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World War I Draft Registration Cards: Blair - Bobo

Serial # 677 Order # 3906 1-4-10-C
BLAIR, ANDREW JACKSON: 401 E. Mobile St., Florence, Lauderdale Co., AL, Age: 40: DOB: Dec 7, 1877; White, Native born; Occupation: Grocery Clerk; Employer: Tri-Cities Grocery Co. Tennessee St., Florence, Ala; Nearest Relative: John S. Blair; Florence, Ala; Signature: Yes; Height: Short; Build: Slender; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Black; Disabled: No Registrar: D. O. Warren; September 12, 1918.


Serial # 2937 Order # 843 1-4-10-C
BLAIR, LESLIE WARREN: RFD 2, Rogersville, Lauderdale Co. Ala; Age: 20; DOB: Aug 4, 1898; White; Native born; Occupation: Farming; Nearest Relative: (wife) Cornelia Blair; Same Address; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Lt.Brown; Disabled? No; Registrar: J. E. Hurn; September 12, 1918.


Serial # 463 Order # 3796 1-4-10-C
BLAIR, JOHN S.: RFD, Florence, Ala; Age: 42; DOB: Dec 16, 1875; White; Native born; Occupation: Farmer; Nearest Relative: Mrs. J.S. Blair; Same Address; Signature: Yes; Height: Both Medium & Short are marked: Build: Not marked; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Black; Disabled: Blank; Registrar: Thomas P. Anderton; September 12, 1918.


Card # 264 No. 2691 No. 21 1-4-10-A
BLAIR, LEONARD: Address: # 12 F__Row Union; Florence, Ala; Age: 21; DOB: Mar 5, 1896; Natural Born; Where born: West Point, Tenn; Occupation: Laborer, Blast Furnace; Employer: Sloss Sheffield Steel & Iron Co; (# 13 in red pencil next to occupation; Where employed: Florence, Ala; Have you a father, mother, wife, child under 12, or a sister or brother under 12, solely dependent on you for support? No; Single; Colored; Military Service: None; Claim Exemption: No; Signature: Yes; Height: Short; Build: Medium, 140 lbs. Eyes: Dark; Hair: Dark; Bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: ____J. Phillips; Precinct 10, Florence,Ala; June 5, 1917.


Serial # 750 Order # 1403 1-4-10-C
BLAIR, Q. Address: Florence, Ala; Age: 43; DOB: Nov 17, 1874; White; Native born; Occupation: Salesman; Employer: R. W. Drane? & Co; Florence, Ala; Nearest Relative: Mrs. Q. Blair; Same Address: Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Grey; Hair: Black; Disabled? No. Registrar; H. Larimore; September 12, 1918.


Card # 251 No. 1729. No. 42 1-4-10-A
BLAKE, ROBERT W.:Florence, Ala; Age: 30; DOB: June 12, 1886; Natural born; Where born? Florence, Ala, USA; Occupation: Chauffeur: (# 25 in red pencil on this line) By whom employed? C. Griffin, Florence, Ala; Have you a father, mother, wife, child under 12, or a sister or brother under 12, solely dependent on you for support? Wife & Mother; Married: Colored: Military Service: Rank: Military; Branch: Tuskegee; One year; Nation or State: Alabama; Do you claim Exemption: Yes; Signature: Yes; Height: Tall; Build: Medium; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Black; Bald? Blank; Disabled? No; Registrar: H. P. Davis, Precinct 10, Florence, Ala; June 5, 1917.


Card # 99 No. 1886 No. 153 1-4-1-A
BLAKELY, BERCH: Address: RFD 1, Mt. Roszell, Ala; Age: 29; DOB: Aug 29, 1887; Native Born; Where Born? Mt. Roszell, Ala; Occupation: Farming; (# 1 in red pencil on this line); By whom employed? Self; Have you a father, mother , wife, child under 12, or a sister or brother under 12, solely dependent on you for support? Wife and 3 children; Married; White; Military Service? Blank; Claim Exemption? Yes, on acct. dependents; Signature: Yes; Height: Tall; Build: Slender; Eyes; Blue; Hair: Dark; Disabled? No; Registrar: W.J. Hammonds; Precinct 1, Lauderdale Co. Ala; June 5, 1917.


Serial # 65 Registration # 137 1-4-10-B
BLAKELY, RAY M.: 502 Cole St. Florence, Ala; Age: 21; DOB: Oct 4, 1896; Where born; Florence, Ala, USA; Native born; Father’s Birthplace: Hamilton Co. Tenn. USA; Employer: Florence Wagon Co, Florence, Ala; Nearest Relative: C. L. Blakely, Same Address; Signature: Yes; Height: Tall; Build: Stout; Eyes: Grey; Hair: Brown; Disabled? No; Registrar: M. D? McFarland, June 5, 1917.


Card # 220 No. 271 No. 2716 No. 162 1-4-10-A
BLAKEMORE, JOSEPH N.: Address: N. Court St., Florence, Ala; Age: 30; DOB: June 6, 1886; Natural born; Where Born? Scottsboro, Jackson Co. Ala; USA; Occupation: Physician; (# 28 written in red pencil on this line); Employer: My self; Where: Florence, Ala; Have you a father, mother, wife, child under 12, or a sister or brother under 12, solely dependent on you for support? Wife and 1 child; Married; Caucasian; Military Service: No; Claim Exemption: No; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Light; Bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: J. T. McPeters; C. W. Young, Clerk County Board; Precinct 10, Laud. Co. Ala; June 5, 1917.


Serial # 720 Order # 2135 1-4-10-C
BLALOCK, JOHN HENRY: Rt. 1, Florence, Ala; Age: 37; DOB: July 19, 1881; White; Native born; Occupation: Farming; Self-employed; Nearest Relative; Mrs. Betty Blalock; Same Address: Signature: Yes; Height: Tall; Build: Slender; Eyes; Brown; Hair: Brown, Bald; Disabled? No; Registrar: Julia D. Pratt, September 12, 1918.


Serial # 37 Order # 1723 1-4-10-C
BLALOCK, LOUIS SANDERS: Rt. 2, Hines, Lauderdale Co. Ala; Age: 35; DOB: May 13, 1883; White; Native born; Occupation: Farmer; Employer: Self; Nearest Relative: Mrs. Irma Blalock, Same Address; Signature; Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Blue: Hair: Light; Disabled? No; Registrar: Mary P. Brant; September 12, 1918.


Serial # 2217 Order # 2645 1-4-10-C
BLALOCK, RUFUS MIX: RFD 1, Florence, Lauderdale Co. Ala; Age: 33; DOB: July 16, 1885; White; Native born; Occupation: Team Foreman; Employer: United States: Place of Employment: with US Engineers, Florence, Lauderdale Co. Ala; Nearest Relative: Mrs. Vivian G. Blalock (wife), Same Address: Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium: Eyes: Brown; Hair: Dark Brown; Disabled? No; Registrar: L. S. Perry, September 12, 1918.


Card # 200 No. 2151 No. ??? 1-4-10-C
BLEVINS, DAVID ELZIE: Address: Cherry Mills, Florence, Ala; Age: 24; DOB: April 3, 1893; Natural born; Where Born? Arley, Ala, USA; Occupation: Cotton Mill Operation; (#21 in red pencil on this line) Employer: Cherry Cotton Mill; Florence, Ala; Have you a father, mother, wife, child under 12, or a sister or brother under 12, solely dependent on you for support? Mother; Single; Caucasian; Military Service: None; Claim exemption: Yes, been ruptured; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Slender; Eyes: Grey; Hair: Dark Brown; Bald: No; Disabled? No; Registrar: M. J. Phillips? Precinct 10, Laud. Co. Ala; June 5, 1917.


Card # 211 No. 815 No. 179 1-4-10-A
BLUE, JAMES: Rt. 4, Florence, Ala; Age: 26: DOB: June 5, 1891; Native Born; Where? Lauderdale Co. Florence, Ala; Occupation: Farming: Where Employed: Sid Rackard; Laud. CO. Ala; Have you a father, mother, wife, child under 12, or a sister or brother under 12, solely dependent on you for support? Wife & 3 Children; Married; Colored; Military Service: No; Claim Exemption: None; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Blank; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Black; Bald: No; Disabled? No; Registrar: J. T. McPeters; Precinct 10, Laud. Co. Ala; June 5, 1917.


Serial # 250 Order # 2715 1-4-10-C
BLYTHE, FRANK: # 70 Cypress St. Florence, Laud. Co.,AL; Age: 45: DOB: Aug 13, 1873; White; Native born; Occupation: Carpenter; Employer: Westinghouse Church Kerr & Co. Address: U.S. N. P. No 2 Muscle Shoals, Colbert Co. Ala; Nearest Relative; Mrs. Frank Blythe; Same Address: Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Grey; Hair: Dk Brown; Disabled? No; Registrar: Viola L. Stewart; Sept 12, 1918.


Serial # 192 Registration # 248 1-4-10-B
BOALDEN, WILLIE: Address: Florence, Ala; Age: 21; DOB: September 15, 1897; Where Born? Greensboro, Ala; USA; Native born; Father’s Birthplace: Don’t know; Employer: Sloss Sheffield Iron Co. Where: Florence, Ala; Nearest Relative: Margaret Charles; Greensboro, Ala; Signature: X; Height: Tall; Build: Stout; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Disabled: Blank; Registrar: B. S. Robinson, July 11, 1918.


Serial # 221 Order # 3886 1-4-10-C
BOATMAN, JESSE SMALL: Rt. 1, Waterloo, Lauderdale Co. Ala; Age: 44: DOB: Feb 6, 1874; White; Native born; Occupation: Minister: Board of ________? Place of Employment: New York City; Nearest Relative: Ellen Boatman; (wife) Address: Waterloo, Ala; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Grey; Hair: Brown; Disabled? No; Registrar: E. R. Freeman, Circuit Clerk, Local Board for the County of Franklin, State of Ala. Russellville, Ala.


Card # 193 No. 2575 No. ?? 1-4-10-A
BOBO, JAMES A.: Address: Lexington, Ala; Age: 23; DOB: Aug 24, 1892; Natural born; Where Born? Marshall Co. Ala; USA; Occupation: Farmer; Self-employed; Where? Lexington, Ala; Have you a father, mother, wife, child under 12, or a sister or brother under 12, solely dependent on you for support? Wife and 2 Children; Married; Caucasian; Military Service? None; Claim Exemption: No; Signature: Yes; Height: Tall; Build: Stout; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Dark; Bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: L. M. Foster; Precinct 3, Laud. Co. Ala; June 5, 1917.


Card #141 No 2562 No. 22; 1-4-10-A
BOBO, RUBEN F.: Address: Loretta, Tenn. Age: 22; DOB: Sept 31, 1894; Native born; Where Born? Hodges Ala, USA; Occupation: Farmer; Self; Lexington, Ala; Have you a father, mother, wife, child under 12, or a sister or brother under 12, solely dependent on you for support? Wife & Child; Married; Caucasian; Military Service: None; Claim Exemption? No; Signature: Yes: Height: Tall; Build: Stout; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Light; Bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: L. M. Foster; Precinct 3, Laud. Co. AL; June 5, 1917.


Card # 148 No. 1717 No. 23 1-4-10-A
BOBO, WILLIAM P.: Address: Loretto, Tenn; Age: 22; DOB: Mar 30, 1894; Natural born; Where born? Hackleburg? Ala; USA Occupation: Farmer; Employer: Self: Have you a father, mother, wife, child under 12, or a sister or brother under 12, solely dependent on you for support? Wife and Child; Married Caucasian; Military Service: None; Claim Exemption: No; Signature: X Height: Medium; Build; Medium; Eyes; Blue; Hair: Brown; Bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: L. M. Foster; Precinct 3, Laud. Co., Al;

2024 by County Coordinator Patricia Bryant Hartley.

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