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MRS. M. L. LANDMAN (Contributed by Regina Kaye Grisham Sass; Source: The Florence Times, 20 Jun 1896)

Asleep: Death has visited our neighborhood again and on Wednesday morning, June 10, 1896, just at the break of day, Mrs.  M. L. Landman, one of the oldest ladies of our neighborhood, departed this life.  She had fought the battle of life for 78 long, weary years, and as the 79th rolled around, the death angel called her off the stage of action.  She was a devoted mother and an affectionate grandmother.  Her husband died several years ago.  She leaves children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren to mourn her loss.  While soul and body were separating and she could only whisper, she was heard to say: “I am happy, I am happy.”  To the sorrowing ones I would say, weep not for God knows best.  And ere long in the years to come you too will sleep in a gave on the green hillside: And I too as I gazed on the pale brown, thought of these lines:

            Hail, ye stranger passing by,
            As you are now, so once was I,
            As I am now, so you will be,
            Prepare for death and follow me.

Written by a friend Arthur, Ala


HERSCHEL LARIMORE BADLY INJURED IN AUTO ACCIDENT. (Contributed by Lee Freeman, 13 Aug 2006; Source: Florence Times, October 24, 1928, pp. 1 and 6)

[I]S BATTLING FOR HIS LIFE. [B]lood Transfusion Is Given In Effort To Save Probate Judge Nominee After Serious Crash Near Sheffield. Critically injured and with only at best an even chance at recovery, ac[cor]ding to physicians, Herschel Larimore, aged 54, Democratic nominee [for] probate judge, is in the Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital fighting a [brave] battle for life following his injury in an automobile accident about ? [o']clock this morning as he was returning to Florence from Sheffield. [The] accident occurred at the railroad underpass on the Sheffield side of [the] river, the Chevrolet touring car Mr. Larimore was driving being [wre]cked when the auto crashed into the concrete [base] of the overhead [crossing?].  Mr. Larimore's injuries [on?] examination at the hospital [revealed?] ? a [fractured?] skull at the [base?] of the [brain?], a fractured jaw[bone], badly [lacerated] knee, fractured right hip and several cuts and [abrasions?] about his body and face. [Acc]ording to attending physicians [this] afternoon his condition was re[gard]ed as most critical.  Cause Unknown.  [T]he exact cause of the accident [was?] not learned this afternoon, Mr. [Lar]imore's condition being such [that?] he was not allowed to discuss the crash. One version was that another larger car was reported driven at a high rate of speed through the [und]erpass at about that hour and [that?] this may have forced Mr. Lari[more's] car off the road and into [the?] concrete base. [M]r. Larimore ? , as was his custom, had driven to the [F]lorence postoffice to get his mail then had gone to Sheffield [wh]ere he had been in the habit of [buying?] cream. He was returning [from] the visit to the dairy there [wh]en the accident occurred.   [S]hortly after the accident Percy skins, of the Florence Seed and [Feed?] company, who was driving [tow]ard Florence from his home in [Tu]scumbia, went to the rescue of [Mr.] Larimore. G. E. Pickens also [drov]e up and together they aided in [ext]ricating Mr. Larimore from the [wre]ckage of the auto. Fielder's am[bul]ance was called and conveyed [the] injured man to the hospital.  Transfusion Made. When examination revealed the gravity of the injuries, physicians decided on a blood transfusion operation. There were a number of Florence persons who volunteered to give blood to aid in saving Mr. Larimore's life. A. M. Brown, of Brown's barber shop, East Tennessee Street, was selected after tests and a pint of blood was given the injured man, Mr. Brown volunteering to give as much as the doctors thought necessary. Mr. Larimore was reported to have partially regained consciousness during this operation and to have recognized Rev. Lucien Malone, rector of Trinity Episcopal church, and other friends who were by his side. Judge J. L. Hughston, who had been summoned after the accident, this afternoon called Mr. Larimore's daughter, Miss Myra Larimore, at Bowling Green, Ky., where she is a teacher, telling her of her father's serious condition and asking her to return home at once.  The accident caused widespread expressions of sorrow throughout the entire city today as news of the crash spread rapidly. When it was known that blodd was needed for a transfusion, the numberof [sic] eager volunteers, practically all of them close friends of Mr. Larimore, crowded forward to offer their help.

DEATH COMES TO LARIMORE IN HOSPITAL (Contributed by Lee Freeman, 13 Aug 2006; Source: Florence Times, October 24, 1928, pp. 1 and 6)
Funeral Tomorrow at Poplar St. Church Of Christ.  Herschel Larimore, aged 54, life-long resident of Lauderdale County, former tax collector and Democratic nominee for probate judge, died at the Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital last night shortly after 9 o'clock from injuries sustained in the automobile accident early yesterday morning while Mr. Larimore was en route back to Florence from Sheffield. Despite the fact that Mr.Larimore had partially regained consciousness before his death, his injuries were of such a serious nature that he was not allowed to discuss the accident, but mechanics who exanmined the wrecked Chevrolet touring car after it had struck the concrete underpass between Sheffield and Florence stated to members of the family today that a locked steering apparatus was probably responsible for his crash. 
Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Poplar Street Church of Christ, with Rev. B. F. Harding, of Columbia, Tenn., former Florence pastor, officiating, assissted by Rev. R. L. Motley, pastor of the First Baptist church, and Rev. F. Lucien Malone, rector of Trinity Episcopal church. Burial will be in the Florence cemetery. Morrison & Phillips are in charge of arrangements.  Born In County. Mr. Larimore, who was born at Mars Hill and had resided all his life in Lauderdale County, is survived by his wife, one son, T. B. Larimore, of Washington, D. C., now en route to Florence: one daughter, Mrs. Myra Larimore, a teacher from Bowling Green, Ky., who reached Florence last night: a brother, A. V. Larimore, of Florence: two sisters, Mrs. J. W. George, of Florence, and Mrs. F. F. White, of Fresno, Cal., and his father T. B. Larimore, of Santa Anna, Cal. Previous to their marriage in Murfreesboro, Tenn., Mrs. Larimore was Miss Emma Hooper, of a prominent middle Tennessee family and she has many relatives in Nashvillle and surrounding communities. Mr. Larimore was formerly a successful farmer before his entry into public life. He was first appointed tax collector for Lauderdale county and then was elected to this same position for several terms. At the Democratic primary he was nominated for probate judge.  City Sorrowful. The untimely death of Mr. Larimore cast a pall of sorrow over the entire city and district Thursday as he was widely known and loved, and numbered his friends by the legion. Mr. Larimore was a past president of the Florence Kiwanis club and had for years taken an active part in civic betterment. His death last night followed the heroic efforts to prevent a fatal termination after the auto accident. However even after a blood transfusion operation had been performed yesterday morning at the hospital, attending physicians expressed fears that his injuries were so serious that death might be expected. Following the transfusion operation, however, Mr. Larimore was reported to have shown improvement, but this soon passed and he gradually grew weaker until death came shortly after 9 o'clock last night.  The list of pallbearers had not been completed at press time today, but were to be announced later.

Social Postponed (Submitted by Lee Freeman; Source: Florence Times, Thursday, October 25, 1928, p. 8.)
Out of respec[t] for Herschel Larimore, the Rebekah Halloween social, which was to be held at the Knights of Pythias hall, has been indefinitely postponed, according to an announcement by those in charge of arrangements.

DEATH SUMMONS HERSCHEL LARIMORE AFTER AUTOMOBILE CRASH (Submitted by Lee Freeman; Source: Florence Herald, Friday, October 26, 1928, p. 1.)
Herschel Larimore, 54, democrat [sic] nominee for Probate Judge, life-long resident of Lauderdale and one among the most widely known citizens of the county, died shortly after 9 o'clock Wednesday night at the Eliza Coffee Memorial hospital from fatal injuries, sustained in an automobile crash early Wednesday morning on the Jackson Highway between Sheffield and Florence at the underpass on the south side of the river. Shortly after the accident Percy Hoskins and G. E. Pickens, both of whom were enroute to Florence, and others passing by extricated Mr. Larimore from the wreckage. Fielder's ambulance rushed him to the hospital here.  Examination by a number of physicians disclosed his condition to be very serous. Every effort was made to save his life. Friends offered blood for transfusions. One was given him in an effort to overcome the loss of blood and a recent transfusion to which he submitted for the benefit of a sick friend. His injuries consisted of a fractured skull, fractured jaw bone, badly lacerated knee and fractured hip, also severe cuts and abrasions about his face and body.  As was his custom he arose early Wednesday morning, and after getting his mail went to Sheffield to buy cream, which was a practice of his. On his return home the accident occured. The exact cause of the accident is not known, however it is thought that the steering gear of his car locked, causing his machine to dash into the concrete base of the underpass. The car was almost totally demolished, the motor being pushed up under the front seat and the steering wheel through the top.  Before his entry into a public career Mr. Larimore was a successful farmer. After being appointed tax collector of this county he was elected to that office for a number of terms before being nominated for the office of probate judge. He was a past president of the Florence Kiwanis Club. He never let an opportunity pass to aid in any worthy civic undertaking that came his way. He was held in the highest esteem by a legion of friends who mourn his untimely passing and express deep sympathy to those surviving. Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Poplar street [sic] Church of Christ with Rev. B. F. Harding, of Columbia, Tenn., former pastor here, officiating, assisted by Dr. R. L. Motely of the First Baptist Church and Rev. Lucien E. Malone, rector of the Trinity Episcopal Church. Morrison and Phillips will be in charge. Mr. Larimore, who was born at Mars Hill, is survived by his wife, one son T. B. Larimore, of Washington, D. C., who arrived here last night; one daughter, Miss Myra Larimore, teacher at Bowling Green, Ky., who arrived here Wednesday night; one brother, A. V. Larimore, of Florence; two sisters, Mrs. J. W. George, of Florence, and Mrs. F. E. [sic] White, Fresno, Calif., and his father, T. B. Larimore, of Santa Anna, Calif. 
Active pall bearers are: John L. Hughston, Bradford Ragsdale, C. W. Young, H. P. Lucas, E. C. Till, W. R. Chisholm, A. M. Brown, R. C. Redd, E. G. Prosser and G. S. Taylor. Honorary pall bearers are: J. R. Patterson, Rogersville, Ala.; W. A. Pettus, Arkdell, Ala.; J. H. Belew, Lexington, Ala.; J. H. Chapman, Montgomery, Ala.; C. B. Smith, Montgomery, Ala.; Ernest Allen, Nashville, Tenn.; E. A. Henry, Birmingham, Ala.; N. C. Elting, Turner Rice, H. J. Willingham, Judge J. J. Mitchell, Charles H. Price, R. T. Simpson, Judge C. P. Almon, W. B. Brown, F. A. Nolen, O. C. Hackworth, Wm. Milliken, L. R. Timberlake, T. M. Rogers, R. W. Drane, Tom N. Smith, W. F. McFarland, Robert M. Martin, Albert Moore, all of Florence.

HERSCHEL LARIMORE DIES FROM INJURIES; BLOOD TRANSFUSION MADE IN EFFORT TO SAVE LIFE. (Contributed by Lee Freeman; Source: Sheffield Standard, Friday, October 26, 1928, p. 1.)
Herschel Larimore of Florence died Wednesday night about 9:00 o'clock, from injuries received in a motor accident Wednesday morning after every effort to save his life. There were a number of Florence persons who volunteered to give blood to aid in saving Mr. Larimore's life. A. M. Brown, of Brown's barber shop, East Tennessee street, was selected after tests a[nd] [a] pint of blood was given the injured man, Mr. [Brown] volunteering to give as much [as] the doctors thought necessary. Mr. Larimore was reported to have partially regained consciousness during the operation and to have recognized Rev. Lucien Malone, rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, and other friends who were by his side. Judge J. L. Hughston, who had been summoned after the accident, called Mr. Larimore's daughter, Miss Myra Larimore, at Bowling Green, Ky., where she is a teacher, telling her of her father's serious condition and asking her to return home at once. 
This was one of the most tragic occurrences ever in this district, happening Wednesday morning about 7 o'clock when the Chevrolet touring car driven by Mr. Larimore, of Florence, crashed into the concrete base of the railroad underpass on Jackson Highway, on the Sheffield side. According to information received, Mr. Larimore had risen early, as was his custom, had driven to the Florence post office to get his mail and then had come to Sheffield where he had been in the habit of buying cream. He was returning to Florence when the accident occurred. Percy Hoskins and G. E. Pickens arrived shortly after the accident and aided in extricating Mr. Larimore from the wreckage. An ambulance was called and the injured man rushed to the Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital, where a blood transfusion was made. Mr. Larimore's injuries, as examination at the hospital showed, consisted of a fractured skull at the base of the brain, a fractured jaw bone, fractured right hip and severe cuts and bruises about his body and face. The accident caused widespread expressions of sorrow throughout the entire city as news of the crash spread rapidly. When it was known that blood was needed for a transfusion, the number of eager volunteers, practically all of them close friends of Mr. Larimore, crowded forward to offer their help. Mr. Larimore is survived by his wife, one son, Herschel Larimore, Jr., of Washington, D. C., and a daughter, Miss Myra Larimore of Bowling Green, Ky. Funeral services will be held this (Friday) afternoon at the Christian Church [sic], Florence, with interment in the Florence Cemetery.

DEATH CALLS DR. LARIMORE (Contributed by Lee Freeman; Source: From the Florence Times-News, Monday, March 18, 1929, p. 1.)
Was Former Mars Hill Minister - Educator. Dr. T. B. Larimore, aged 85, former well known Christian minister and a resident of Mars Hill, father of A. Virgil Larimore and Mrs. J. W. George, of Florence, died this morning at Santa Anna, Cal., according to a brief received today by Mr. Larimore, which gave no details beyond the mere fact that the end came suddenly but peacefully. Dr. Larimore, who was born and reared in East Tennessee came to this section just after the Civil war [sic] and established a theological school at Mars Hill in 1869 [sic], where he educated many preachers in the Christian church. Dr. Larimore continued this school until 1885 [sic] when he went into evangelistic work, being well known throughout the south [sic] and east [sic] for his evangelistic labors. He gave up the general evangelistic labor in 1923 to accept the pastorate of a church in Washington, D. C. He held this pastorate until the fall of 1926 when he went to Berkeley, Cal., to accept the pastorate of a church there. Last fall, in December, he fell and fractured his hip but had apparently been recovering from this injury, leaving the hospital at Santa Anna last Feb. 3, and letters received since that time indicating that he was slowly regaining his health. In addition to his son and daughter in Florence, Dr. Larimore is survived by his wife and another daughter, Mrs. F. F. White, of Fresno, Cal. Arrangements for the funeral have not yet been completed. Another son, the late Herschel Larimore, also resided in Florence. [Note by transcriber: Larimore arrived in Florence in 1869 and opened Mars Hill in 1871, closing it in order to preach full-time in 1887.]

DEATH OF DR. T. B. LARIMORE. (Contributed by Lee Freeman; Source: Tuscumbia Times, Tuesday, March 19, 1929.)
Dr. T. B. Larimore, age 85, former well known minister and resident of Mars Hill, father of A. Virgil Larimore and Mrs. J. W. George of Florence, died Monday morning at Santa Anna, California, according to a brief message received by relatives.
In addition to the son and daughter in Florence, Dr. Larimore is survived by his wife, and another daughter, Mrs. F. G. [sic] White, of Fresno, Cal., [and] another son, the late Herschel Larimore.

REV. LARIMORE GOES TO REWARD (Contributed by Lee Freeman; Source: Florence Herald, Friday, March 22, 1929, p. 4)  
Funeral services for Dr. T. B. Larimore, aged 85, former resident of Mars Hill and well known Christian minister, who died Monday morning at Santa Anna, Cal., were held Wednesday in Santa Anna, Cal. Dr. Larimore was born and reared in East Tennessee. Just after the Civil war [sic] he came to this section and established a theological school in 1869 [sic]. This school was continued until 1885 [sic] when Dr. Larimore went into evangelistic work, being well known throughout the south [sic] and east [sic] for his evangelistic labors. He accepted the pastorate of a church in Washington, D. C., in 1923, which pastorate he held until 1926 when he went Berkeley, Cal., to accept the pastorate of a church there. Dr. Larimore is survived by his wife and two daughters, Mrs. J. W. George, of Florence and Mrs. F. F. White, of Fresno, Cal., and one son A. Virgil Larimore, of Florence. [ Note by transcriber: Larimore arrived in Florence in 1869 and opened Mars Hill in 1871, closing it in order to preach full-time in 1887.]

FORMER RESIDENT OF FLORENCE DIES (Contributed by Lee Freeman; Source: Florence Times, December 31, 1925, p. 3).

A telegram was received in Florence last Wednesday night announcing the death of Granville L. Larimore, age 54, former resident of this city, at Tampa, Florida, at 5:30 o'clock on that date. Mr. Larimore was the oldest brother of Herschel and Virgil Larimore of this city. He was born at Mars Hill. He left Florence in 1895 to enter the practice of law at Tampa. He was married and had two children. Funeral services were held yesterday and he was buried at Tampa.

Josiah Lindsey (Contributed by Cynthia E. Chandler, Aug. 2002)

Died at his home near Elmo, Texas on August 18th 1880, Deacon Josiah Lindsey in the eighty-fifth year of his age. Brother Lindsey was born near Raleigh, N. C. When quite young his parents moved to Lauderdale Co., Ala., where he experienced a hope in Christ in early life, and in August 1823 he joined the Old School Baptists at Mill Creek Church. On the 26th of November following, he was married to Miss Ritty Harder, who was at that time a member of the same church with him, and the fruit of this union were eleven children, all lived to be men and women, ten of whom are still living, seven daughters and three sons, nine were with him in his last hours. Brother Lindsey moved to Itawamba Co., Miss., 1837, he went into the constitution of a church there and was ordained deacon. In the year 1869, he with his entire family of children and grandchildren moved to Kaufman Co., Texas and he settled on the place where he died. During his life of 66 years as a Baptist, he has ever stood firm in the doctrine of salvation by grace. During his fifty-two years service as deacon he was always faithful to his duties. He leaves his aged companion, ten children and a host of grand-children and great-grandchildren, together with the church to mourn his loss. His funeral took place at College Mound Church house Aug. 19th, Elder K. F. Polk spoke on the occasion to a large congregation of friends and relatives, after which his remains were placed in the cemetery at that place. Irvin Hand, Elmo, Texas, Sept. 20, 1889

RITTIE (HARDER) LINSEY [widow of Josiah Linsey] (Contributed by Cynthia E. Chandler, Aug. 2002)

It becomes my painful duty to witness the death of my dear mother who departed this life January 22, 1897. She was born in Williamson Co., Tenn., March 8, 1807. She moved with her parents, James and Elizabeth Harder, to Alabama and married Josiah Lindsey, Oct. 26, 1823, Eld. David Landcaster officiating. All were Primitive Baptists. Her father was a preacher and he baptized her. She had serious thoughts about being a lost sinner at the age of 11 or 12. She joined the Primitive Baptist church at the age of 15 or 16; and she has lived a consistent member in full fellowship all along the line, ever ready to do her duty as near as she could and to advise and counsel with all that asked her, and did it with meekness and kindness. Her doors were always open to all the Primitive Baptists and to all she could aid. All that knew her loved her. She always filled her seat at church when she could: always stood firm in the faith and doctrine of the Primitive Baptists. She never wavered in the faith at all when the Baptists split. She was not sick very long. When death came she said “Jesus paid it all, and I am ready to go.” We could not understand all she said; we could understand, “Glory hallelujah, sweet Jesus” I feel like she fell asleep in Jesus. Oh! How much comfort it is to see our dear ones die in the Lord, and we can say “Thy will be done.” She was the mother of eleven children; eight girls and three boys. Five of the girls joined the Primitive Baptists, but two of them have gone on before her; and I have a father, mother and two sisters gone on before me, and I feel to have a hope that I will go to join that happy throng; The other children belong to the Missionary Baptists, except one, and he is not a member of any church. We lived with him. He was ever ready to take her to church when it was her meeting day. The children are all married but myself, and I was right with her in sickness and health for the last eight or ten years; and now she is gone. O! how lonely I do feel to go in her room, and her chair is vacant; and at church, there too is a vacancy that all the member see. But I feel like our loss is her eternal gain. Bro. K. F. Polk, the pastor of our church, spoke at the burial. His text was Rev. 14:13. Bro. Webb, pray for us that we may walk in our dear mother’s footsteps; and when death comes may we be ready to say “Jesus paid it all;” be ready to go and be with our loved ones that have gone on before. Brethren, sisters and friends, pray for me and my dear brother that he may do his duty and follow our dear Saviour in his commands. I feel so imperfect and weak; I need the prayers of all true followers of Christ.

     Lord let the merits of thy death
     To me, like them, be given;
     And I, like them will shout thy praise
     Through all the courts of heaven

     Bro. Webb, may the Lord Bless you for publishing such a good paper.

Remember me. ELLEN LINDSEY (Primitive Baptist please copy)


A Mother in Israel. In traveling to and fro, and up and down in the earth, it was our privilege to meet sister Rittie Linsey, living near Elmo, Kauffman county, Texas, with her son Robert Linsey, who is an old soldier of the cross. She is now in her 85th year. She was born in Tennessee; her father moved to Alabama when she was 12 years old; when she was 15 years old she professed a hope and joined Mill Creek Baptist church, in Lauderdale county, Alabama, and was baptized by her father Elder James Harder, in May 1823. In October 1823 she married Josiah Linsey, who was a member of the Baptist church. In 1836 they moved to Mississippi, Itawamba county; which was afterwards divided and they were in the new county named Lee. They lived in Mississippi until 1869, when they moved to Kaufman county, Tex., where they lived happily together until August 1889, when brother Linsey was called home, having lived together for 66 years. Brother and sister Linsey had born to them eleven children and raised them all. Nine of them are still living; the two that are dead and two others are Primitive Baptists and six of them are Missionaries. Sister Linsey is in very good health at this time and is strong in the faith. She has been a consistent member of the Baptist church for nearly 75 years, says she was a Baptist before there was any modern missionaries, and yet Missionaries claim they are the Primitive Baptists. Brother and sister Linsey joined Elm Ridge church when they moved to Kaufman county, Texas, where he membership is now. Eld. K. F. Polk is the pastor of this church. We delight to meet such faithful Baptists as sister Linsey and hear them tell of their travels and trials, and how God in his providence has cared for them. May God strengthen this dear mother in Israel in her old age, and give her grace for every trial, and she shall be called home. May she in the triumphs of a living faith pass over the river and enter into the joys of her Lord, where there will be no more pain, sorrow, sickness or death, and parting from loved ones as it is here, but where the redeemed will forever sing the praises of Jesus their saviour.

MRS. M’CORKLE IS TAKEN BY DEATH (Contributed by G. Kelley; Source: The Florence Times, Monday, 23 Feb 1948)
Mrs. George McCorkle passed away about noon today at the home of a son, D. M. McCorkle, at Cloverdale. Mrs. McCorkle lived in Florence for 37 years and for the past three years has made her home with her son in Cloverdale. She was a member of the North Wood Avenue Methodist church, Florence.  Surviving in addition is another son, Robert, of Karval, Col.; a daughter, Mrs. W. A. Mallory of Canyon City, Ohio; five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.  Funeral services will be conducted Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock from the Wesley chapel. Interment will follow in the Wesley Chapel cemetery. Brown Service, Florence, in charge.

George S. McCorkle Dies in Cloverdale (Contributed by G. Kelley; Source: The Florence Times, Thursday, 30 Nov 1950)
George S. McCorkle, 88, Cloverdale, died at his residence at 10 o’clock Wednesday night. He is survived by two sons, D. M. Cloverdale,; J. H. Darbal, Colo.; a daughter, Mrs. W. A. Mallory, Canon City, Colo; five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.      He was a charter member of the North Wood Avenue Methodist church of Florence.  Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock at Wesley chapel with burial in Wesley Chapel cemetery. Officiating will be Rev. A. C. Blackburn, pastor of the North Wood Avenue Methodist church, assisted by Rev. L. D. Howard, Cloverdale. The body will be at Brown Service Funeral home in Florence until Saturday morning when it will be taken to the home of D. M. McCorkle in Cloverdale.  Active bearers will be Floyd Fowler, Everett Fowler, Vernon Cash, Dalton Sharp, Coy Smith, and Herbie Daniel. Arrangements are by Brown Service of Florence.


Mrs. McCorkle (Contributed by G. Kelley; Source: The Tri-Cities Daily, Tuesday, 2 Feb 1965, p. 3)

Mrs. Mary Leola McCorkle, 80, Cloverdale, died at the residence Monday at 8:45 p.m.  She was a lifelong resident of Lauderdale County, a member of Cloverdale Methodist Church.  Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. at Wesley Chapel Methodist Church, Rev. George Bretherick officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery with Morrison –Elkins directing.  The body will lie in state at the funeral home until time for the service.  She is survived by her husband, David M. McCorkle; a daughter, Mrs. W. H. Kephart, Cloverdale; two sisters, Mrs. Clyde Austin, Cloverdale, Mrs. Bessie Dulin, Cloverdale; two brothers, Floyd Fowler, Florence, Everett Fowler, Cloverdale; a granddaughter, Mrs. Donald Perkins; two great-grandchildren.  Bearers will be Frank Dulin, Bill Dulin, John Dulin, Andrew Fowler, Dalton Sharp, Roy McCorkle

Mr. McCorkle (Contributed by G. Kelley; Source: The Florence Times-Tri-Cities Daily, Thursday, 25 Oct 1973, p. 6)
David M. McCorkle, 88, of Cloverdale, died this morning at Mitchell-Hollingsworth Annex. He was a native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County, a member of the Cloverdale United Methodist Church and a retired mail carrier and farmer.
 He was the husband of the late Leola Fowler McCorkle.  Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Henry Kephart, Cloverdale; a granddaughter, Mrs. Don Perkins, Cloverdale; two great-grandchildren; a brother, Herbert, Karval, Colo.; a sister, Mrs. Cora Mallory, Colorado Springs, Colo. Services will be conducted Friday at 10 a.m. from Morrison-Elkins Chapel in Florence by the Rev. James Webster and the Rev. Robert Craft. Burial will be in Wesley Chapel Cemetery. Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home of Florence directing. Bearers will be John Dooley, Bill Dooley, Dave Dooley, Frank Dooley, Andrew Fowler, Dan Richardson.

JAMES WILLIE McGEE [8 Aug 1891 - 27 May 1965] (Contributed by Frank WIlliams, 8 Aug. 2005) 

James Willie McGee, 72, Lexington, died at the residence Thursday at 6:45 p.m. Mr. McGee was a retired farmer, a lifelong resident of Lauderdale County, a member of the Baptist Church. Funeral services will be held at Mt. pleasant Baptist Church Saturday at 2 p.m. with Billy Rhyns and Lelon Oldham officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery with Beecham Funeral Home of Loretto directing. The body will remain at the home until one hour before the funeral when it will be taken to the church. He is survived by two daughters, Birdie Mcgee, and Mrs. Dessie Truitt, both of Lexington, Four sisters , Mrs. Eli Michael, Lawrenceburg, Mrs Bennie Goodwin, Killen, Mrs. Earlie Thigpen, Mrs. Arthur Thigpen, both of Lexington; nine grandchildren, three great-grandchildren. Bearers will be Waylon Truitt, Wendell Truitt, Donald Truitt, Gary Truitt, Merlin McGee, Roger McGee.

Winston and Bartley McGee (Contributed by Wendy Cabler, 19 Mar. 2005; Source: Florence Times, Feb. 2, 1904)

The Times has to report this week a sad case of death occurring near Killen, in which father and son died within three hours of each other, Mr. Winston McGee and his son, Bartley, being the victims of the grim monster. The deaths occurred Saturday night, the son dying about 9 o’clock and the father at midnight.  The cause of the father’s death was pneumonia, which carried him off after only a few days of illness; and the son died of consumption.  Both were interred at the same hour Monday morning. A wife and eight children remain of the family to mourn the great loss.  A large number of the friends of the family attended the funeral.


Excerpt on Winston and Bartley McGee (Contributed by Wendy Cabler; 19 Mar. 2005; Source: Florence Gazette, Feb. 6, 1904)

That is a sad case of affliction indeed that occurred near Killen Saturday night-father, aged 50 years, and son, 19, both dying within three hours.  To add to the distress, one or two other members of the family were ill at the same time.  The entire community were deeply impressed with the sad affair, and profound sympathy was expressed for the family.

Winston J. McGee (Contributed by Wendy Cabler)

On Saturday last, God in His wisdom saw fit to take from our midst, one of our best citizens, J. W. McGee.  He had been suffering for about a week of lagrippe.  Mr. McGee was born and raised in this State, and in early manhood he was married to Miss Bettie Billingsley, near St. Florian.  The union was blessed with 14 children, four of whom preceded him to the grave.  Mr. McGee was a member of the Christian church, and a faithful member, and a good man, who has gone to his reward.  To the grieved wife and children we extend deepest sympathy.  We say grieve not, for it was the will of Him who doeth all things well.  Live so you can have the hope of meeting him in that home beyond.  After services held by Rev. W. M. Bethel, the body was interred to rest in the burial ground near his home.  He leaves a wife and 10 children, two brothers, and a sister, and a large circle of friends to mourn his loss.

Mr. James Bartley McGee (Contributed by Wendy Cabler)

God also saw fit on the same night to take from this world of sorrow, to a home of brighter bliss, Bartley, who had been a sufferer of consumption for about a year, and took lagrippe, which was more than he could bear. Bartley was about 19 years of age and a good boy.  He was a member of the Christian church, having obeyed the gospel under Rev. E. C. Fuqua, July, 1902, and had lived a faithful member ever since.  How sadly he will be missed by this community.   He was willing and ready to die.  He called all his friends around him and told them that he wanted to meet [them] in heaven where sickness and death had no power. He called his friends had them to sing his favorite song, “Death is only a Dream,” and oh, how sweet it is to press the dying pillow and say death is only a dream, and that there is glory beyond the dark streams.  Dear mother, sister, and brothers, we say , grieve not; live to meet him over the river.  The rent in the earth will soon heal, but that in the hearts will never.  He is waiting for you all on the other shore. Written by his dear friend, D.C.W.

Mr. William McGee [son of J. W. and brother of Bartley] (Contributed by Wendy Cabler; Source: Florence Gazette, April 24, 1907)

Mr. William McGee, living on Brush Creek, near Killen, died on Friday night last, of consumption, aged about 26 years. He was unmarried, and had been confined to his bed a year or more. Three years ago both his father and a brother died the same night, and within the same hour, with the dread disease that carried him off. 

Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Billingsley McGee (Contributed by Wendy Cabler; Source: Florence Gazette, November 28, 1932)

There is a sorrowing family in this community whose name is McGee.  The widowed mother has seen an ocean of trouble.  First, in her girlhood days she witnessed the burial of her father and brother at the same time, and, I think, in the same grave.  She, Miss Bettie Billingsley, married Mr. Winston McGee, and a few years passed when Mrs. McGee was called upon to witness the last sad rites – her mother’s funeral.  [1901]  In January, 1904, her son, Bartley departed this life at 9:15 p.m., and just three hours later her husband was cold and still in death.  On January 9, 1907, her daughter, Mrs. Elzy Muse died, leaving some small children, whom Mrs. McGee took and helped to rear until now.  In April, 1904, I think it was, Mrs. McGee’s oldest son, William died, and on May 11, 1908, a daughter, Miss Chappel, departed this life, and after services by your humble scribe, her earthly remains were interred in the family cemetery, in the presence of many sorrowing friends. To the heartbroken mother and sorrowing children we would say, Sorrow not as those who have no hope.  It was the Holy Spirit who said, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints,” and “I go to prepare a place for you.”  (Psa. II6:15; John 14:2.)  All those whose deaths are above mentioned were members of the Church of Christ. In the short space of four years and four months, the graveyard in which Mr. McGee and son, Bartley, were first to be laid to rest, there are now 5 graves which mark the last resting place of a husband and father, two sons and two daughters.  Another daughter is not well by any means, but hope that she will speedily recover. It would not be treating Miss Ella Harris, of East Florence, right without mentioning that during Miss Chappel’s last days, Miss Ella came out to the country home and remained with the family, playing the part of the good Samaritan.  She has the good will of the entire community.  Thank you, Miss Ella.  Wm. Behel.

MRS. NORA RACHEL WILLIAMS McGEE [7 Sep 1895 - 15 Aug 1962] (Contributed by Frank Williams, 8 Aug 2005)

Mrs. Nora McGee Rt. 3, Lexington Dies at home. Mrs. Nora Rachel Williams McGee, 66 a resident of Rt. 3, Lexington, died 
Wednesday at her home near Lexington. Mrs. McGee was a native of Lauderdale County and was a member of the Baptist Church. Funeral services were held at Mount Pleasant today at 2 P.M. with burial in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Beecham Funeral home of Loretto was in charge. Surviving are her husband Willie McGee; one son Clellan McGee of Lexington Two daughter Mrs. Dessie Truitt and Miss Vertie McGee both of Lexington; Four brothers Virgil Williams and Roy Williams  of Lexington, Dewey Williams of Florence and Herbert Williams of Rome, Georgia; two sisters Mrs. Willard Brown, Lexington and Mrs Ruby Johnson, Lexington; nine grandchildren.

OBITUARY OF HUGH BLAIR McMAHAN (Contributed by  Mary Lu Nelson Johnson,, 132 Skyview Trail, Trafford, AL 35172-9288; Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, July 1, 1880, page 2)

"Rev. H. B. McMAHEN, the subject of this sketch, was born in Abbeville District, State of South Carolina, on the 27th day of July, A. D. 1804. His parents’ names were David and Sallie McMAHEN. In his early life his parents moved to the State of Alabama, where he continued with them until he was of age. He professed religion in his fifteenth year, through the instrumentality of pious training and by the direct agency of the Holy Spirit. He joined the Memphis Presbytery, as a candidate for the ministry, in McNairy county, Tenn., at its meeting in April, 1835, and was licensed to preach the gospel of the grace of God by said Presbytery, at Ebenezer church, Madison county, Tenn., at its meeting in October, 1839. He was ordained to the whole work of the ministry in Union county, Ark., by the Ouachita Presbytery in the fall of 1849. Rev. A. FORTENBURY preached the sermon, and Rev. J. F. KING presided and gave the charge. He continued in connection with this Presbytery until his death, which occurred at his home, in Columbia county, Ark., May 9, 1880. His age, at his death, was 75 years, 9 months, and 13 days. The most active part of his life was during the time he labored as a licensed preacher, and he often said, ‘This was the most useful part of my life.’ This was in the early days of our Church, when she practiced, and perhaps, adopted the itinerant system of work. He was, in the true sense of that term, a "pioneer preacher." He rode and preached in localities where society was scarcely organized. He traveled many of the circuits of Tennessee and Mississippi, while he resided east of the river. He came West with the tide of emigration in the year 1848. Here he was engaged in active missionary labor as long as he was able to work. He was the first Cumberland Presbyterian preacher in the State of Louisiana. Here he missionated and established churches until his removal to Columbia county, Ark., where he lived, labored, and suffered till he died. A few years after he moved where his family now resides he became sorely afflicted, his health became impaired, and he continued to decline until, at his own request, he was placed on the superanuated list. He never grew any stronger, but continued this relation to the Presbytery to the last. His style of preaching was not at all times pleasing; neither did he labor for that purpose. His commission was not to go and please the people, but to preach the gospel to them; and if ever uninspired man fulfilled that commission, the writer is of the humble opinion that Uncle McMAHEN did. He was not a pedantic preacher, but was grave, and seemed at all times to be burdened with feelings of solemnity. He felt the weight of the preacher’s responsibility resting continually upon him. He was not a stylish preacher, in the modern sense of that term, but labored, rather, to please God, save the people, and built up the Church. His manner of preaching was more forcible than it was persuasive. He was a modern Boanerges. He came like an earthquake, and mightily bore down all opposition, and by the help of God’s Holy Spirit, would force conviction upon the minds and hearts of the people. He preached the law of God, with its awful terrors, more than any other doctrine, and in this lay the reason of his success. Would to God all our preachers would follow his example in this more than they do. We would soon see the life and activity brought back to the Church that it possessed in its early days. But Rev. H. B. McMAHON’s voice is no longer heard amongst us – it has been hushed in death; yet he lives, and will continue to live, in the hearts and affections of surviving men and women. Does he not live in the affections of many of God’s people that now live, and did live, within the boundaries of what was once known as the Henderson and Perdy circuits in the State of Tennessee, and the Hernando circuit in Mississippi? I know he lives in the hearts of brethren and sisters in Louisiana and Arkansas. His burning words are still remembered; and though he is dead, he speaks loudly by the example of a pious life, and by his quiet submission to and Christian fortitude in bearing the nine years’ afflictions, which at last laid him in his grave. He leaves a loved and loving wife with five children at home, together with sons and daughters both in Texas and Arkansas, to mourn their loss. He was a good citizen, a good preacher in any place, and a good counsellor and presbyter. Like his bereaved family and connection, we miss him too. But we do not mourn for him as for one without hope, for father McMAHEN died as he had lived – a Christian. He loses the associations of family relations, and brothers for a time, and joins the society of the Master, angels, and just men made perfect; he loses the heavy afflictions under which he groaned so long, and gained a country where perfect health will be his portion forever. In a word, he is exempt from all the evil effects of a sin-blighted earth, and has gone to breathe the atmosphere of holiness and heaven.      ATHENS, ALA.

William Carson McMeans (Contributed by Paula Scales, 3 Oct 2000; Source: Florence Times, May 13, 1898)

Death of a Good Citizen. Rogersville, Ala. May 3, 1898. Editor-Times-Dear Sir: On last Sunday I attended the Funeral of W. C. McMeans at Hurricane Spring, 4 miles north of Rogersville, near his old home. He was highly esteemed by all his neighbors. The crowd in attendance was an indication of his many friends. Not more than half the people in attendance could get in the church, though there was the very best of behavior notwithstanding the immense crowd. Solemnity seemed to pervade the place, and the many friends of the deceased listened attentively to the preacher while he discussed the text from Job 14:14 "If a man die shall He live again". Bro. McMeans was in his 75th year, had lived a consistent member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church for 30 years. All who knew him loved him so far as we know. In his death the family has lost an affectionate husband and father, the church one of its most faithful members. We will not envy our brother his rest, as he has finished his work on earth, but we will follow in the way he has gone and we too, will soon be in heaven.  We tender our sympathies to the bereaved. Respectfully submitted by J. T. Fulks, Pastor

WILLIAM RAY McMEANS (Contributed by Marta Norton, 31 Dec. 1991; Source: The Denver Rocky Mountain News, Friday, December 31, 1999; Page 14B)

William Ray McMeans, 86, of Aurora [Colorado] died Dec. 18.  Services were Dec. 22.  Mr. McMeans was born in Rogersville, Ala., on Feb. 23, 1913.  He began his newspaper career at the Decatur Daily in Alabama and later worked in Denver at the Monitor.  He also worked for the Denver Mint and Navy during WWII.  He spent 30 years at the Dever Rocky Mountain News.  He opened Dow Jones Publications in the Denver area.  He spent 10 years with the Denver Downtowner, leading their circulation department.  Survivors include wife Barbara; sons Roger and Steven; brother the Rev. Charles; sisters Sylvia Skelton and Mary Sharp; a grandson.

Mr. John McMurtrey (Contributed by Judith M. Miller, 27 Feb 2001; Source: The Florence Times, 23 Nov 1895)

Mr. John McMurtrey, one of Lauderdale's oldest citizens, died at the home of his son, on Cowpen Creek on Tuesday night last at the advanced age of 83 years.  He had been sick some weeks, but up to his attack he was in robust health for one of his years.  He had been a resident of the community in which he died for a period of 60 years and always maintained the respect and esteem of the people.  He was an upright citizen and a good man. John McMurtrey, was the widower of Margaret Stutts McMurtrey and son of Matthew McMurtrey and his first wife, Ruth McDonald McMurtrey.  John  was born 2 Nov 1814 in Bedford County, Tennessee, and died 17/19 Nov 1985. He  was buried in the Stutts Cemetery at Milner's Chapel.    Judy Miller

J. M. Mitchum (Contributed by Debra LaMel on 8 Jun 2005; Source: Florence Times, 1-24-1902 Page 1 Under "Local News Notes")
Mr J M Mitchum of East Florence, aged about 60 years, died of heart trouble on Saturday night last. He had been in bad health for a long time. He leaves five children, all of whom are of mature years. [NOTE: His wife was Emily Jones Mitchum]

Mrs. J. M. Mitchum (Contributed by Debra LaMel on 8 Jun 2005; Source: Florence Times Sat 11-3-1894 Page 3
"Short Local News"))
Mrs J M Mitchum died at her home in East Florence Tuesday afternoon. [NOTE: Their Children: James Thomas Mitchum , Columbus Elder Mitchum (never married that we know of), Sarah Thompson Mitchum (never married) There are 2 other children Lula Arthur Mitchum Fulton and Minnie B Mitchum Bell for whom we don't yet have obits!]


Death Claims James Mitchum. Funeral Services Will Be Held Saturday Afternoon. (Contributed by Debra LaMel on 8 Jun 2005; Source: Florence Times Friday Sept 22, 1939 Page 3) 
James T Mitchum, aged 72, a retired Southern Railway employee died this morning at 2:45 o'clock at his home, 1806 Union Street, Florence, after a lingering illness. A native of Talladega, where he was born April 16, 1867, son of the late James Mitchum and Emily Jones Mitchum, the deceased had been a resident of Florence for many years. In 1933 he was retired by the Southern Railway after 35 years of service. Mr Mitchum was a member of the Central Baptist Church and of the Woodmen of the World. Surviving are two sons, Floyd Mitchum of Florence, and E L Mitchum of New Hope: two daughters, Mrs O F Romine, of Florence, and Mrs R L Putteet of New Hope a brother C E Mitchum of Florence three sisters, Miss Sarah Mitchum and Mrs Will Fulton of Florence, Mrs J D Bell of Birmingham and seven grandchildren.
Funeral services will be conducted Saturday afternoon at 2:30 O'clock at Central Baptist church with the pastor Rev J O Richardson officiting. Burial will follow in Florence Cemetery, Brown-Services directing. Pallbearers will be T P Anderton, Elmer Martin, Ellie Martin, Fred Adkins, Smith Milford and Andy Richey.

C E Mitchum Taken by Death. Funeral Services Will be Conducted Thursday. (Contributed by Debra LaMel on 8 Jun 2005; Source: Florence Times Wednesday July 8, 1942 Page 5)
Columbus Elder Mitchum, 72, 1210 East Limestone Street Florence, died at the home this morning at 7:30 o'clock
Deceased was the son of the late James M Mitchum and Mrs Emily Jones Mitchum. He was born in Talladega Co and moved to Florence at the age of eight, where he had lived since. Survivors are three sisters, Miss Sarah Mitchum, Mrs W L Fulton, both of Florence: Mrs J D Bell Birmingham: five nephews and four nieces. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock at Central Baptist Church. Florence with Rev Homer Britton pastor officiating. Interment will follow in the Florence Cemetery, Brown Service in Charge. Pallbearers will be J A Romiine, Homer Rickard, Will McDonald, J S Myrick, Ernest Romine and Mr Morgan.

Miss Mitchum Dies Tuesday (Contributed by Debra LaMel on 8 Jun 2005; Source: Florence Times Herald, April 10, 1957 
Miss Sarah Thompson Mitchum 83, of 1210 East Limestone Street, Florence, died at the residence at 10:40 pm Tuesday (April 9, 1957) Miss Mitchum had been a resident of Florence for most of her life, and a lifelong member of the Central Baptist Church. She had been in ill health for the past four years. Funeral Services will be Thursday at 2pm at Central Baptist Church with Rev M L Butler, pastor, officiating. Burial will follow in Florence Cemetery. She is survived by a sister, Mrs Minnie Bell, Florence, and a number of nieces and nephews. Bearers will be Homer McGollum, Nathan Rickard, J F Glasscock, J S Myrick, E F Martin Sr, Claude Stafford. Brown Service of Florence in charge of arrangements.

ROBERT E. MOORE (Contributed by Sandra Tidwell, 2007; Source: Times Daily, April 3, 1965)

Robert Earl Moore 409 Francis Ave, Florence died Saturday at 7:30 p.m. at ECM Hospital following and eight month illness. He was a native of Colbert County and had lived in Florence for 20 years. He was an employee of Union Carbide a member of the Church of Christ and a World War II Army Veteran. Funeral services were held today at Morrison Elkins Chapel at 3 p.m. with Robert Waller officiating; Burial followed in the Greenview Memorial Gardens. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Helen Moore, Florence, one son Robert E Moore Jr., Muscle Shoals, four brothers: Sam Moore, Tuscumbia, Buster Moore, Leander Moore and Lyndon Moore all of Sheffield, three sisters: Mrs. Lucille Bracken, Sheffield, Mrs. Leona Grimes, Leighton, Mrs. Doroth7 Willis, Los Angeles, California; one grandson. Pallbearers were James Frederick, Lee Wilson, M.E. Pratt, Billy Johnson, Wayne Slayton and H.D. Kennedy. Morrison Elkins Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. 

LEONARD MYRICK IS FOUND DEAD (Contributed by Elizabeth Claire Moore, Jan 2005; Source: Florence Times Daily
30 June 1941)
Resided Edgewater Beach. Funeral Services Held On Sunday Afternoon. Leonard Myrick aged 53, was found dead at his home at Edgewater Beach, Lauderdale County, Saturday at 8pm believed to have been caused by an acute heart attack.
Deceased was a native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Myrick, pioneer residents of the county, He was a member of the Church of Christ. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Daisy Myrick; three sons, Cecil, Charles and James Myrick, Lauderdale County; four daughters, Mrs. Zeb Hill, Lacy Springs; Mrs. Frank Macke, Miss Ruth Myrick and Mrs. G. L. Sanderson, Florence; two brothers Bradley and John Myrick, Florence; four sisters; Mrs. Minnie Wisdom, Killen; Mrs. A. D. Cooper, Mrs. Mary Lou Comer and Mrs. Granville Peck, Florence. Funeral services were conducted Sunday at 3 p.m. at Crystal Springs church, by H. B. Dodd, minister of the Church of Christ. Interment followed in the cemetery there, Fielder directing. Pallbearers: T. F. Foust, C. B. Foust, J.D. Foust, Roy Foust, Wylie Martin, and D. L. Martin, cousins.

Mrs. Lillie E. Myrick (Contributed by Judith M. Miller, 8 May 2002; Source: Florence Times 11 May 1917, p.1)
Mrs. Lillie E. Myrick, wife of Mr. Ed Myrick and mother of Mrs. Herman Old of this city, died at the family home in Green Hill beat on Sunday evening last, after a long period of illness during which her health steadily declined.  The interment took place Monday in the Baptist Cemetery.  Mrs. Myrick is survived by her husband and eight children, three daughters and five sons, to whom the sincere sympathy of a large circle of friends is extended.

NANCY MARGARET (McMURTREY) MYRICK [Mrs. Ben Myrick] (Contributed by Judith M. Miller,  11 April 2001; Source: Florence Times, 24 Feb 1911)

HINES. It is with sadness we chronicle the death of Mrs. Ben Myrick, which occured on the 14th of this month.  She is survived by a husband and eight children, two of whom are now quite ill, of pneumonia.  Our hearts go out in deepest sympathy to this grief-stricken family, and offer consolation to them; by having them look to the Great Comforter, who alone can help us bear the deepest sorrows of earth.  Mrs. Myrick, who was Miss Nannie McMurtrey, was reared near Green Hill, but was living on the Simpson farm near here when she died.  She was a faithful and devoted wife and mother; well-loved and respected by her neighobrs.  Interment took plates at the Stutts graveyard near Milner's Chapel. 

Nancy Margaret McMurtrey was the daughter of John Spinks McMurtrey and the former Mary Ann Myrick.  She was born 23 June 1875 and died 14 Feb 1911 (both in Lauderdale Co., Al).  She was survived by her husband Benjamin Myrick (born in Moore Co., NC) and eight children Willie Buford, Elvis, James Calvin, Annie, Ironia "Roanie," Mattie, Lessie and Homer, who was born a few days before she passed away.

MRS. SUSIE (RICHARDSON) MYRICK (Contributed by Judith M. Miller, Feb 2005; Source: Florence Times, 23 May 1941)

Mrs. Myrick, 47, Goes to Reward. Funeral Services will Be Conducted Saturday. Mrs. Susie Myrick, aged 47, died Thursday at 4:30p.m. at her home in St. Joseph, Tenn., after an extended illness. She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Richardson, and the widow of the late H. O. Myrick , St. Joseph; and the sister-in-law of Mrs. R. H. Old, Florence. Surviving: two sons, Alfred E Myrick , St. Joseph and Hugh O. Myrick Jr., Montgomery; two sisters, Mrs. Clarence Ethridge and Mrs. Bob Eastep, of St. Joseph. Funeral services will be conducted Saturday at 2p.m. at the Methodist Church in St. Joseph.

ED MYRICK CALLED BY SUDDEN DEATH (Contributed by Elizabeth Claire Moore, Jan 2005; Source: Florence Times, 6 Mar 1927, p. 2)

Ed Myrick, 78, of St. Joseph, Tenn., died suddenly at his home in that city Friday afternoon. Funeral services will be held today at 2 o'clock from the home of his son H. O. Myrick of St. Joseph. Interment will be in the Union Grove Cemetery there. Having lived in Lauderdale county for many years, Mr. Myrick was well known in Florence. In addition to his son H. O. Myrick, he is also survived by three daughters, Mrs. R. H. Old of Florence; Miss Myra Myrick of Florence; and Mrs. J. H. Joiner of Harrisburg, Ark. H e is also survived by three other sons Dr. A. L. Myrick of Desoto, Wis.; Lee Myrick of Beachcreek, Ky.; and Pet Myrick of St. Joseph.

Richard Olive Dead. (Contributed by G. Kelley; Source: The Florence Times, Saturday, 9 Jan 1897) 
Mr. Richard Olive, a citizen well known in Lauderdale, died at his home near Iron City, Tenn., on the 22d of December, aged 69 years, 10 months and 9 days. Mr. Olive was a good man, a firm friend, hospitable neighbor and worthy citizen. In his death his community suffers a severe loss. His kindly regard for a appreciation of The Times drew its editor warmly to him, and we lament with his family and his old friends in sorrow at his death.

DEATHS (Contributed by G. Kelley; Source: The Florence Times, Saturday, 9 Jan 1897)
Mrs. Olive, wife of Mr. John R. Olive, died at her home near Hope on Monday night last, at an advanced age. Her husband and two daughters, Mrs. W---- Olive and Mrs. Hugh Olive, are left to mourn her in _____ _____ [copy too dim to read.]

Death of Mrs. Richard Olive. (Contributed by G. Kelley; Source: The Florence Times, Friday, 15 Dec 1911)
Mrs. Richard Olive, eldest sister of our townsman, Mr. T. H. Anderson, died at the home of her son, Mr. W. R. Smith, at Cloverdale, on the 7th instant, in the 65th year of her age. The enterment [sic] was made in the cemetery at Wesley Chapel Friday afternoon. Mrs. Olive is survived by four children, Mrs. Cornelia Bevis of Waterloo, Mrs. Fannie Thrasher of Cloverdale, Mrs. George L. McCorkle of North Florence, and Mr. W. R. Smith of Cloverdale. She was a most estimable Christian lady, and her death is lamented by a large circle of friends and relatives.


Mr. J. C. PARKER (Contributed by Norma J. Fowlkes, 27 Apr 2005; Source: The Florence Times, Friday January 22, 1909)

Mr. J. C. Parker, after a long illness of paralysis, died at his home near Green Hill on Thursday of last week, aged 73 years, and his interment took place at the old North Carolina church. He was a brother-in-law of Mr. T. E. Jones, of this city , 
and was a good man.

DEATH OF MR. LUTHER PAULK (Contributed by Grace Wright Carver of Wayne Co TN) [NOTE: The following obituary was among the collection of Grace Carver's mother. There is no date or clue as to which paper this may have appear in.
He is listed in the Austin cemetery.]In the prime of noble manhood, surrounded by a loving wife and five sweet girls, Mary, Lizzie, Roxie, Annie and Ida, having his aged father and mother as well in his home, esteeming it the pleasure of his life to supply their every want, Luther A. Paul was summoned on Dec. 30th, to come to his reward. Mr. Paulk was a noble citizen, honest in his dealing with his fellow man, kind hearted, never allowing the least appeal for charity to pass without giving freely, a devoted member of the Methodist church, having served as steward for seventeen years, missing only three quarterly meeting during that time. He was taken violently ill on Christmas day and his family physician, realizing the seriousness of the case, advised him to be placed in a local infirmary in Florence, and upon bidding the loved ones good bye that day, he assured them that if he could not recover all was well with his soul; and a number of times during his illness he told his dear sisters Mrs. Linnie Haddock, that he wanted to get well for the sake of his family, but if it was God's will, he was ready and willing to go. Besides his immediate family, he leaves two half brothers, Mr. George Paulk of Walnut Grove, Tenn., and Mr. Barbee Lindsey of Oakland, Ala.; two half sisters, Mrs. Linnie Haddock and Mrs. Cal Terrell of Cloverdale.  The body was carried from Florence to his plantation home, where the funeral was conducted by the beloved pastor, Rev. S. W. Brooks, the stewards of the church of which he was a member acting as pall bearers. The interment was made at the Austin graveyard amid a large concourse of sorrowing friends. To the bereaved family is extended the sympathy of many friends.

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