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World War I Draft Registration Cards: Alley - Anderson

SERIAL# 3774 ORDER # 1495 1-4-10-C
ALLEY, WILLIAM ORVAL: R 6, Florence, Ala.; Age: 38; DOB: Aug. 6. 1879; white; native born; Timberworker: Employer: J. P. Wright; Florence, Ala. Nearest Relative: Annie Ethel Alley; R 6, Florence, Ala.: Signature: Yes; Height; Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Light; Is person obviously disabled? 3 fingers lost; Registrar: J. Reeder Thomas? September 12, 1918.


Card # 2770 No. 2662A 1-4-10-A
ALLFORD, DAVID: Tuscumbia, Ala.; Age: 27; DOB: April 6, 1891; Natural Born; Where Born? Georgia, USA; Citizen; Occupation: Blank; Employer: Blank; Persons solely dependent on you for support? No; Single; White; Military Service: None; Do you claim exemption? X; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Stout; Eyes: Grey; Hair: Brown? Bald? No; Registrar: B. T. Robinson; Florence, AL; July 2, 1918.


Serial #: 953 Order # 2909 1-4-10-C
ALLISON, CALVIN MALCOME: RFD 2, Florence, AL; Age: 44; DOB: Feb 10, 1875. White; native born; Farmer; Employer: Frank Perry, Florence, AL. Nearest Relative: Nancy Allison, RFD 2, Florence, AL. Signature: Yes; Height; Tall; Build; Slender; Eyes: Blue; Hair; Light; Any disability? No; Registrar: A.K. Harrison; September 12, 1918.


Card # 9 No. 2299 No 28 1-4-10-A
ALLISON, PRESS HARRISON: Waterloo, AL, Age: 28; DOB: Feb 27, 1888; Natural Born; Where Born: Savannah, TN, USA; Farmer; Self-employed; Waterloo, AL; Dependents: Wife and 2 Children; married; Caucasian; Military Service: None; Do you claim exemption? Support family; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Dark; Bald? No; Disability? No; Registrar: Buck Sharp, Precinct: 17; Lauderdale Co. AL; June 5, 1917.


Serial # 318 Order # 2508 1-4-10-C
ALMON, WILLIAM LEWIS: Florence, Ala. Lauderdale Co.; Age: 20; DOB: Oct. 29, 1897; white; native born; Occupation: Student in University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL. Nearest Relative: Charles P. Almon; Florence, AL. Signature: Yes; Height: Tall; Build: Slender; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Brown; Disabled? No.; Registrar: J.S. Robinson, September 12, 1918.


Serial # 172 Order # 1485 1-4-10-C
ALSOBROOK, WILLIAM MONROE: 423 Tuscaloosa St. Florence, AL, Lauderdale CO.; Age: 42; DOB: Dec 27, 1876; White; Native Born; Present Occupation: Miller,Wright; Employer: C.C. Morrison, Florence, AL; Nearest Relative: Mrs. May Alsobrook; 262 Rossville, Chattanooga, TN; Signature: Yes; Height; Medium; Build: Stout; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Brown; Disabled? No; Registrar: Viola L. Stewart, September 12, 1918.


Serial # 2213 Order # 676 1-4-10-C
ALVES, GASTON MEARES?: Address: Federal Building, Florence, Lauderdale Co. AL; Age: 41; DOB: June 13, 1877; White; native born; Store Keeper; Employer: United States Federal Building; Florence, AL.; Nearest Relative: Mrs. Vina Mae Alves, (wife), 561 Jessamine, Memphis, TN; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium: Eyes: Brown: Hair; Brown; Disabled? No; Registrar: L. S. Perry?; September 12, 1918.


Serial # 2292 Order # 3097 1-4-10-C
ANDERS, ALLEN: RFD 2, Hines, Lauderdale Co. AL; Age: 18; DOB: Oct 20, 1899; White; Native born; Occupation: Farmer; Employer: George W. Anders; RFD 2, Lauderdale Co. AL; Nearest Relative: G.W. Anders, (father); RFD 2, Hines, Lauderdale Co. AL; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium Build: Medium: Eyes: Brown; Hair: Dark; Disabled? No; Registrar: J. H. Hanes or Hines: September 12, 1918.


Serial # 1364 Order # 761 1-4-10-C
ANDERS, DAVE: R 2, Appleton, Tenn.? Lauderdale Co. AL (This appears to say Appleton Tenn., yet he says Lauderdale Co. AL) Age: 36; DOB: Oct 16, 1882; white; native born; Farmer; Employer: Mary Anders, R2, Appleton Tenn., Lauderdale Co.AL; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Dark; Disabled? No; Registrar: J. A. Powell, Sept. 12, 1918.


Serial # 489 Order # 179 1-4-10-C
ANDERS, GEORGE WILLIAM DAVE: RFD 2, Hines, Lauderdale, AL; Age: 20; DOB: Dec 13, 1897; white; native born; Farming; Employer: G.W. Anders, R2, Hines, Lauderdale Co. AL; Nearest Relative: G.W. Anders, R1, (Note: not a typo, it says R1, not R2 here) Hines, Alabama.; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium: Build: Medium; Eyes: Blue: Hair: Light: Disabled? No; Registrar: D.O. Warren; Sept. 12, 1918.


Serial # 1610 Order # A2934 1-4-10-C
ANDERS, RICHARD: R2, Appleton, Tenn.; Lauderdale Co. AL; Age: 18; DOB: May 31, 1900; white; native born; Farming; Employer: Mary Anders, R2, Appleton, Tenn.; Lauderdale Co. AL. Nearest Relative: Mary Anders, R2, Appleton, Tenn, Lauderdale Co. AL; Signature: Yes; Height: Tall; Build: medium; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Brown; Disabled? No. Registrar: J. A. Powell, September 12,1918.


Card # 34 No 2144 No 72 1-4-10-A
ANDERS, WILL ESTER: RFD 4, Florence, Ala. Age: 21; DOB: Aug 21, 1896; natural born, Born: Oakland, AL, USA; Farmer Hand; Employer: John Anderson, Oakland, AL; Do you have persons solely dependent on you for support? Mother & Sister; Single; African; Military Service: None; Do you claim exemption? No; Signature: Yes; Height: Short; Build: Slender; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Bald? No; Registrar: S.G. Watkins? Precinct 12, Laud. Co. AL. June 5, 1917.


Card 2769 No 661 A 1-4-10-A
ANDERSON, ALBERT: 93 1/2 3rd V Commercial St. Memphis, Tenn.; Age: 29; DOB: Feb 25, 1891; Natural born; Born: Louisiana, USA; Occupation: Service Man; Employer: Air Nitrate, Muscle Shoals, AL; Have you a father, mother, wife, child under 12, or a sister or brother under 12, solely dependent on you for support? Sister; Married or Single: Single; African; Military Service? None; Do you claim exemption? Blank; Signature: X; Height: Tall; Build: Slender; Eyes: Black; Hair; Black; Bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: B.T. Robinson, Florence, AL, July 2, 1918.


Card # 1935 Order # 577 1-4-10-C
ANDERSON, AMOS: R4 Florence, AL. Lauderdale Co. Age: 18; DOB: Feb 7, 1900. Negro, Native born; Farming; Employer: Henry Anderson, R 4, Florence, AL, Laud. Co., Nearest Relative: Henry Anderson. R4, Florence, AL; Signature: X; Height: Medium; Build: medium; Eyes: Brown; Hair; Black; Disabled? No; Registrar: R. J. Austin, Sept. 12,1918.


Serial No. 292b Order # 636 1-4-10-B
ANDERSON, ANDREW: RFD 5, Florence, AL. Laud. Co.; Age: 19; DOB: Nov 14, 1899; Negro, Native born; Laborer; Employer: W.F. McFarland, Florence, AL. Nearest Relative: Sam Anderson, RFD 5, Florence, Ala.; Signature: Yes; Height: Tall; Build; Slender; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Disabled? No; Registrar: A. K. Harrison, Sept 12, 1918.


Serial # 23 Registration # 70 1-4-10-B
ANDERSON, ANDREW BENTON: 722 Royal Ave., Florence, AL, Laud. Co. Age: 21; DOB: Sept 25, 1896; Where Born: Coffee Co. TN, USA; white; Employer: Pastor of Nazarene Church, Florence, AL. Nearest Relative: Mrs. Elizabeth Anderson, 722 Royal Ave. Florence, AL. Signature: Yes, (Rev) A. B. Anderson; Height: Medium; Build: Slender: Eyes: Brown; Hair: brown; Disabled? No; Registrar: Anne L. Huston, June 5, 1918.


Card # 45 No. 2239 No 56 1-4-10-A
ANDERSON, ARTHUR: RFD 4, Florence, AL, Age: 26; DOB: July 3, 1891; Natural born; Where born? Oakland, Ala. USA; Farming; Employer: T. W. Broadfoot; Where employed? Bircham Mills; Have you a father, mother, wife, child under 12, or a sister or brother, under 12, solely dependent on you for support? Wife; married; Negro; Military Service? None/ Do you claim exemption? Support of wife: Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Black; Bald? Blank; Disabled? No; Registrar: C. B. Dulin, Precinct 11, Laud. Co. AL. June 5, 1917.


Card # 332 Order # 1508 1-4-10-C
ANDERSON, BUFORD: 217 Limestone St. Florence, AL; Age: 19;DOB: July 27, 1899; Negro; native born; Truck driver; Employer: Charley Price, Florence, AL; Nearest Relative: Florence Anderson, 217 Limestone St. Florence, AL; Signature: Yes; Height: Tall; Build: Slender: Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Disabled? No; Registrar: E. R. Robinson, Sept. 12, 1918.


Card # 53 No 2471 No 44 1-4-10-A
ANDERSON, CARL: R3, Florence, Ala. Lauderdale Co.; Age: 21; DOB: Dec 21, 1895; Natural born, USA, Where born? Florence, AL; Farmer; Employer: Father: Where Employed? Near Florence; Do you someone solely dependent on you for support? Father & Mother: Single; White; Military Service? No; Do you claim Exemption? Yes; Signature: Yes; Height: Tall; Build: Stout; Eyes: Grey; Hair: Brown; Disabled? No Registrar: H. P. Davis, Precinct 10, Florence, Ala. June 5, 1917.


Card # 2059 Order No. 3113 1-4-10-C
ANDERSON, CHARLES DAVID: R 6, Florence, Ala. Laud. Co.; Age: 32; DOB: Dec 2, 1885; white; native born; Farming; Self; Where employed? Florence, Laud. CO. AL; Signature: Yes: Height: Medium: Build: Medium; Eyes: Blue: Hair: Brown; Disabled? No; Registrar: R. J. Austin, Sept. 12, 1918.


Card 46 No. 129 No 71 1-4-10-A
ANDERSON, EARNEST: RFD 4, Florence, Cloverdale, Ala. Age: 26: DOB: June 19, 1890; natural born; Where born? Oakland, Ala. USA; Farming; Self; Persons solely dependent on you for support? Wife & 3 children; married; Negro; Military Service: None; Do you claim exemption? Support of family; Signature: Yes; (There is a C in red pencil in the lower left hand corner of the card. No explanation for this C.) Height: Tall; Build Medium: Eyes: Brownish; Hair: Black; Bald? No; Registrar: C. B. Dulin, Precinct 11, Laud. Co. AL. June 5, 1917.


Card No 27 No 2168 No 98 1-4-10-A
ANDERSON, EDWARD: RFD 4, Florence, Ala.; Age: 30; DOB: Mar 17, 1887; natural born; Where? Oakland, Ala, USA; Farmer; Have you persons solely dependent on you for support? wife & child; married; African; Military Service: None; Do you claim exemption? no; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build; Medium; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Bald? No; Disabled? No Registrar: S. G. Watkins, Precinct 12, Laud. Co. AL June 5. 1917.


Card # 373 Order # 959 1-4-10-C
ANDERSON, EDWARD: General Delivery, Florence, Al, Laud. Co.; Age; 18; DOB: Aug 27, 1900; Negro, Native Born; Occupation:____(unreadable) Employer: W. C. Hill, Gen. Del. Florence, Ala.; Nearest Relative: Sam Anderson: Piedmont, SC: Signature: X; Height: Tall; Build: Slender: Eyes: Brown; Hair: Black; Disabled? No Registrar: E. R. Robinson, Sept. 12, 1918.


Serial # 317 (Crossed out) Registration # 286 1-4-10-B
ANDERSON, ED: R2, Florence, AL. Age: 21; DOB: July 21, 1897; Florence, AL, USA; Native born; Fathers Birthplace: Alabama, USA; Negro; Name of employer: Self; Florence, AL, Nearest Relative: Eliza Anderson, R2, Florence, AL. Signature: Yes; (#208G in black ink in bottom left hand of card, Front); Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Black; Disabled? No. Registrar: M. P. Brant Aug. 24, 1918.


Card # 1947 Order # 1596 1-4-10-C
ANDERSON, EDWARD SHELBY: RFD 1, Cloverdale, Lauderdale Co. AL; Age: 20; DOB: Oct. 22, 1897; white; native born; Farming; Self; R1, Cloverdale, Laud. Co. Ala. Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Lt. Blue; Hair: Dark; Disabled? No; Registrar: C. W. Barkley, Sept. 1, 1918.


Card # 31 No. 231 No 104 1-4-10-A
ANDERSON, ELVIN: R4, Florence, Ala.; Age: 22; DOB: Sept 15, 1895; Natural born; Oakland, AL, USA; Farm Hand; Employer: R. C. Smith, Oakland, AL; Do you have a father, mother, wife, child under 12, or sister or brother under 12, solely dependent on you for support? No; married; African; Military Service: None; Do you claim exemption? No; Signature: Yes: (C written in red pencil on lower left front of card) Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Black; Bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: S. G. Watkins, Precinct 12, Lauderdale Co. AL. June 5, 1917.


Card # 322 (Crossed out) Registration No. 273 1-4-10-B
ANDERSON, EMMET?: Route 1, Florence, Ala. Age: 21; DOB: July 20, 1897; Born: Florence, Ala, USA; Native born, Father's Birthplace: Florence, AL, USA; Race: White; Employer: Self: Place of employment: R1 Florence, Ala.; Nearest Relative: John Anderson, R1, Florence, AL. ; Signature: Yes; (#215-D) in black in on lower left front of card, No explanation) Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Brown; Disabled? No; Registrar: M. P. Brant? Aug. 24, 1918.


Card # 63 No. 1217 No 138 1-4-10-A
ANDERSON, FRANK: 301 Ala. Florence, Ala.; Age: 21; DOB: Dec. 14, 1896; natural born; Born: Florence, AL, USA; Occupation: Porter: Where: Shockley, Florence, AL; Anyone solely dependent on you for support? No; Single; Etho; Military Service? None; Do you claim exemption? Blank; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Slender; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Disabled? No. Registrar: J. T. McPeters, Precinct 10 Dist # 1; Laud. Co. AL. June 5, 1917.


Card # 561 Order # 1498 1-4-10-C
ANDERSON, HAWLEY BLAKE: Address: Canadensis? Monroe, PA; Age: 35; DOB: Feb 8, 1883; white; naturalized citizen; Occupation: Fire Prevention Inspector: Employer: Associated Factory ______(unreadable)Fire Inspection Companies: 810 ________(unreadable) Philadelphia, PA; Nearest Relative: Lydia Mary Anderson, Canadensis Monroe, PA; Signature: Yes; Height: Tall; Build: Medium; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Brown; Disabled? No. Registrar: William Millikan? Sept 12, 1918.


Card # 26 No 1430 No 83
ANDERSON, HENRY: RFD 5, Florence, AL; Age: 30; DOB: March 5, 1887; Natural Born; Oakland, Ala. USA; Farmer; Where employed: Blank; Anyone solely dependent on you for support? wife & son; married; African; Military Service: None; Do you claim Exemption? No; Signature: X; Height: Tall; Build: Medium; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Bald? No; Disabled? No. Registrar: S. G. Watkins, Precinct 12, Laud. Co. AL June 5, 1917.


Serial # 2057 Order # 848 1-4-10-C
ANDERSON, HOMER OUTISON: Cloverdale, Ala. Laud. Co.; Age: 33; DOB: Aug. 29, 1885; White; Native born; Farming; Self; Cloverdale, Ala. Nearest Relative: Rosa Anderson, Cloverdale, Ala.; Signature? Yes; Height: medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Black; Disabled? No. Registrar: C. W. Barkley, Sept. 12, 1918.


Card # 29 No 1170 No 61 1-4-10-A
ANDERSON, JAMES: RFD 4, Florence, AL, Age:24; DOB: Dec. 26, 1893; Natural born, Oakland, AL, USA; Farmer; Employer: Blank; Do you have persons solely dependent on you for support? wife & one child; married; African; Military Service: None; Do you claim Exemption? No; Signature: X; Height: Medium Build: Slender; Eyes; Brown; Hair: Black; Bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: S. G. Watkins, Precinct 12, Laud. Co. AL June 5, 1917.


Serial # 957 Order # 3028
ANDERSON, JAMES DAVID: Kendrick St. Florence, AL; Age: 34; DOB: Feb 8, 1884; white, native born; Groceryman; Employer: North Florence Produce Co., Norwood Ave. Florence, AL. Nearest Relative: (wife) Ida Anderson; Kendrick St. Florence, AL.; Signature: Yes: Height: Tall; Build: Medium; Eyes: Brown-Green; Hair: Dark; Disabled? No. Registrar: A. D. Rice; Sept. 12, 1918.


Card # 71 No. 683 No 119 1-4-10-A
ANDERSON, JAMES: R4 Box 84, Florence, Ala.; Age: 23; DOB: June 18, 1894; natural born citizen; Born: Florence, Laud. Co. AL, USA; Farming; Self; Laud. Co. AL; Do you have persons solely dependent on you for support? wife & 1 child; married; Colored: Military Service: None; Do you claim exemption? No; Signature: Yes: (C in red pencil on front lower left hand of card - no explanation); Height: Medium; Build: Blank; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Black; Bald?: Blank; Disabled? None; Registrar: J. T. McPeters, Precinct 10, Laud. CO. AL, June 5, 1917.


Card # 42 No 1492 No 155 1-4-10-A
ANDERSON, JAMES JOHNSON: Cloverdale, Ala; Age: 28; DOB: Dec 26, 1888; Natural Born, Citizen; Born: Cloverdale, Ala. USA; Farming; Self; Cloverdale, Ala. Do you have persons solely dependent on you for support? No; Single; Caucasian; Military Service: None; Do you claim exemption? No; Signature? Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Red; Bald? Yes; Disabled? No; Registrar: C. B. Dulin, Precinct 11, Laud. Co. AL June 5, 1917.


Card# 1657 No 131 No. 308 1-4-10-A
ANDERSON, JOHN MC: (I looked for other MCANDERSON'S and there were none: I am assuming this name is John (middle name MC, Anderson) Address: Sweetwater, Florence, Ala. Age: 23; DOB: Nov 17, 1894; Natural Born; Where Born: Oakland, AL USA; Citizen; Occupation: Public Worker; Tenn. Valley Fentz? Co., Florence, Ala; Do you have persons or children under age 12, solely dependent on you for support? wife & 2 children: Married: Colored: Military Service? None; Do you claim exemption? Blank; Signature: Yes: (C in red pencil on bottom left of card) Height: Medium; Build: Stout; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Black; Bald:? No; Disabled? Loss of one eye; Registrar: J. T. McPeters; Precinct 10; Florence, Ala. June 5, 1917.


Serial # 2969 Order # 601 1-4-10-C
ANDERSON, JIMMIE LOUIS: R4 Florence, Alabama, Laud. Co., Age: 44; DOB: Jan 15, 1873; Negro; native born; Occupation: Farmer; Where: R4 Florence, Laud. Co. Ala; Nearest Relative: Bessie Anderson (wife) R 4, Florence, AL. Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes; Brown; Hair: Black; Disabled? No. Registrar: T. A. Smith, Sept. 12, 1918.


Card # 2259 Order # 2058 1-4-10-C
ANDERSON, JO: Smithsonia, Laud. CO. AL; Age: 37; DOB: Feb 15, 1881; Negro; Native Born; Farming; Employer: Blank; Nearest Relative: Mrs. Jo Anderson, Smithsonia, Ala.; Signature: X; Height: medium; Build: Stout; Eyes: Dark; Hair: Dark; Disabled? Blank Registrar: T. W. Kent Sept. 12, 1918


Serial # 113 Registration # 107 1-4-10-B
ANDERSON, LEONARD: 227 N. Cherry St. Florence, Ala. Laud. Co.; Age: 21; DOB: Don't know; Where born: Florence, AL, USA; Native born citizen; Father's Birthplace: Tenn. USA; Employer: Florence Lumber Co. Florence, AL; Nearest Relative: Sarah Anderson; 227 N. Cherry St. Florence, AL; Race: Negro; Signature: Yes: Height: Tall; Build: Slender; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Black; Disabled? No; Registrar: J.S. Robinson, June 5, 1917.


Card #44 No 1412 No 83 1-4-10-A
ANDERSON, LEE: R4, Florence, AL. Age: 22; DOB: June 21, 1898; Natural Born; Born: Oakland, Ala. USA; Farming; Self: Cloverdale, Ala.; Do you have persons solely dependent on you for support? Wife & 1 child; Married: Negro; Military Service: None; Do you claim exemption? Support of wife and child; Signature: X; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Black; Bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: C. B. Dulin, Precinct 11, Laud. Co. AL June 5, 1917.


Serial # 1053 Order # 2085 1-4-10-C
ANDERSON, LEE WARD: R 1, Hines, Laud. Co. AL; Age: 37; DOB: Aug 12, 1881; White; native born; Farmer; Self; R1, Hines, Laud. CO. AL; Nearest Relative: Mrs. McClura E. Anderson, R. 1 Hines, Ala. ; Signature: Yes.; Height: Medium; Build: Slender; Eyes: Grey; Hair: Brown; Disability? 1 finger gone on right hand. Registrar: Viola L. Stewart; Sept. 12, 1917.


Serial # 1009 Order # 1552 1-4-10-C
ANDERSON, LESLIE CLARENCE: R3, Florence, AL, Laud. Co. Age: 20; DOB: Aug 30, 1898; white; native born; farmer; Employer: Will Anderson, R3, Florence, Ala.: Nearest Relative: Will Anderson, R 3, Florence, Ala. Signature: Yes; Height: Tall; Build: Slender; Eyes: Lt. Brown; Hair: Dark; Disabled? No; Registrar: A.D. Rice: Sept. 12, 1918.


Card # 62 No 1607 No 89 1-4-10-A
ANDERSON, LOUIS: Sweetwater, Florence, Ala.; Age: 21: DOB: March 16, 1896; Natural born; Born: Near Florence, AL USA; Teamster; Employer: Jasper Harbin, Florence, Ala; Have you anyone solely dependent on you for support? wife; Married; Race: Cath; Military Service: None; Do you claim exemption? Blank; Signature: X; Height: Blank; Build: Blank; Eyes: Blank; Hair: Blank; No Registrar signature: (NOTE: Someone forgot to fill out the back of this card. It is the registrar's report:)


Card # 57 No. 2388 No 98 1-4-10-A
ANDERSON, LUCIEN: Florence, AL; Age: 28; DOB: Aug 9, 1888; natural born; citizen; Born: Florence, AL. Farming; Farms for self; Have you persons solely dependent on you for support? Wife & Child under 12; married; Race: Blank; (not a typo) Military service: None; Do you claim exemption? wife to support; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Slender; Eyes: Dark; Hair: Dark; Bald? Blank; Disabled? No; Registrar: H. P. Davis, Precinct 10, Box 2, Florence, Ala. June 5. 1917.


Serial # 836 Order # 3053 1-4-10-C
ANDERSON, MARVIN: R 1 Box 4, Florence, Ala.; Age: 18; DOB: July 31, 1900; White, Native born; Farming; Employer: J. H. Anderson, R 1 Box 4, Florence, AL.; Signature: Yes; Height; Short; Build: Slender; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Brown; Disabled? No; Registrar: Julia W. Pratt, Sept. 12, 1918.


Serial # 329 Order # 2589 1-4-10-C
ANDERSON, OWEN PAULK: Address: West Tenn. St. Florence, Ala.; Age: 19; DOB: June 6, 1899; White; native born; Occupation: News & Cool Drink Stand; Self-employed. Court St. Florence, AL. ; Nearest Relative: Annie Anderson; West Tenn. St. Florence, Al; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Slender; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Brown; Slightly Bald; Disabled? No; Registrar: J.F. Jackson, Sept. 12, 1918.


Card # 30 No 396 No 62 1-4-10-A
ANDERSON, RAMON: R4, Florence, Ala.; Age: 22; DOB: Nov 16, 1895; Natural born; Born: Oakland, Ala. Laud. Co., USA; Farmer; Employer: Blank; Have you father, mother, wife, child, under 12 or sister or brother, under 12, solely dependent on you for support? Mother & brother; Single; African; Military Service: none; Do you claim exemption? No; Signature: X; (C A in red pencil on bottom left of front of card - no explanation); Height: tall; Build: Medium; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Black; Bald: No; Disabled? No; Registrar: S. G. Watkins, Precinct 12, Laud. Co. AL. June 5, 1917.


Card # 55 No 1464 No 103 1-4-10-A
ANDERSON, ROBERT: Florence, Ala. Age: 30; DOB: March 17, 1887; Natural born, citizen; Born: Laud. Co. AL; Farmer; Self; Where Employed: Jackson Place; Have you a father, mother, wife, child, under 12 or sister or brother, under 12, who is solely dependent on you for support? Wife & 2 Babies; Married; White; Military Serv? Blank; Do you claim exemption? Yes, dependents; Signature: Yes; Height: Short; Build: Slender; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Black; Bald? No; Disabled? Blank; Registrar: W. P. Davis, Precinct 10, Florence, AL, June 5, 1917.


Serial # 3299 Order # 132 1-4-10-C
ANDERSON, ROBERT: R5 Florence, Ala. Age: 39; DOB: Feb. 22, 1878; Negro; Native Born; Farmer; R5 Florence, Ala. Laud. Co; Nearest Relative: Lucy Anderson, (wife) R5, Florence, Ala.; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Black; Disabled? No Registrar: T. A. Smith; Sept 12, 1918.


Serial # 1722 Order # 3004 (No stamp for day of registration, i.e. 1-4-10-A, etc)
ANDERSON, ROBERT: R2, Florence, Laud. Co. AL; Age; 18; DOB: Mar 10, 1900; Negro; native born; Farmer; Self; R2, Florence, AL; Nearest Relative: Susie Anderson (mother), Rt 2, Florence, Ala. Signature: X; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Brown; Disabled? No; Registrar: J. A. Darby; Sept. 12, 1918.


Card # 50 No 2137 No 33 1-4-10-A
ANDERSON, SAM: #4 Fe ? Row Union, Florence, AL; Age: 21; DOB; June 5, 1896; Natural born; Born: Memphis, TN; Citizen; Occupation: Iron Carrier, Blast Fur 13; Employer: Sloss Sheffield Steel & Iron, Co, Florence, AL.; Have you a father, mother, wife, child under 12, or a sister or brother under 12, solely dependent on you for support? mother, father; Single; Race: Colored; Military Service: none; Do you claim Exemption? no; Signature: X; Witness: J. W. Reed; Height: Medium; Build: Medium, 132 lbs.; Eyes: brown; Hair: dark; Bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: Unreadable; Precinct 10, Florence, Ala. June 5, 1917


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