area from A2 to the College Street Extension.    
B1 is the North 1/4 of Section B and covers the area from College Street Extension to the pathway between tombstones for Moore & Winn next to driveway #1; and between Gusmus & Smith next to the metal buildings.    
B2 is the next ¼ of Section B and covers the area from the above pathway to the pathway between tombstones for Craig & Brannon next to driveway #1; and between Roach & White next to the metal buildings.    
B3 is the next ¼ of Section B and covers the area from B2 to the pathway between tombstones for Durham & McKinney next to driveway #1; and between Blackwood & King next to the metal buildings.    
B4 is the South ¼ of Section B and covers the area from B3 to Alabama Street.    
C is the whole area between Magnolia Avenue & driveway 2, & South of the entrance from Magnolia Street (driveway #11).    
D1 is the North ¼ of Section D and covers the area from College Street Extension to the pathway between tombstones for Thompson & Johnson next to driveway #1; and between Hoskins & Rutledge next to driveway #2.    
D2 covers the area between the above pathway and the pathway between tombstones for Moore & Young next to driveway #1 and tombstones for Largent & Kennedy next to driveway #2.    
D3 covers the area between the above pathway and Alabama Street on driveway #1 and the pathway between tombstones for McGuire & Davis on driveway #2.    
D4 covers the area South of D3 to the pathway between tombstones for Faulkner & Gamble next to driveway #2.    
D5 covers the area South of D4 to the entrance from Magnolia Street.    
E1 is the North 1/3 of Section E and covers the area from Florence Blvd to the pathway between tombstones for Puller & Richey next to driveway #1 and the tombstones for Ingram & Tease on driveway #2.    
E2 is the middle 1/3 of Section E and covers the area from the above pathway to the pathway between tombstones for Longcrier & Rhodes next to driveway #1; and between Beasley & Cunningham next to driveway #2.    
E3 is the South 1/3 of Section E and covers the area from E2 to the College Street Extension.    
F1 is the most Northern part of Section F and covers the area from Florence Blvd. to the pathway between tombstones for Crockett & Perryman next to driveway #2; and between Terrell & Russell next to driveway #3.    
F2 is the area between F1 and the path between tombstones for Wright & Tucker next to driveway #2 and the tombstones for Ray & Gregory next to driveway #3.    
F3 is the area from F2 to the pathway between tombstones for Lipscomb & Gamble next driveway #2; and between Pepper & Sharp next to driveway #3.    
F4 is the area from F3 to College Street Extension; and between tombstones for Angel & Moore next to driveway #3.    
F5 is the area from College Street Extension and the pathway between tombstones for Turner & Mary Lou Sharp next to driveway #2; and between Simpson & Roulhac next to driveway #3.    
F6 is the area from F5 to the pathway between tombstones for Sims & Nelson next to driveway #2; and the tombstones for Milliken & Jackson next to driveway #3.    
F7 is the area from F6 to the pathway between the tombstones for Wilson & Hannum next to driveway #2; and between tombstones for Bayless & Parrish next to driveway #3.    
F8 is the area from F7 to the pathway between tombstones for Hill & Stamps next to driveway #2; and between tombstones for Lewis & LeMay next to driveway #3.    
F9 is the Southern end of Section F.    
G is the whole area between driveway #2 and Soldier’s Rest, South of the entrance from Magnolia Street (driveway #11).    
H is marked as Soldier’s Rest and is bounded by Section G and a large tree beside driveway #11.    
J1 is the North 1/3 of Section J and includes the area from driveway #9 to between the tombstones for Young & Laughlin next to driveway #3 and between tombstones for Reeder & Johnson next to driveway #4.    
J2 is the area from J1 to between the tombstones for Stewart & Hawkins next to driveway #3 and between tombstones for Portlock & Young next to driveway #4.    
J3 is the South 1/3 of Section J and includes the area South of J2.    
K1 is the North 1/3 of Section K and includes the area from driveway #9 and between the tombstones for Kyle & Patton next to driveway #4 and at the Y created by driveways #5 and #6.    
K2 is the area from K1 to between the tombstones for Perry & Parrish next to driveway #4 and between tombstones for Joiner & Allington next to driveway #5.    
K3 is the South 1/3 of Section K and includes the area South of K2.    
L is the whole Section bounded by Florence Blvd and driveways # 3, 5, & 9.    
M is the whole Section bounded by Soldier’s Rest and the dirt driveway #12 to the lower level; the area being South of driveway #11.    
N is the whole area North of driveway #11 and South of dirt driveway #10.    
P1 is the North 1/3 of Section P and includes the area from the intersection of driveways #5 & 6 and between the tombstones for McAlester & Brown next to driveway #5 and between tombstones for Lanier & McAlexander next to driveway #6.    
P2 is the middle 1/3 of Section P and includes the area from P1 to between the tombstones for Hughston & Martin at the South end of driveway #5 and between tombstones for Pollock & Wood next to driveway #6.    
P3 is the South 1/3 of Section P and includes from P2 to the dirt driveway #10.    
Q1A is the North end of Section Q and includes the upper area from Florence Blvd to the intersection of driveways #5 & 9.    
Q1B is the lower area from Florence Blvd to the intersection of driveways #5 & 9.    
Q2 is between driveways #6 & 7, South of Q1, and between tombstones for Rhodes & Mitchell next to driveway #6 and from Kirby next to driveway #7.    
Q3 includes the area South of Q2, between Q2 and the tombstone for Brazell and a tree next to driveway #6.    
Q4 includes the area South of Q3, between Q3 and the tombstones for Simbeck & Mitchum next to driveway #6.    
Q5 includes the area South of Q4, between Q4 and the tombstones for Elliott & Greenhill next to driveway #6.    
Q6 includes the area South of Q5, between Q5 and the tombstones for Hinton & Robert Leach as seen from driveway #6.    
Q7 includes the area South of Q6, between Q6 and a line extending driveway #11 between the tombstones for Powers & Simpson as seen from driveway #6.    
Q8 includes the area South of Q7, between Q7 and dirt driveway #12.    
R1 is the North 1/6 of Section S and includes the area between driveways #7 & 8 to between the Rather Plot & the Hawkins tombstone next to driveway #7.    
R2 is the area between R1 and between tombstones for Key & Martin next to driveway #7.    
R3 is the area between R2 and between the tombstones for Liner & Ingram next to driveway #7.    
R4 is the area between R3 and between the tombstones for Clay & Wilson next to driveway #7.    
R5 is the area between R4 and between the tombstone for Harris and the Ingram Plot marker next to driveway #7.    
R6 is the rest of Section R.    
S1 is from Florence Blvd South to the 2nd large tree .    
S2 is the area between the 2nd and 3rd large trees.    
S3 is the area between the 3rd and 4th large trees.    
S4 is the area between the 4th and 6th large trees.    
S5 is the area between the 6th tree and the last tree next to driveway #8.    
S6 is the area beyond the last tree to the South fence.    
Section X -  See above.    
Section Z -  See above.    



Masonic = Masonry Order                   JA = January
Eastern Star = Ladies Masonic Order    FE = February
s = Son                                            MH = March
d = Daughter                                    AP = April
h = Husband                                    MY = May
w = Wife                                          JE = June
m = Married                                      JL = July
& = And                                           AU = August
md - medical doctor                          SE = September
Dr = Doctorate or MD                        OC = October
IBEW = Electrical Union                      NO = November
K = Korea                                         DE = December
V = Vietnam    
WW1 = World War 1    
WW2 = World War 2    
CSA = Confederate States of America    
PH = Purple Heart    
SS = Silver Star    
USA = US Army    
USN = US Navy    
USMC = US Marine Corp    
USCG = US Coast Guard    
USAF = US Air Force    
USAAF = US Army Air Force or Corp    
Pfc or Pvt = Private 1st Class or Private    
Cpl. = Corporal    
Sgt. = Sergeant    
Woodman = Woodman of the World    

2024 by County Coordinator Patricia Bryant Hartley.

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