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Lauderdale County, Alabama
Westmoreland - Fuqua Cemetery
Laud Cem # 518 T3S, R7W, Sec 9
Copied from "Cemeteries of East Lauderdale County, Alabama," page 392
Location: From Florence, go E on US 72 to Rogersville; Rt on CR 91 about 1.5 m; Lt on CR 70 about 0.5 m. The cemetery is on the Rt side of the Rd in an overgrown area. The County map lists this as Cox Cemetery.
Note: Two large tombstones are lying face down, requiring heavy equipment.
1860 Census of Laud Co AL
Lucy Westmoreland c1806
Lucy c1843
Eliza A. c1850
John T. c1835
Sarah Fuqua c1842 married JT 10AU1859
Infant 1860
Sarah's parents were John Fuqua c1803 & Julia c1817
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