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Marriages in Miscellaneous Newspapers

Contributed by Lee Freeman


SOURCE: Lauderdale Times & Journal, Florence, Ala., January 8, 1873.


Married—In the public road, near A. P. Reynolds, Esq., by the same on the 27th ult. Mr. Alexander Brown and Miss Amanda Kiddy, all of Wayne County, Tenn.


On the 29th ult., by esq. A. P. Reynolds, at the residence of the brides father, Mr. John W. Prewitt and Miss Sarah E. Peterson, all of this county.


SOURCE: Times and Journal, Wed. Jan 15, 1874, p. 3

We copy the following from the Tuscaloosa Blade. It is needless for us to express our heartfelt wishes for the happiness of this couple.


In the city, on the 7th inst., at the residence of Gen. S.A. M. Wood, the brides father, by Rev. W. F. McDonough, assisted by Rev. B. McCullum, Mr. Alfred B. Beall and Miss Rosa E. Wood – all of this city.
(We extend to the happy couple our sincere thanks for a bountiful supply of fruitcake and wine, and wish both groom and bride a long and happy life. Friend Alf. Beall has secured a great prize in his lovely young wife who is one of the fairest of Tuscaloosa’s fair daughters and she has married one of the most promising young men in the State. The joyous couple took the cars , on the same day of their wedding, and proceeded to Columbus Ga., where they will spend their honeymoon. After that, they intend going to Florida, on the upper waters of the St. John’s river, which they will make their future home. We wish them a safe and pleasant journey, and perfect delight with their new home, in the genial clime where the orange and olive flourish.


MARRIED—On the 25th ult., at the residence of H. C. Prewitt, by J. P. Bourland, Esq., Mr.Jno. N. Paterson and Miss Mary K. Prewitt, all of this county.


On the 30th ult., at the residence of J. P. Bourland, Esq., by the same, Mr. Huriah R. Olive and Miss Mary E. Shepard, all of this county.


On the 29th of Dec., at the residence of the Rev. T. S. Leavell, by the same, Mr. M. D. L. Garrett and Miss Salena Ann Fitzpatrick, all of this county.


Dec. 29, 1872, at the residence of the bride’s father in Wayne Co., Tenn., by Rev. T. J. Freeman, Mr. Solon L. Whitten to Miss Mary Ward.



SOURCE: Times and Journal, Wed., Jan. 22, 1873


MARRIED—At the residence of the brides mother, by Esqr. J. P. Bourland, Mr. Leander P. Shelton of Wayne Co., Tenn., and Miss Eliza A. Atkinson of Lauderdale County.


On the 24th, by the Rev. J. G. Gibson, at the residence of the brides father at Lexington, Mr. James Lovel to Miss Annie Morrison, all of this county.


MARRIED—At the residence of the bride’s father on the 30th ult., by A. P. Reynolds, Esq., Mr. Saxton and Miss Lucinda Gifford, all of this county.



SOURCE: Times and Journal, Wed., Feb. 5, 1873

Near the neighborhood of Centre Star in this county three elopements have lately occurred. Two gentlemen named King ran away with two ladies named Curtis, and this example was soon after followed by another happy couple, to-wit: Mr. George Richardson and Miss Rebecca Hindman.
We don’t like to interfere with arrangements of this kind, but we will hereafter insert, weekly, in our paper a paragraph that will hurry up all such transactions, namely; a list of marriage licenses issued during every week. Therefore when a fellow gets his "pair of license’ hereafter he’ll have to be in a hurry if he means to run off with the gal, or the old folks will get wind of the intended elopement. How would it do to publish this weekly list under the head of "Local Business?"



SOURCE: Times and Journal, Wed., Feb. 19, 1873.

Issued during February 1873, from the 1st to the 19th:


T. J. Duncan   Rosa Brown

Thorn Bynum   Jane Smith

W. J. Weaver   Martha Briggs

Cristopher C. Irion   Mary Chipwoad

Zachariah N. Isbell   Mary S. Cammel

Mitchell Compton   Mary Earnest

Jackson Webb   Mahala R. Moore

Jas. Butles   Ellen Burrough

Taylor Lucas   Helena V. Conly

Bayless E. Weathers   Mary E. Springer

Augtin Kirkman   Maria Jackson

Thomas A. J. Skipworth   Annie Rhodes.


On the 20th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, N. H. Rice, Esq., by the Hon. W. B. Wood, Mr. Thos. C. Bond and Miss Bettie Rice. 
A numerous circle of relatives of the happy couple, and friends of the bride’s parents, gathered about 12 M. to witness the marriage ceremony.—

On the same day at the residence of the bride’s parents, seven miles north of Florence, by the Rev. J. W. Whitten, Mr. A. J. Barks and Miss Virginia White.



SOURCE: Times and Journal, Wed., Mar. 5, 1873


MARRIED.—On the 17th ult., at the residence of Capt. O. S. Kennedy, the bride’s brother, by the Rev. Hardy _____, J. C. Klyce and Miss Mittie Kennedy.


From February 19, to March 1.


Jesse W. Bevis and Hester Lee
Thos. C. Bond and Bettie J. Rice
A. J. Barks and Jennie White
Tobias Whitsett and Charity Williams
Wm. P. White and Mary Ann Nations
Chisholm Butler and Sarah E. Jackson
Wm. Hains and Sallie Claiborne
J. M. Clyce and Mittee C. Kennedy


Married lately at Memphis, Tennessee, Mr. Wm. E. Blair, of Florence, Ala., and Miss Cornelia Snellgrove, of Memphis. Ed is a gallant fellow and deserves the pretty and charming bride with which he is blessed.



SOURCE: Florence Times – Journal, Wed. Jan 7 1874

Married. Dec 18th ’73, at the residence of H. T. Hayes, in this county, by the Rev. J. W. Whitten, Mr. Sm. M. Perkins, of Harden Co., Tenn., and Miss Linnie Hayes.


Married by Esq. J. P. Bourland, at the residence of the bride’s mother, in this county, on the 18th ult., Mr. Thos. A. Phillips, of Wayne county, Tenn., and Miss Emily A. Civens.



SOURCE: Florence Times - Journal, January 14, 1874


Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, on 31st inst., Mr. Chas. W. Phillips and Miss M. P. White, all of this county.
Married, Jan. 7, ’74, in Courtland, Ala., by the Rev. J. W. Whitten, Mr. Thos. B. Hazlewood, and Miss Mary C. Pippens.
Jan. 11th in this county, by the Rev. J. W. Whitten, Col. Samuel S. Ives and Miss Lou Kennedy, daughter of Rev. E. R. Kennedy.



SOURCE: Florence Republican, Tues. Jan 20, 1874


MARRIED. Seal—Southerlin.—At the residence of John S. Reid, Esq., on the 15th of January, by the Rev. J. W. Whitten, Mr. John F. Seal of Colbert county Ala., to Miss Fannie Sotherlin, of this county.



SOURCE: Florence Standard Journal, Wed. Jan, 21, 1874

MARRIED.—On the 15th inst., by the Rev. J. W. Whitten, at the residence of John S. Reid, Mr. John F. Seal, of Colbert county and Miss Fannie Southerlin of this place.


By the Rev. A. J. Walker on the 18th of January, ’74, Mr. Albert P. Denson and Mrs. Cyrene E. Olive; all of this county.


By the Rev. A. J. Walker, at the residence of Wm. Broadfoot, on the 28th of December, ’73. Mr. John Jemison and Miss Lucy Broadfoot; all of this county.



SOURCE: Florence Standard—Journal, Wed. Jan 21, 1874

Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, by the Rev. Jno. Walston, on the 20th inst., Mr. Wm. Holland and Miss Mollie Malone; all of this county.



SOURCE: Florence Times—Journal, Wed., Feb. 4, 1874

Married.—Olive—Poole—On Saturday, the 31st ult., in the public road, just beyond the Tennessee line, by the Rev. Mr. Bradley, Mr. Olive and Miss Peel, both of Lauderdale County.


In Gibson county, Tenn., on the 29th ult., by Wm. Duncan, Esq., Mr. Jno. P. Walker, of said county, and Miss Mattie R. Brown, formerly of Lauderdale County, Ala.



SOURCE: Florence Times—Journal, Wed., Feb. 18, 1874


Married.—By the Rev. J. B. Stevenson, Mr. J. M. Harrison to Miss Henrietta Mussulman, on February 12th; all of Lauderdale county.


Married, at the Methodist church, in this city, at 12 M., on Tuesday, the 10th inst., by Rev. B. F. Larrebee, President of the Tuscaloosa female College, Mr. E. Philips, of Meridian, Miss., and Miss Mary C. Benagh. (Tuscaloosa Times.



SOURCE: Florence Republican, Tuesday, Feb. 24, 1874.


Fort—Lybrook—At the residence of the bride’s father, Moses White, by the Rev. J. W. Whitten, on the 17th inst. Mr. Wiley Fort , of Hardeman county, Tenn., and Mrs. Elizabeth W. Lybrook, of this county.


Nicholson—Chisholm—at the residence of the bride’s father, on 22d inst., by the rev. E. R. Kennedy, Mr. Wm. H. Nicholson; of Lawrenceburg, Tenn., and Miss Mattie Chisholm of this county.



SOURCE: Florence Times-Journal, Wed., Mar. 18, 1874.


Married. Near Corinth, Miss., a few days ago, Mr. John Dela, formerly of Florence, and Miss Ida Anderson, of Alcorn county, Miss.



SOURCE: Florence Republican, Tues. April 14, 1874

Married. Moore—Denson—On the 22nd of March, at the bride’s residence, in this county, by Rev. A. J. Walker, Mr. C. C. Moore of Lawrence, county, Tenn., and Mrs. Elizabeth Denson, of this county.



SOURCE: Florence Times—Journal, Wed. April 15, 1874

Married, on March the 22d, at the bride’s residence, in this county, by the Rev. A. J. Walker, Mr. C. C. Moore, of Lawrence county Tennessee, and Mrs. Elizabeth Denson.



SOURCE: Florence Times—Journal, Wed. July 29, 1874

Married.—Phillips—McDonald.—On the 7th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, near Rawhide, Ala., Mr. David Phillips, to Miss Mattie McDonald. All of this county.



SOURCE: Florence Times—Journal, July 22, 1874

Married:--Moore—Hyde.—On the 25th of June in Evansville, by Rev. --------, Capt. J. S. Moore of New Orleans to Miss Eva Hyde, formerly of this city.

At St. John’s Church, Aberdeen, Miss., on 28th inst., [sic] by the Rev. Mr. Maybins, Professor W. D. Wills, of the State Normal School, and Miss Belle Adams were married. The ceremony was at 6 a.m.; 7 the wedded pair took the train for Missouri, where they expect to spend some weeks. By a residence here of three years and one year respectively, Prof., and Mrs. Wills have won the esteem of many of our Florence people. Many wishes for future prosperity have gone with them from this place, on their westward journey.



SOURCE: Florence Republican, Tues. July 28, 1874
Married.—Moore—Hyde—At the residence of Mrs.Sophia Gilman, In Evansville, Indiana, Mr. J. S. Moore and Miss Eva S. Hyde formerly of Florence.



SOURCE: Florence Republican, Tues. Aug 4, 1874

Married.—Wills—Adams—At St. John’s church, Aberdeen Miss., on 28th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Mabins, Prof. W. d. Wills, of the State Normal School, and Miss Belle Adams.



SOURCE: Florence Times—Journal, Wed. Aug. 5, 1874.

Married:--Hase—Roberts.—At the residence of Jas. R. Hamm, (and by the same,) on the 2nd inst., Mr. John W. Hase and Miss Susan R. Roberts were married.



SOURCE: Florence Republican, Tues. Aug. 11, 1874, p. 3

MARRIED. GOWER--HARRISON--In this county on the 65h inst., at the residence of Mr. Alfred Hill, by elder C. W. Garrett, Jasper L. Gower and Miss Martha E. Harrison.



SOURCE: Florence Republican, Tues., Sept. 1, 1874, p. 3

A Bit of Scandal spoiled.--A Mr. Luker, of this county was arrested on last Sunday night on a charge of an attempt to commit a rape on a Miss Mathena; on Monday Mr. L. was brought in for trial, and while the trial was in progress they compromised the matter by uniting in the hold bonds of matrimony, amid the shouts of the crown present.


SOURCE: Times-Journal, Sep. 9, 1874

THAT WEDDING -- Both Novel and Romantic. --
Miss Mathena, one Luker was arrested and brought before Esq. Taylor. The complainent was introduced as a witness; and notwithstanding her testimony made out a clear case of "obtaining goods under false pretenses," when a compromise marriage was suggested, she saw fit to accede to it. The license were sent for, and the Rev. J. W. Whitten, providentially happening along, performed the ceremony amid the cheers of some 200 people, whom the novelty of the affair had attracted. Since writing the above we learn that Mr. L. remained with his boney [sic] bride until the morrow and left for parts unknown.



SOURCE: Florence Times-Journal, Wed. Sep. 9, 1874, p.3.


MARRIED: REDFORD - HODGKINS. In the Eiscopal church, on the 3d inst., by Rev. Peter Wager, Mr. Francis Redford and Miss Lizzie Hodgkins.



SOURCE: Florence Gazette, Saturday, March 6, 1880, p. 3.


List of Licenses:
The following is a list of marriage licenses issued since our last paper.

George Blankenship and Miss Francis Moore, white.
J E Beck and Nannie L Embrey, white.
Nelson Swayne to Eliza Simpson, col.
Howard Foster to Lucy Hawkins, col.



SOURCE: Florence Gazette, Saturday, December 4, 1880, p. 3.

The following is a list of marriage licenses issued from the Probate office 
since November 6:

Alex B. Harvey  and  Ruthy J. Oldham
Geo Fleming  and  Miss Ella Williams.
J W Dickerson  to  N A Heffington.
R L Danley  to  Julia A Stutts.
Berry Dodd  to  Mary A Hamilton.
Thos Taylor  to  Milly Franks.
Ephraim Barnett  to  Louina C Ragle.
W B Lovett  to  N J Powers.
J B Kirkland  to  Joanna Lawson.
Carroll Tucker  to  S J Simpson.
James Powell  to  Nancy Reynolds.
Henry Killen  to  Susan Crow.
R M Wallace  to  H F Blalock.
J W Wright  to  Mary C Stutts.

Benj Ingram  to  Alabama Bourland.
Wm Jackson  to  Hannah Baugh.
Richard Lang  to  Ada Foster.



SOURCE: Florence Gazette, Sat. Dec 22, 1883, p. 3

Matrimonial. ------
The following couples have had licenses Issued to them since our last report, and we wish them unbounded success in their matrimonial alliances.

A. F. Lamar and M. A. Williams
C. L. Long and Hallie Ady
W. H. Stevenson and F. C. Ernest
J. P. Hurst and L. A. Walston
J. R. Oakley and S. a. Jackson
Jas. Lovelace and s. L. Duncan
W. J. Peeden and Ellen Peeden
S. M. Holloway and E. P. Flynt
W. C. Pitts and E. Thigpen
G. W. Mooman and M. Hamm
G. F. Rhodes and E. M. Boyles
W. M. J. Smith and M. A. E. Thigpen
R. S. Rutledge and M. H. Short
F. Mooman and Lydia Cox
C. F. Anderson and M. E. J. Johnson
J. H. Davis and K. E. Moore
W. J. Lefan and J. A. Roberts
J. J. Tune and E. E. Higgins
J. Creasey and S. A. Davis
Guss Coffee and R. Simmons
F. M Stowers and Mattie Pore
Ed Anderson and S. Chitwood
A. J. Wilkes and Mary Rhodes
A. Boddie and M. F. Johnosn
Chas. Polk and Fannie Anderson
J. L. House and N. A. Patterson
F. M. Brown and M. L. Brown
T. J. McCafferty and M. E. Pritman
J. M. Gifford and L. A. Jenkins
W. M. Irion and Mattie Holleman
J. W. Hipp and Sallie Copeland
A. J. Williams and M. J. Holt 
J. M. Phillips and Belle Gray
Geo. Boddie and Frances Proby
Martin Barton and Sallie Gill
John Eastep and F. E. Romine
J. B. Pelt and Lucy Riley
John Scott and Ella Lawlor
W. E. Whitten and Lizzie Cook
R. D. Whitten and Laroda Parrish
Jno. B. Price and M. E. Stutts



SOURCE: Florence Times, Friday, Dec. 29, 1899, p. 1

Marriage.--- Mr. E. A. Hamm and Miss Delia Hipp, of Smithsonia were united in marriage at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening, at the home of the bride's parents. Rev. R. M. Archibald performed the solemn rite in the presence of a large number of friends. At 9 o'clock the same night a reception was given the bride and groom at the home of the groom's parents, Mr.


And Mrs. A. J. Hamm, where mirth and happiness reigned until the hour of midnight. The happy couple have the best wishes of a host of friends, in which The Times begs leave to cordially join.



SOURCE: Florence Times, Friday, May 4, 1900, p. 1.


On Wednesday evening last at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Annie Williams, at Cherokee, Mr. Wood Smith, of Franklin county, was united in marriage to Miss Mary Gregory, daughter of our townsman, E. S. Gregory, Sr., Esq. On the interesting occasion Florence was represented by Dr. W. H. Gregory and Mr. E. S. Gregory, Jr., brothers of the bride, and Mrs. Jas. S. Kilburn and Miss Nora Kilburn.



SOURCE: Florence Times, Friday, May 18, 1900, p. 1

--On Wednesday, the 30th of May, at Greensboro, N.C., Mr. Edgar James of Florence and Miss Ava L. Pleasants will be united in marriage. A host of friends will rejoice and extend sincere congratulations and good wishes.



SOURCE: Florence Herald, Friday, Jan. 19, 1906, p. 8

Sentenced for life. [Marriage licenses.]

Eddie Scott and Annie D. Thompson
Edward Echal and Annie Schmidelkorfer
Jas. Gibson and Ella Baker
Logan Mitchell and Fannie Martin
M. B. Robinson and Joe White
Leonard Bumpus and Annie Smith
Dave Call and Lena Melton
Arthur Glass and Sadie Holden
J. B. Bonner and Lulu Childers
Jas. Weaver and Oakley Darby



SOURCE: The Florence Times, Friday, Jan 7, 1910.



Married, at the home of the bride, Mr. And Mrs. J. w. Thomas, on Royal avenue, North Florence, Miss Carrie Thomas and Mr. Arthur Chandler, Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 28th, at one-thirty o'clock, Rev. Mr. Parrish officiating… The bride is a young lady of great popularity. The groom is a prominent merchant of Gravelly springs and is very popular in the community… after visiting some of the prominent northern cities, they will be at home to their friends at Gravelly Springs.


On Sunday, the 26th of December, Rev. W. T. Holdridge united in marriage at the Methodist church at Rogersville, Mr. Robert H. Hudson and Miss Lutie Campbell, both of that little city… Mr. Hudson is one of the first-class teachers of Lauderdale… his bride, who has been the efficient post-mistress of Rogersville…


On Sunday last at noon in front of the residence of Mr. H. E. McKelvey in North Florence, Rev. Mr. Wilson, of the North Wood Avenue Methodist church, united in marriage Mr. Grover Hendricks and Miss Hattie Young, both of the Hines community. The ceremony was performed while the bride and groom were seated in their buggy, and the guests were nearly all the congregation of the officiating minister's church, who repaired from the morning service to the scene of the nuptial ceremony.


On Sunday morning last, Rev. J. N. Davidson, pastor of the Oakland circuit, united in the holy bonds of matrimony Mr. Isaac Mack Campbell and Miss Rosa Miles. The nuptial rite was performed in front of the pastor's home while the happy couple were seated in the buggy…


At the home of Esq. William Parish, near Oakland, at 3 o'clock on the afternoon of the 19th of December, Mr. William Edward England and Miss Pearl Parish were married. Rev. J. N. Davidson performing the interesting ceremony…


A little touch of romance and the mysterious allure adding interest even to a wedding, as was the case when the marriage of Mr. Richard Beavers of Town Creek, and Miss Fannie Howell, of Florence, was announced as having taken place in June, the news becoming public during a visit of the bride and groom to her parents at Pruitton, during the holidays. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. D. Dawson, at his home in Town Creek, while Miss Howell was visiting friends there. Mrs. Beaver lived with her sister, Mrs. Cathey, and had many friends in Florence, who wish the couple all happiness.


Mr. Jno. H. Seay and Miss Irene Doud were married at the Methodist church in Sheffield, at four o'clock Christmas afternoon, the Rev. L. E. Stansell performing the ceremony. The wedding was a surprise to the relatives and friends. A reception followed the wedding at the bride's home, after which the couple left for Florence, where the groom is with the Stutts Drug Co. Both Mr. and Mrs. Seay are very popular in the Tri-cities, the bride being the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earle Doud; the groom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. Seay, of Sheffield, now making his home in Florence, where their numerous friends wish them happiness and a long life.


Miss Lucille Walston and Mr. Edward Summerhill were married at the home of the bride's father, Mr. James Walston, Tuesday, the affair being a quiet home wedding, the ceremony being said by Rev. John R. Turner. The couple left almost immediately for a short wedding trip. The bride belongs to an old, highly respected family of this county and the groom is a prominent merchant here, both having numerous friends.


Mr. Malcolm S. Matthews and Miss Ella Leigh Price were married Friday night as the old year was dying to the screaming of whistles, booming of cannon crackers and ringing of bells, the noise beginning early, and the chase of an anxious father after the fleeing couple, adding interest. The groom, with his friend, Mr. Richard Hayes, of Columbia, Tenn., secured the license at the court house and learning of pursuit, left through the basement, took a waiting carriage and finding the lady in question, proceeded to East Florence where the minister, Rev. Merrill, was aroused from his slumber to perform the ceremony, at about 11:30 o'clock. After this, Mr. and Mrs. Matthews went to the Alabama hotel. Mr. Matthews is from Baldwin, Miss., is with the Jackson Dry Goods Company; his bride, a beautiful young woman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Price. Both are popular and have numerous friends who wish them happiness.



SOURCE: The Florence Times, Friday, Feb. 4, 1910, p. 5




A very pretty wedding took place at the Van Leer hotel in Iron city, on the night of January 19th, when Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Reynolds gave their two daughters in marriage to Mr. Ray Delano, son of Mr. A. C. Delano, of Florence, and Mr. Raymond Burch, eldest son of J. D. Burch, a prominent lawyer of Lawrence county. Miss Pearl D. Reynolds was married to Mr. Raymond Burch and Miss Janie Myrtle Reynolds to Mr. Ray Delano. Miss Verner Reynolds was maid of honor. The bridesmaids were Misses Effie and Hattie Byles, Ruth Delano and Ethel Olive… Elder T. C. King officiated at the bridal ceremony and united the parties under the impressive ritual of the Christian church… The sisters go to housekeeping at once in Columbia and will live in the same residence. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Delano, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Delano, Glenn Delano, Ruth Delano, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Seavy, Dr. and Mrs. Byles, Mr. J. D. Burch and a great many others whose names we did not learn…


HAGAN-PRICE [abstracted]
A very quiet and interesting wedding Sunday evening at nine o'clock was that of Mr. Eugene Hagan and Miss Jessie Price, which too place at the home of the bride's parents, on s. Pine street, Rev. J. R. Turner officiating, and only relatives and a few friends present… The groom is a knight of the grip, representing the Cudahy Packing Co., with headquarters at Birmingham, for which city Mr. and Mrs. Hagan left the same evening, where they will reside.


Mr. James A. Finley and Miss Ninon Black, both of Tuscumbia, were married at Trinity Episcopal Church, Florence, Sunday afternoon, at 5 o'clock, Rev. E. . J. Andrews officiating. There were no attendants. Mr. Will Young, of the city, accompanied them to church, where a few ladies were in attendance. After the ceremony, an informal reception was tendered by Rev. and Mrs. Andrews. The bride…is the daughter of Mrs. Nellie Julian Black, and a cousin of Frank Julian, Secretary of State…


Mr. Ike Golitsky and Miss Freda Globe were married Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Synagogue in New York City. The numerous friends here of the happy groom wish him and his fair bride a long and prosperous life.

The Florence times, Friday, Feb. 18, 1910, p. 5.



Mr. James Lancaster, of Oakland, and Miss Alice Flint, were very quietly married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Flint, near Oakland, Sunday evening, at 7 o'clock, only a few relatives and friends being present. Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster will make their home in Oakland.



SOURCE: The Florence Times, Friday, Feb. 25, 1910, p. 5,


Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Haley were surprised by a letter containing the announcement of their daughter, Miss Ida Haley's marriage to Mr. Clarence Gravelly of Oakman, Ala., where the bride was teaching school. With two friends, Miss Skinner and Miss Jones, also teachers, the young couple went to Jasper and were married there. The groom is in business with his father, Dr. W. L. Gravelly, of Oakman, and the bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Haley, is a popular young woman, having many friends here, who wish them long life and happiness.



SOURCE: The Florence Times, Friday, March 4, 1910, p. 4.



A quiet marriage was celebrated at Oakland last week, when Miss Lila Reeder became the bride of Mr. Ike Hall the ceremony being performed in Wesley chapel neighborhood, at the home of the bride's parents, Rev. Mr. smith officiating. The bride is a popular young lady, daughter of Mr. Duke Reeder, and has many friends. The groom is a son of Mr. Pet Hall, a wealthy farmer of Oakland neighborhood, and all unite in wishing the young couple a long and happy life.



SOURCE: The Florence Times, Friday, March 18, 1910, p. 5.


Mr. Martin, of Knoxville, Tenn., and Miss Tempe Geise were married Wednesday, at the home of Mrs. Dan O'Brien, an aunt of the bride, in Memphis. This was a Gretna Green affair and interesting, as the bride is very popular and has a large circle of relatives and friends here. Miss Geise left home Tuesday about 2:30 p.m., and failing to return, occasioned some anxiety, and the first intimation those at home had of her was given in a note, which was mailed on the train. The couple took the 3 o'clock p.m. train for Memphis, and on arriving there went at once to the home of Mrs. O'Brien, and a telephone message advised of the marriage yesterday. The many friends of the couple wish them every happiness.


Sunday p. m. at one o'clock Mr. J. E. Porter and Miss Kate Hamm were united in marriage by Rev. Mr. Turner at the Methodist parsonage, in Florence. The bride is a very popular young lady of Centre Star, and the groom is a resident of Lexington. After the ceremony was performed they drove to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hindman, cousins of the bride, where dinner was served; and at 2:30 left on the L. & N. train for their future home in Lexington. Their numerous friends in Florence and Centre Star join in heartiest congratulations.


Mr. Robert Gautney and Miss Irene Briggs, of Centre Star, were married in East Florence by Rev. J. E. Merrill. The young couple are very prominent and popular, having many friends who wish them every happiness.



SOURCE: The Florence Times, Friday, March 25, 1910, p. 4.


The following invitations have been issued:
"The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. William Edwin Evans request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter, Mary Corner, to Mr. Willard Parker Sullivan, on Tuesday evening, March 29, 1910, at 8:30 o'clock, church of the advent, Birmingham, Ala."

The above announcement will interest many here, who will remember the bride-to-be as an unusually beautiful little girl, the daughter of the Episcopal minister, who with his family, lived in Florence a number of years, where they were very popular and had many friends who extend sincere wishes for the young couple's future happiness.

2024 by County Coordinator Patricia Bryant Hartley.

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