Lauderdale County, Alabama
Rowell Cemetery
Laud Cem # 150 T3S, R13W, Sec 13
Surveyed December 1888 by Orlan Irons
Location: From Florence, go W on AL 20; Lt on CR 2 about 10 m; The cemetery is on the Rt side of the Rd, about 100 yds before the Smithsonia Church of Christ and about 75 yds to the N of the Rd. Go through the woods and across a field. There is a stone wall around it.
Other information:
1850 Census of Laud Co AL
Neal Rowell c1798 VA
Martha Ann (Cheatham) c1811 NC Martha's father was Christopher Cheatham
Elizabeth c1834 AL
Christopher c1835 AL
Ann c1838 AL
Virginia c1845 AL