Lauderdale County, Alabama
Jacob J. Veid
Contributor: Lee Freeman, June 16, 2005
Impressive Rites Are Held This Morning
Impressive funeral services were conducted at St. Joseph's Catholic church, Florence, this morning at 9 o'clock by Father Alfred pastor, for Jacob J. Veid, 73, prominent business man of the city, who died at Coffee Memorial hospital Tuesday morning after an illness of a week. Following the requiem mass at the church the body was carried to St. Florian and interred in the Catholic cemetery there, Brown Service directing.
Mr. Veid was taken ill at his home on North Cherry street last week and was removed to the hospital when his condition grew steadily worse on Saturday, but he failed to rally.
A native of Cincinnati, O., where he was born Aug. 2, 1862, Mr. Veid had made his home in Florence for the past 42 years, during which entire time he owned and operated the Florence Steam Laundry. He was a lifelong and devoted member of the Catholic church.
Surviving in addition to his wife, are three daughters, Mrs. A. O. Bragg, of Valley Stream, Long Island; Mrs. J. E. Anderson, of Sheffield, and Mrs. G. M. Martin, of Lake Charles, La.; two brothers, Charles and Edward Veid, of Cincinnati, and a sister, Mrs. Fred Hoyer of Oakland, Cal., and a number of distant relatives.
Jacob J. Veid
Active pallbearers were: F. J. Rebman, John Zender, Charles Negley, R. L. Hall, Robert Curtis and J. E. Anderson, Jr.
Honorary pallbearers were: Dr. A. A. Jackson, Dr. L. T. Young, W. H. Mitchell, Billy Brown, Hayes Hooks, Charles Haley, Harry Harper, Joe P. May and Frank Rasch.
Jacob J. Veid and his wife are buried in St. Michael's Cemetery, located in the community of St. Florian, Lauderdale County, AL. His wife, Margaret S. "Maggie" Veid was born 11 May 1862 and died 23 Oct 1951. According to the 1900 census of Lauderdale County, AL, their daughters were: Ella, born July 1888; Ruth, born April 1891; and Mattie, born June 1892, all born in Georgia.
Source: The Florence Times, 29 Jan 1936 (The picture and article came from one of the scrapbooks compiled by the late Oscar Lewis, editor of The Florence Herald. It was published in The Florence Times - Tri-Cities Daily "1818-1968 Sesquicentennial Edition", p. 20.)
J. J. Veid’s automobile was completely wrecked Friday night when it went over the curbing into the Tennessee River at Dam No. 1, just west of the railroad crossing on the Jackson Highway.
Will Pride, negro chauffeur for Mr. Veid was enroute to Sheffield to meet him on his return from Memphis at 11:55 o’clock. It was said that the negro was driving at a rapid rate of speed and was intoxicated.
He was fined $169.00 in City Court Saturday morning on charges of reckless driving, speeding, public drunkenness and driving while intoxicated. Being unable to pay his fine, he was put on the streets of the city to work out his fine.
Source: Florence Herald, Friday, October 15, 1926, p.1.