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World War I Draft Registration Cards: Andrews - Armstead

Serial # 2738 Order # 691 1-4-10-C
ANDREWS, CHARLEY: 120 Sweetwater Ave. Florence, AL; Age: 36; DOB: Nov. 15, 1882; Negro, Native born; Worker in Street, City of Florence; Nearest Relative: Minnie Andrews, same address; Signature: X; Height: medium; Build: Slender; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Black; Disabled? No; Registrar: Julia D. Pratt; September 12,,1918.


Serial # 351 Order # 2841 (no registration district stamped on this card)
ANDREWS, EDWARD LEE: 109 E. Tuscaloosa St. Florence, AL; Age: 18: DOB: July 5, 1900; white, native born; Occupation: Boiler Maker Helper; Employer: Westinghouse Church; Muscle Shoals, AL, Colbert Co.; Nearest Relative: Samuel Andrews; Same Address; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Dark; Disabled? No Registrar: Hugo Lenzer, Sgt Ord. USA. September 10, 1918.


Serial # 861 Order # 1314 1-4-10-C (This is a card filled out on the same man, but with a different registrar and some different information.)
ANDREWS, EDWARD LEE: 109 E. Tuscaloosa St. Florence, AL; Age: 18; DOB: July 5, 1900; white; native born; Occupation: Machinist; Employer Westinghouse Church K & Co. Muscle Shoals, AL, Colbert County, AL; Nearest Relative: Mrs. Mary Jane Andrews; Same address; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Blue; Hair Brown; Disabled? No; Registrar: Anne L. Huston; September 12, 1918.


Card # 68 No. 2624 No 108 1-4-10-A
ANDREWS, HENRY: RFD 4, Florence, AL; Age: 22; DOB: _______1895. Native born, in Laud. Co. AL, USA; Occupation: Laborer, Oil Mill; Employer: John Threet, Florence, AL; Dependents? Wife; married; Colored; Military Service? None; Do you claim exemption? No; Signature: X; Attest: M. Malone; Height: Slender;(not a typo) Build: Stout; Eyes: Brown; Hair Black; Bald: No; Has person lost arm, leg, hand, foot, or both eyes? Or is he otherwise disabled? I have not.; Registrar: J. T. McPeters; Precinct10, Laud. Co. AL; June 5, 1917.


Card #64 No. 1240 No244 1-4-10-A
ANDREWS, JERRY: Address: Florence, AL; Age: 21; DOB: Aug 17, 1895; natural born citizen; Where born? Oakland, AL, USA; Occupation: Waiter; Employer: Jefferson Hotel, Florence, AL; Dependents? No; Single; Race: Ethiopian; Military Service? None; Do you claim exemption? No; Signature: X; Height: Tall; Build: Medium; Eyes; Black; Hair: Black; Bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: J. T. McPeters, Precinct 10, Laud. Co. AL; June 5, 1917.


Card # 74 No. 2592 No. 194 1-4-10-A
ANDREWS, JIM STAFFORD: Stewart Springs, Florence, AL; Age; 29; DOB: Sept __, 1887; natural born, Where born? Flornece, AL, USA; Citizen; Occupation: Cooking; Employer: E. C. Shockley; Where: on river near Florence; Dependents? No; Married, but separated; Race: Ethiopian; Military Service? None. Claim Exemption? No; No Signature or Mark; Height: Tall; Build: Stout; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: J. T. McPeters, Precinct 10, Laud. Co. AL June 5, 1917.


Card # 47 No. 2576 No 54 1-4-10-A
ANDREWS, MARTIN: RFD 4, Florence, AL; Age: 27: DOB: Nov 12, 1889; Natural Born; Born: Oakland, AL. USA; Farming, Employer: J.H. Haddock; RFD 4, Florence, AL; Dependents? Wife & mother; married; Negro; Military Service? None; Do you claim exemption? For support of wife & mother; Signature: Yes; Height: Tall; Build: Slender; Eyes: black; Hair; Black; Disabled? No; Registrar: C. B. Dulin; Precinct 11, Laud. Co. AL; June 5, 1917.


Card 65 No. 1558 No292 1-4-10-A
ANDREWS, ROBERT: Star Route 1, Florence, AL, Age: 21; DOB: Jan 1, 1896; Natural born, near Florence, AL USA; Citizen; Farming; Employer: J.H. Moore, Florence, AL; Dependents? Wife; married; colored; Military Service? None; Exemption? No; Signature: X; Height: Medium; Build: Stout; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Black; Bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: J. T. McPeters; Precinct 10 Box 1, Laud. Co. AL; (No date, but would have been June 5, 1917.)


Card 67 No. 1611 No 83 1-4-10-A
ANDREWS, SAMUEL: Pine St. Florence, AL; Age: 22; DOB: Blank: Natural Born, near Oakland, AL, USA; Occupation: Delivery Boy; Employer: Harrison & Reeder, Florence, AL; Dependents: Blank; Single; Race: Blank; Single; Military Service: None; Exemption? I do not. Signature: X; Height: Slender; (not a typo);Build: Stout; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Bald? No; Has person lost a limb or eyes? I have not. Registrar: J. T. McPeters, Precinct 10, Florence, AL; June 5, 1917.


Card # 59 No 1657 No 341 1-4-10-A
ANGEL, CLYDE HENDRIX: 703 Tuscaloosa, Florence, AL; Age: 23; DOB: March 14, 1894; Natural born, Florence, Ala, USA; Occupation: Shipping Clerk; Employer: Ashcraft Cotton Mills, Florence, AL; Dependents? No; Single; Caucasian; Military Service: Yes, Rank: Private; Branch: Infantry; Years: 2; Nation or State: State; Signature: Yes; Height: Tall; Build; Slender; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Light; Bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: J. T. McPeters; Precinct 10 Box 1, Florence, AL; June 5, 1917.


Card 43 No 73 No 177 1-4-10-A
ANGEL, JAMES ANDREW (NICKNAME RUBE ANGEL); Address: Cloverdale, AL, Age: 29; DOB: March 10, 1888; Natural Born, Lauderdale Co. AL, USA; Occupation: Coal Miner; Employer: Sunlight Mining Co., Sunlight, Walker County, AL; Dependents? No; Single; White; Military Service: Yes; Rank: Co. K; Branch; State Militia; Years: 3; Nation or State: State; Do you claim exemption? Kidney Trouble; Signature: Yes; (There is a C A in red pencil on the bottom left front of this card, No Explanation); Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Black; Bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: John W. ______ (unreadable); (possibly Crocker or Crocket) Precinct 2, Sunlight, Walker County, AL. June 26, 1917.


Serial # 819 Order # 1193 1-4-10-C
ANGEL, LESLIE _______(There is a line through, Middle Name, which probably means he has no middle name.) Address: 703 E. Tuscaloosa St. Florence, AL; Age: 19; DOB: Mar 27, 1898; white; native born; Occupation: carpenter; Employer: S. E. Barnett, Florence, AL; Nearest Relative: C.P. Angel, (father) Same Address: Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Slender; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Light: Disabled? No; Registrar: H. Larimore; September 12, 1918.


Serial # 2584 Order No. 119 1-4-10-C
ANGEL, PAUL HODGES: Tuscaloosa St. Florence, AL, Laud. Co; Age: 19; DOB: Dec 27, 1898; White; Native born; Occupation: Chauffeur; Employer: Air Nitrates Corp., Muscle Shoals, AL, Colbert Co.; Nearest Relative: Elizabeth Angel, Tuscaloosa St. Florence, AL; Signature: Yes: Height: Medium; Build: Slender; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Brown; Disabled? No; Registrar: Mary P. Brant; September 12, 1918.


Serial # 853 Order No. 465 1-4-10-C
ANGEL, PORTER BIBB: Address: Florence, AL; Age: 18; DOB: April 1, 1900; White; native born; Occupation: Carpenter: Employer: Westinghouse Church K Co., Muscle Shoals, AL, Colbert CO.AL; Nearest Relative: Elizabeth Angel, Florence, AL; Signature: Yes; Height: Tall; Build: Slender; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Dark; Disabled? No; Registrar: A. K. Harrison?; September 12, 1918.


Card # 40 No 1145 No 142 1-4-10-A
ANGEL, BRICE JOHN: RFD 1, Cloverdale, AL, Age: 27; DOB: Oct 30, 1889; Natural Born, Florence, AL; USA; Farming; Self-employed; Cloverdale AL; Dependents? None; Single; Caucasian; Do you claim exemption? Ruptured; Signature: Yes; Height: medium; Build: medium; Eyes: Lt. Blue; Hair: Black; Bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: C. B. Dulin, Precinct 11, Laud. Co. AL; June 5, 1917.


Serial # 2046 Order # 2289 1-4-10-C
ANGEL, WILL WESTMORELAND: Address: Cloverdale, Laud. CO. AL; Age: 42; DOB: Sept.6, 1876; white; native born; Farming; Self; Nearest Relative: Mrs. Ola Angel, Same address; Signature: Yes. Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Black; Disabled? No; Registrar: R. J. Austin; September 12, 1918.


Card # 289 Order # 1912 1-4-10-C
ANTHONY, EDDIE LEE: 1023 Park St.,Florence, AL, Lauderdale Co.; Age: 32; DOB: Sept 13, 1885; White; Native born; Occupation: Carpenter; Employer: Westinghouse Church Kerr Co. Muscle Shoals, AL, Colbert Co.; Nearest Relative: Mrs. E. L. Anthony; Same address: Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Brown; Disabled? No; Registrar: Hugo Lenzer, Sgt. Ord, USA. September 10, 1918.


Serial # 2177 Order # 267 1-4-10-C
ANTHONY, JOE LEE: Spurr St., Florence, AL, Lauderdale Co.; Age: 35; DOB: March 11, 1883; white; native born; Occupation: Fireman; Employer: United States; Where employed: U.S. Engineers, Florence, Lauderdale Co. AL; Nearest Relative: (wife) Mrs. Fannie Anthony; Same address; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Brown; Disabled? No; Registrar: L. S. Terry; September 12, 1918.


Serial # 32 Order # 468 1-4-10-C
ANTHONY, ROBERT S.: Tennessee St.,Florence, AL, Lauderdale Co.; Age: 35; DOB: Dec. 3, 1882; White; native born; Occupation: Carpenter; Westinghouse Church Kerr & Co., Muscle Shoals, Colbert Co. AL; Nearest Relative: Annie Anthony; (wife) Same Address; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Light; Disabled? No; Registrar: Hugo Lenzer; Ord Dept. USA; per J. Scally? September 10, 1918.


Serial # 1286 Order # 3073 1-4-10-C
APPLEBY, FLAVIUS THOMPSON: Wood Ave. Florence, AL; Age: 43; DOB: April 2, 1875; white; native born; Occupation: Teacher; Employer; Board of Education, Florence, AL; Nearest Relative: Mrs. Ella J. Appleby, Florence, Alabama; Signature: Yes; Height: medium; Build: Slender; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Brown; Disabled? No; Registrar: S.or A. D. Rice;

September 10, 1918.


Card # 93 No. 365 No. 46 1-4-10-A
APPLEGARTH, JOHN: RFD 1, Mt. Roszell, AL, Age: 24; DOB: March 16, 1893; natural born; Where born? Sylvia, Tennessee; Citizen; Farmer; Self; Dependents? No; Single; White; Military Service? Blank; Do you claim exemption? Yes, disability.; Signature: Yes; (The letters C A in red pencil are written in the lower left hand corner on the front of this card, no explanation) Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Black; Disabled? No (this back portion was filled out by the registrar) He did not specify what his disability was on the front of the card) Registrar: W.J. Hammonds; Precinct 1, Laud. Co. AL; June 5, 1917.


Serial # 921 Order # 2677 1-4-10-C
ARBUCKLE, CHARLES CREIGH: Florence, Ala; Age: 41; DOB: Oct 3, 1876; White; native born; Occupation: Buyer; Employer: B. A. Rogers & Bro. Florence, AL; Nearest Relative: A.W. Arbuckle, Father, Address: (Appears to be) Maxwilton, WVA, Signature: Yes: Height: medium; Build: Slender; Eyes: Blue: Hair: Brown; Disabled? No; Registrar: H. Larimore; September 10, 1918.


Serial # 374 Order # 687 1-4-10-C
ARCH, ED: Route 4, Florence, Lauderdale Co.,AL; Age: 18; DOB: May (don't know) 1900. Negro; Native born; citizen; Laborer; Employer: J.G. White Eng. Corp; Nearest Relative: Myra Turner (Col ) Rt.4. Florence, AL; Signature: X; Height: Short; Build: Medium; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Black; Disabled? No; Hugo Lenzer; Sgt. Ord.USA; September 10, 1918.


Card # 60 No. 2341 No. 289 1-4-10-A

ARGUERD, JAMES: (This name is difficult to read, both the writing of the registrar and the signature of the man) Address: E. Tennessee St. Florence, AL; Age: 25; DOB: March 14, 1892; Are you a (1)Natural born citizen(2) Naturalized citizen (3) an alien (4) or have you declared your intention (specify which) Blank; Where born: Drahmanion Locridos, Greece; If not a citizen, of what country are you a citizen or subject: America; Occupation: Coffee; Self Employed; Florence, AL; dependents? Wife; married; white; Military Service? None; Do you claim exemption? Blank; Signature: Yes; Height: Tall; Build: Stout; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Brown; Bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: J. T. McPeters, Precinct 10, Box 1,Florence, AL; June 5, 1917.


Card 58 No. 842 No. 227 1-4-10-A
ARGUERD, LOUIS: Court St. Florence, AL; Age: 23;DOB: May 2, 1894; Are you Natural born? First Papers Taken; Where born: Drahmanion, Greece; If not a citizen, of what country are you a citizen or subject? USA; Occupation: Proprietor of Café; Self-employed; Florence, AL; Dependents? No; Single: White; Military Service? No; Claim exemption? No; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Black; Bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: J. T. McPeters, Precinct 10 Dist. 1, Laud. Co. AL; June 5, 1917.


Serial # 1724 Order # 3353 1-4-10-C
ARMISTEAD, BILLIE: RFD 2, Florence, Laud.Co. AL; Age: 45; DOB: Oct 1, 1872; Negro; Native born; Farming; Self-employed; RFD 2, Florence,AL; Nearest Relative: Dan Ella ARMSTEAD, (wife), Same Address: Signature: X; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Disabled? Blank; Registrar: A.J. Darby; September 10, 1918.


Card 70 No. 2302 No. 126 1-4-10-A
ARMSTEAD, ALEX: RFD 4, Florence, AL; Age: 22; DOB: Aug 31, 1895; Natural born; Lauderdale Co. AL, USA; Farmer; Works with Father; Where employed: Oakland Alley, Lauderdale Co. AL; Dependents? Wife & child under 12; married; Am; Military Service? Blank; Do you claim exemption? Dependents; Signature: X; Witness: Edgar James; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: dark; Hair: Dark; Bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: J. T. McPeters; Precinct. 10 RFD 4; Florence, AL; June 5, 1917.


Card # 35 No. 2570 No 107 1-4-10-A
ARMSTEAD, AMOUS: RFD 4, Florence,AL; Age: 21; DOB: ______1896; natural born; Oakland, Laud. Co. AL. USA; Farmer; Employer: Blank; Where employed? Blank; Dependents? Wife & child; married; African; Military Service:No; Exemption? No; Signature: X; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Black; Bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: S. G. Watkins; Precinct 12, Laud. Co.AL; June 5, 1917.


Serial # 3800 Order # 3654
ARMSTEAD, ANDERSON: Rt. 5, Florence, AL; Age: 18; DOB: Aug. 20, 1899; Negro; Native born; farmer; Employers name: Father; Where employed? Florence,AL; Nearest Relative: Roy Armstead, R5, Florence, AL; Signature:X; Height: Short; Build: Stout; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Black; Disabled? No; Registrar: J.Reeder Thomas? September 10, 1918.


Serial # 3797 Order # 1729 1-4-10-C
ARMSTEAD, CHARLIE: Rt5, Florence, AL; Age: 18; DOB: Aug. 21, 1900; Negro; native born; Farmer; Self; Florence, AL, Rt 5; Nearest Relative: Hannah Armstead; Rt 5, Florence, AL; Height: Medium; Build: Stout; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Black; Disabled: No; Registrar: J. Reeder Thomas; September 10. 1918.


Card # 22 No. 2466 No 42
ARMSTEAD, CHARLIE: RFD 2, Florence, AL; Age: 28; DOB: Aug. 4, 1889; Natural born; Where born? Woodland, Ala. USA; Farming; Self; Where: Woodland, Beat 13. Dependents: Yes, wife and two children; married; Negro; Military Service: none; exemption:? No; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Stout; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Black; Bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: J. Murphy; Precinct 13, Laud. Co. AL; June 5, 1917.


Card 16 No.2303 No 331-4-10-A
ARMSTEAD, FLOYD: R 5, Florence,AL, Laud. Co.; Age: 23; DOB: April 10, 1894; Natural born; Lauderdale Co. AL, USA; Citizen; Farmer; Self; Laud. Co. AL; Dependents? Wife; Married; African; Military Service: None; Exemption? No; Signature: X; Height: short; Build: Stout; Eyes: Brown; Hair: black; bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: J. Reeder Thomas; Precinct 16, Laud. Co. AL; June 5, 1917.


Card # 17 No. 933 No. 54 1-4-10-A
ARMSTEAD, GEORGE: Rt 5, Florence, AL. Age: 22; DOB: Sept 20, 1894; Natual born, Lauderdale CO. AL; USA citizen; Farmer; Employer: P. J. Irons, Laud. Co. AL; Dependents: No; Single; African; Military Service? None; Claim Exemption? No; Signature: X; Height: short; Build: Stout; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Black; Bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: J.Reeder Thomas; Precinct 15, Laud. Co. AL; June 5, 1917.


Card # 12 No 2284 No. 43 1-4-10-A
ARMSTEAD,GEORGE: RFD 5, Florence, AL; Age: 26; DOB: Jan 18, 1891; natural born citizen; Born: near Smithsonia, AL, USA; Farmer; Employer: James Phillips, Share Cropper; Where employed: on Paulk Place; Dependents? Wife & 3 children; Married; African; Military Service: No; Claim Exemption? Heart Trouble; Signature: X; Height: Tall; Build: slender; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: T. L. Sugg; Precinct: 16, Laud. Co. Ala. June 5.1817.


Serial # 1041 Order # 1054 1-4-10A
ARMSTEAD, HESLIP,JR.: Florence, Ala. Age: 39; DOB: Oct 18, 1879; Negro; Native born; Farmer, Florence, Ala. Nearest Relative: Heslip Armstead; Florence, AL; Signature: Yes; Height: Short; Build: Medium; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Disabled? No; Registrar: S. D. Rice; September 12, 1918.


Serial # 2255 Order # 3688 1-4-10-C
ARMSTEAD, ISAAC: Smithsonia, Lauderdale Co. Ala; Age: 45; DOB: Nov. 10, 1879; Negro; Native born; Farming; Nearest Relative: Tennie ARMSTEAD, Smithsonia, Ala. Signature: Yes; Height: medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Blank; Hair: Blank; Disabled? Blank; Registrar: T. W. Kent; September 12, 1918.


Serial # 2232 Order # 3193 1-4-10-C
ARMSTEAD,JAMES: Smithsonia, Lauderdale Co. Ala; Age: 45; DOB: July 14?, 1873; Negro; Native born; Labor; Employer: J. Hunt Packing?, Smithsonia, Ala; Nearest Relative: Hizlip ARMSTEAD; Smithsonia, Ala; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Disabled? Blank; Registrar: T.W. Kent, September 12, 1918.


Serial # 254 Order # 674 1-4-10-C
ARMSTEAD, JAMES BILHAM: 220 N. College St.,Florence, Ala., Lauderdale County; Age: 37; DOB: Mar 12, 1881; Negro; Native born; Laborer; Employer: Air Nitrates Corp, Muscle Shoals, Ala. Colbert Co.; Nearest Relative: Myrtle ARMSTEAD; Same address; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Black; Disabled? No; Registrar: Mary P. Brant; September 12, 1918.


Card # 32 No. 1209 No. 25
ARMSTEAD, JERRY; RFD 4, Florence, Ala.; Age; 21; DOB: Aug __, 1896; Natural born, Oakland, Ala. USA; Farmer; Employer: Blank; Dependents? Wife; Married; African; Military Service? None; Claim exemption? No; Signature: X; Height: Tall; Build: Medium; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: S. G. Watkins; Precinct 12, Laud.Co. AL. June 5, 1917.


Card # 15 No. 205 No 66 1-4-10-A
ARMSTEAD, JOE: Address: Florence,AL; Age 28; DOB: March 15, 1889; Natural born, Laud. Co. Ala; Citizen: farmer: Self; Lauderdale Co. AL; Dependents: wife and 1 child; Married; African; Military Service: none; Claim Exemption? No; Signature: X; Height: Tall; Build: Slender: Eyes: Brown; Hair: Dark; Bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: J. Reeder Thomas; Precinct 16, Laud. Co. AL; June 5, 1917.


Serial # 2264 Order # 3681 1-4-10-C
ARMSTEAD, JOHN: Address: Smithsonia, Laud. Co. AL; Age: 45; DOB: Jan 5, 1873; Negro; Native born; Farming; Nearest Relative: (illegible, appears to be) Mittis Malone, Smithsonia, Ala; Signature? Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Disabled? No; Registrar: T. W.Kent; September 12, 1918.


Card # 28 No. 2497 No. 49 1-4-10-A
ARMSTEAD,JOHN LEWIS: RFD 4, Florence, Ala; Age: 29; DOB: September 5, 1888; natural born; Oakland, Ala, USA; Farmer; Dependents: wife and one child; Married; African; Military Service: None; Claim exemption? No; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Disabled? No; Registrar: S. G. Watkins; Precinct 12, Laud. Co. Ala; June 5, 1917.


Serial # 3283 Order # 819 1-4-10-C
ARMSTEAD, LARENCE: Rt 4, Florence, Al, Lauderdale Co.; Age:18; DOB: July 19, 1900; Negro; Native born; Farmer; Rt. 4, Florence, Ala. Nearest Relative: Lizzie Armstead; Same Address; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Black; Disabled? No; Registrar: S. G. Watkins; September 12, 1918.


Card 75 No. 147 No. 109 1-4-10-A
ARMSTEAD, LEE: Rt. 4, Box 82, Florence, AL; Age: 30; DOB: Nov.__, 1886; Natural Born; Lauderdale Co. AL; Farmer; Self; Laud. Co. AL; Dependents: wife; Married; Colored; Military Service: None; Claim exemption? None; Signature: Yes; Height: Tall; Build: Tall; (not a typo) Eyes: Brown; Hair: Black; Bald? Blank; Disabled? No; Registrar: J. T. McPeters; Precinct 10, Laud. CO. AL; June 5, 1917.


Serial # 2271 Order # 3609 1-4-10-C
ARMSTEAD, LUSHIS: RFD 5, Florence, Ala, Laud. Co.; Age: 34; DOB: May 10, 1884; Negro; Native born; Farming; Nearest Relative: Mrs. Lushis ARMSTEAD; Same address; Signature: X; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Dark; Hair: Dark; Disabled? No; Registrar: T.W. Kent; September 12, 1918.


Card 11 No. 348 No 28 1-4-10-C
ARMSTEAD, NAPOLEON: Smithsonia, Ala; Age: 22; DOB: May 15, 1895; Natural Born Citizen; Smithsonia, Ala. USA; Farmer; Employer: Father; Where Employed? On Rowel Place; Dependents? No; Single; African; Military Service? None; Claim Exemption? Blank; Signature: Yes; (letters C A written in red pencil on lower bottom left hand side of card, no explanation) Height: Tall; Build: Slender; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: T. L. Sugg, Precinct 16, Laud. Co. AL; June 5, 1917.


Card 24 No. 2196 No. 48 1-4-10-A
ARMSTEAD, RICHARD: RFD 2, Florence, Ala; Age: 27; DOB: August 4, 1890; Natural born citizen; Born: Florence, Ala; Occupation: Farm labor; Employer: George Lee, Woodland, Beat 13. Have you a father, mother, wife, child under 12, or a sister or brother under 12, solely dependent on you for support? Yes; Married; Negro; Military Service? None; Claim Exemption? No; Signature: X; Height: tall; Build: Stout; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: J.M. Murphy, Precinct 13, Laud. Co. AL. June 5, 1917.


Card 56 No. 261 No. 65 1-4-10-A
ARMSTEAD, ROBERT J: Rt 4, Florence, Ala, Lauderdale Co; Age: 30; DOB: January 28, 1887; Natural borned US; Where born? Oakland Ala. Farmer; Self; Near Florence; Dependents? Wife; Married; Colored; Military Service: Blank; Claim exemption? No; Signature: Yes; (letter C in bottom left hand corner, front of card) Height: Tall; Build: Medium; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Bald? Blank; Disabled? Blank; Registrar: H. P. Davis; Precinct 10, Florence, Al; June 5, 1917.


Serial # 69 Registration No. 240 1-4-10-B
ARMISTEAD, ROBERT: Rt. 2, Box 71, Florence,Ala; Age: 27; DOB: Sept 3, 1896; Native born; Father's Birthplace: Laud. CO. AL; USA; Employer: Charles Armistead, Rt. 2, Florence, AL; Nearest Relative: Charles Armistead; Same Address; Signature: X; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Disabled? No; Registrar: Anne L. Huston; June 5, 1918.


Card # 33 No. 1204 No. 53 1-4-10-A
ARMSTEAD, SHELBY: RFD 4, Florence,Ala; Age: 21; DOB: April 4, 1896; Natural Born; Oakland, Ala, USA; Farmer; Have you a father, mother, wife, child, under 12 or a sister or brother solely dependent on you for support? One sister & two brothers; Single; African; Military Service: none; Claim exemption? No; Signature: X; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Black; Bald? No Disabled? No; Registrar: S. G. Watkins, Precinct 12, Laud. Co. Ala, June 5, 1917.

Serial # 2260 Order # 935 1-4-10-C


ARMSTEAD, TOM: Smithsonia, Lauderdale Co. Ala; Age: 36; DOB: July 4 or 7, 1882; Negro; Native born; Farming; Nearest Relative: Winnie (appears to be Mehirson or Mchirson) Florence, AL; Signature: X; Height: Medium; Build: medium; Eyes: dark; Hair: Dark; Disabled? Blank; Registrar: T. W. Kent; September 12,1918.


Serial # 2126 Order # 1848 1-4-10-C
ARMSTEAD, WARNER: Rt 4, Florence, Laud. Co. Ala; Age: 44; DOB: Aug 16, 1874; Negro; Native born; Farmer; Rt 4, Florence, Ala; Nearest Relative: Martha Armstead, wife, Same Address; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Disabled? No; Registrar: S. G. Watkins; September 12, 1918.

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