Lauderdale County, Alabama
World War I Draft Registration Cards: Bobbitt - Bounds
Serial # 142 Order # 2055 1-4-10-C
BOBBITT, THOMAS JEFFERSON: Address: Florence, Ala. Age: 36; DOB: Dec 9, 1881; White; Native born; Occupation: Contractor; Self-employed; Nearest Relative; Mrs. Myrtle Bobbitt; Same Address: Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Black; Disabled: No; Registrar: J. S. Robinson; September 12, 1918.
Serial # 1689 Order # 149 1-4-10-C
BODDIE, ABE: Address: RFD 2, Florence, Lauderdale County, Alabama; Age: 33: DOB: May 27, 1885; Negro; Native born; Occupation: Farming; Employer: Jno. A. Darby, Jr. RFD 2, Florence, Ala; Nearest Relative: Mattie Boddie (wife) Same Address; Signature: X; Height: Short; Build: Medium; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Disabled: Blank; Registrar: A. J. Darby; September 12, 1918.
Card # 246 No. 1874 No. 33 1-4-10-A
BODDIE, ANDREW: Rt. 4, Florence, Ala; Age: 22; DOB: May 5, 1899; Natural born citizen; Where born; Near Florence, Ala. USA; Occupation: Farmer; Self-employed; Have you a father, mother, wife, child under 12, or a sister or brother under 12, solely dependent on you for support? Wife; Married; Ethiopian; Military Service: No; Claim Exemption? No; Signature: X: Witnessed by Zachariah Christian; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Disabled? No; Registrar: H. P. Davis, Precinct 10, Box 2, Laud. Co. Ala; June 5, 1917.
Serial # 2270 Order # 3206 1-4-10-C
BODDIE, CHARLEY: Smithsonia, Lauderdale County, Ala; Age: 20; DOB: Jan 7, 1898; Negro; Native born; Occupation: Farming; Employer: Blank; Nearest Relative: Sallie Boddie; Same Address; Signature: X; Height: Tall; Build: Medium; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Disabled? Blank; Registrar: T. W. Kent; September 12, 1918.
Card # 211 No. 2010 1-4-10-A
BODDIE, FELIX: Route 4, Florence, Laud. Co. Ala; Age: 27; DOB: May 21, 1890; Natural born citizen; Where born? Near Florence, Ala; USA; Occupation: Farming; Where: Near Florence; Have you a father, mother, wife, child under 12, or a sister or brother under 12 solely dependent on you for support? Wife & 3 children; Married; Ethiopian; Military Service: None; Claim Exemption: Yes, Dependents; Signature: Yes; Height: Short; Build: Medium; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: No Signature: Precinct 10, Box 3, Florence, Ala; June 5, 1917.
Serial # 3918 Order # 3616 ½ 1-4-10-A
BODDIE, FRANK JAMES: Address: No. 2, Florence, Laud. Co. Ala; Age: 18; DOB: Jan 27, 1900; Negro; Native Born; Occupation: Farmer; Employer: John Darby, Jr. RFD # 2 Florence, Ala; Nearest Relative: Robert Boddie, RFD 2, Florence, Laud. Co. Ala; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Disabled? No; Registrar: Viola L. Stewart; September 12, 1918.
Serial # 3753 Order # 604 1-4-10-C
BODDIE, KIRTIS MILTON: Address: Rt. 5, Florence,Ala; Age: 35;DOB: Nov 18, 1884; Negro; Native Born; Occupation: Farmer; Self-employed; Nearest Relative: Pearl Boddie; Rt 5, Florence, Ala. Signature: Yes: Height: Medium; Build: Stout; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Dark; Disabled: No; Registrar: J. Reeder Thomas; September 12, 1918.
Serial # 3690 Order # 3173 1-4-10-C
BODDIE, LYMON WALTER: Address: Rt. 5, Florence, Ala; Age: 34; DOB: Sept 20, 1884; Negro; Native born; Occupation: Farmer; Self-employed: Nearest Relative; Meadie Boddie, Same Address; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Black; Disabled: No; Registrar: J. Reeder Thomas; September 12, 1918.
Serial # 57 Registration # 102 1-4-10-B
BODDIE, RICHARD: Rt. 2, Florence, Laud. Co. Ala; Age: 21; DOB: Spring of 1897; Where Born: Lauderdale Co. Ala; Native born; Father’s Birthplace: Lauderdale Co. Ala; Employer: John A. Darby; Rt. 2, Florence, Ala; Signature: X; Height: Tall; Build: Medium; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Disabled? No; Registrar: Anne L. Huston; June 6, 1918.
Serial # 3784 Order # 3292 1-4-10-C
BODDIE, WILLIAM HENRY: Address: Rt. 5, Florence,Ala; Age: 21; DOB: Dec 20, 1896; Negro; Native born; Occupation: Farmer; Employer: Father: Rt. 5, Florence, Ala; Nearest Relative: Richmond Boddie; Same Address: Signature: Yes; Height: Tall; Build: Slender; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Disabled: No; Registrar: J. Reeder Thomas ; Sept 12, 1918.
Card # 309 No. 2534 No. 64 1-4-10-A
BODDY, JOHN LOUIS: Address: RFD 2, Florence, Ala; Age: 22; DOB: April 12, 1895; Native born; Where born? Woodland, Ala; USA; Occupation: Farm laborer; (# 30 written in red pencil on this line) Employer: John Purser; Woodland Beat 13; Dependents: No; Single; Negro; Military Service: None; Claim Exemption: No; Signature: Yes; Height: Tall; Build: Slender; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: J. M. Murphy; Precinct 13, Laud. Co. Ala; June 5, 1917.
Card # 3152 No. 1088 No.12 1-4-10-A
BODIE, JOHN: Address: Smithsonia, Ala; Age: 26: DOB: Nov 11 or 12, (It appears that 2 was written and then 1 was written over it) 1890; a natural born citizen; Where born? Smithsonia, Ala; Occupation: Farmer, (1 written in red pencil in this line) By whom employed? No one; Where Employed: on Perkins Place; Have you a father, mother, wife, children under 12, or a sister or brother under 12, solely dependent on you for support? Wife; married; African; Military Service: No; Claim Exemption: Rheumatism; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: T. L. Sugg, Precinct 16, Smithsonia, Ala; June 5, 1917.
Card # 351 No. 1710 No. 48 1-4-10-A
BODIE, PINK: Address: Smithsonia, Ala; Age: 26; DOB: Nov 5, 1892; a natural born citizen; Where born? Near Florence, Ala, USA; Occupation: Farmer (1 written in red pencil on this line) By whom employed: Renter; Where employed: on Est. C. Smith; Have you a father, mother, wife, child under 12, or a sister or brother under 12, solely dependent on you for support? One child; Single: African; Military Service: no; Claim Exemption: Shoulder Dislocated twice; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: T. L. Sugg, Precinct 16, Lauderdale Co. Ala; June 5, 1917.
Card # 328 No. 878 No. 40 1-4-10-A
BODDY, MACK: RFD 2, Florence, Ala; Age: 27: DOB: September 9, 1890; Natural born citizen; Where born? Woodland, Ala; US; Occupation: Farming; Self-employed: Woodland, Beat 13; Have you a father, mother, wife, child under 12, or a sister or brother under 12, solely dependent on you for support? Yes, wife; Married; Negro; Military Service; None; Claim Exemption: No; (C written in red pencil on left hand corner of card) Signature: X; Height: Tall; Build: Medium; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Bald? Slightly; Disabled? No; Registrar: J. M. Murphy; Precinct 13, Laud. Co. Ala; June 5, 1917.
Serial # 218 Order # 3834 1-4-10-C
BODY, MACK; Address: Florence, Lauderdale Co. Al; Age: 44; DOB: April 15, 1874; Negro; Native born; Occupation: Boiler Maker Keeper? Employer: J. G. White Eng. Corp; Muscle Shoals, Colbert Co., Ala; Nearest Relative: Anthony Body, Florence, Lauderdale Co, Al; Signature; Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Disabled? OK; Registrar: Hugo Lenzer Sgt ORD USA; Sept 12, 1918.
Card # 525 No. 612 No. ?? 1-4-10-A
BODDY, PERCY: RFD 2, Florence, Ala; Age: 23; DOB: March 15, 1894; Natural born citizen; Where born; Woodland, Ala; Beat 13, US; Occupation: Farming; Self-employed; Where? Woodland, Beat 13; Dependents? No; Single; Negro; Military Service: None; Claim Exemption: No; (CA written in red pencil in left hand corner, front of card); Signature: X; Height: Medium; Build: Stout; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: J. M. Murphy, Precinct 13, Laud. Co. Ala; June 5, 1917.
Serial # 3281 Order # 3001 1-4-10-C
BODY, ROBERT: Address: Rt. 4, Florence, Laud. Co. Ala; Age: 41; DOB: Oct 6, 1876; Negro; Native born; Occupation: Farmer; Nearest Relative: Rosa Body, (wife) Same Address; Signature: X; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes Brown; Hair: Black; Disabled? No; Registrar: S. G. Watkins; Sept 12, 1918.
Serial # 3079 Order # 3448 1-4-10-C
BOGUS, FARIS: RFD 1, Florence, Laud. Co. Ala; Age: 24; DOB: September 22, 1898; White; Native Born; Occupation: Farming: Employer: Himself; Nearest Relative: Ellen Bogus; Same Address; Signature: X; Height: Short; Build: Medium; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Black; Disabled: Blank; Registrar: T. J. Rasch; September 12, 1918.
Card # 109 No. 1721 No. 52 1-4-10-A
BOLES, WILLIE: Address: RFD 1, Mt. Roszell, Ala; Age: 21; DOB: June 18, 1895; Natural born; Where born? Hillham,? Tenn. Occupation: Farming; Self-employed; Dependents: Wife; Married; White; Military Service: Blank; Claim Exemption? Yes, on acct. dependents. (this does say dependents even though he only mentioned his wife as a dependent.
Serial # 3672 Order # 1452 1-4-10-C
BOLEY, JAMES HENRY: Address: RFD, Waterloo, Laud. Co. Ala; Age: 39; DOB: Jan 7, 1879; White; Native Born; Occupation: Farmer: Self-employed; Nearest Relative: Mrs. Pearl Boley; Same Address; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Grey; Disabled? Blank; Registrar: H. M. Mann; September 12, 1918.
Serial # 3663 Order # 3297 1-4-10-C
BOLEY, RUSSELL ALEXANDER: Rt. 1, Waterloo, Lauderdale Co. Ala; Age: 36; DOB: Oct 22, 1882; White; Native born; Occupation: Farmer; Employer: J. H. Boley; Nearest Relative; Rodah Boley, RFD 1, Paden, Tishomingo Co. MS; Signature: X; Height: Tall; Build: Slender; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Black; Disabled? This party is not qualified owing to his having but little mind or reason. Registrar: H. M. Mann; September 12, 1918.
Serial # 195 Order # 3885 1-4-10-C
BOMAR, HAYNE MILES: 630 N. College St. Florence, Laud. Co. Ala; Age: 43; DOB: April 16, 1875; Negro; Native born; Occupation: Bricklayer; Employer: T. J. Bobbitt & Co. Florence, Ala; Nearest Relative; Mrs. Louise Bomar; Same address; Signature: Yes; Height: medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Disabled? No; Registrar: Viola L. Stewart; September 12, 1918.
Card # 233 No. 2749 No. 180 1-4-10-A
BOND, JAMES WILLIAMSON: Address: Wood Ave, Florence, Ala; Age: 26; DOB: Nov 25, 1890; Natural born; Where born? Brownville, Tenn, USA; Occupation: Operate garage and plumbing busines; By whom employed? Own business; Where: Florence, Ala; Have you a father, mother, wife, child under 12, or a sister or brother under 12, solely dependent on you for support? Wife and child; Married; Caucasian; Military Service: Rank: Private; Branch: State Militia; Years: 3; State or Nation: Tennessee; Do you claim exemption? Wife and child 3 years old.; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Brown; Bald? No; Disabled: No; Registrar: J. T. McPeters, Precinct 10, Florence, Ala; June 5, 1917.
Serial # 2157 Order # 2627 1-4-10-C
BONDS, THOMAS FREDERICK: 813 Richards St. Florence, Laud. Co. Ala; Age: 33; DOB: Nov 13, 1884; White; Native born; Occupation: Foreman, Blacksmith Dept.; Employer: Florence Wagon Co. 903 Richards St. Florence, Laud. Co. Ala; Nearest Relative; Mrs. Florence Sanderson Bonds; 813 Richards St. Florence, Ala; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Slender; Eyes: Grey; Hair: Brown; Disabled? No Registrar: S. C. Harlan; September 12, 1918.
Serial # 774 Order # 2919 1-4-10-C
BONDS OR BORNS, VINCE: Rt. 1, Killen, Laud. Co. Ala; Age: 18; DOB: March 20, 1900; Negro; Native born; Occupation: Teamster; Employer: Newell Bros. Construction, Birmingham, Jefferson Co. Ala; Nearest Relative: Joe Bonds or Borns; Carrollton, Pickens Co. Ala; Signature: X; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Black; Disabled: Blank; Registrar: J. W or J. V. Walton. September 12, 1918. ( This registrar’s handwriting is very difficult to read)
Serial # 244 Order # 2987 1-4-10-C
BOONE, WILLIAM BRUCE: 212 Alabama St. Florence, Lauderdale Co. Ala; Age: 45; DOB: Sept 21, 1873; White; Native born; Occupation: Architech; Employer: T. J. Bobbitt & Co, Florence, Ala; Nearest Relative: Mrs. Ilene? Boone; Same Address: Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Slender; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Black; Disabled? No; Registrar: Viola L. Stewart; September 12, 1918.
Serial # 774 Order # 2919 1-4-10-C
BORNS OR BONDS, VINCE: Address: Rt. 1, Killen, Laud. Co. Ala; Age: 18; DOB: March 20, 1900; Negro; Native born; Occupation: Teamster; Employer: Newell Bros. Construction Co., Birmingham, Jefferson Co. Ala; Nearest Relative: Joe Borns or Bond, Carrollton, Pickins Co. Ala; Signature: X; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Black; Disabled? Blank; Registrar: J.W. Walton; September 12, 1918.
Card # ? No. 2266 1-4-10-A
BOSLEY, THOMAS JOHNSON: Address: Hawthorn St. Florence, Laud. Co. Ala; Age: 46; DOB: Jan 31, 1891; Native born; Where born? Florence, Ala, America; Occupation: ? By whom employed? Public; Where: Florence; Have you a father, mother, wife, child under 12, or a sister or brother under 12 solely dependent on you for support? Wife & 2 Children; Married; White; Military Service: Rank: Sargent; Branch: State Militia: 1909-1912; State: Alabama; Claim Exemption: No; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Black; Bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: H. P. Davis, Precinct 10, Florence, Ala; June 5, 1917.
Serial # 1316 Order # 3228 1-4-10-C
BOSTON, E.H. : Address: East Florence, Ala; Age: 20; DOB: Jan 9, 1898; White; Native born; Occupation: Blacksmith; Employer: Florence Wagon Co.; Nearest Relative: Mother, Mrs. _H Boston; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Blank; Eyes: Grey; Hair: Dark; Disabled? Blank; Registrar: Thomas J. Phillips; September 12, 1918.
Serial # 382 Order # 1337 1-4-10-C
BOSTON, GEORGE VERNON: Plum St. Florence, Laud. Co Ala; Age: 18; DOB: July 4, 1900. White; Native born; Occupation: Blacksmith; Employer: Mollie Boston, Florence, Ala; Nearest Relative: Mollie Boston, Plum St. Florence, Laud. Co. Ala; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Slender; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Light; Disabled? No; Registrar: Mary P. Brant; September 12, 1918.
Card # 223 No. 138 No. 137 1-4-10-A
BOSTON, MONROE HUGH COLLINS: East Mobile St. Florence, Ala; Age: 28; DOB: May 21, 1889; Natural born: Where born? Rogersville, Laud. Co Ala; USA; Occupation: Clerk; Employer: H. P. Lucas, Florence, Ala; ((# 26 written in red pencil on this line) Have you a father, mother, wife, child under 12, or a sister or brother under 12, solely dependent on you for support? Wife and 2 Children; Married; Caucasian; Military Service: None; Claim Exemption: Dependent Family; Signature: Yes; Height: Short; Build: Slender; Eyes: Grey; Hair: Black; Bald? No; Disabled? Blank; Registrar: J. T. McPeters, Precinct 10 Dist. # 1, Laud. Co. Ala; June 5, 1917.
Serial # 198 Order # 1599 1-4-10-C
BOTWINICK, ITZKO? Address: Mobile St. Florence, Laud. Co. Ala; Age: 43: DOB: Sept 13, 1874; White; Alien, Declarent; If not a citizen of the US of what nation are you a citizen or subject? Russia; Occupation: Shoemaker; Employer: Self; Place of Employment: Mobile St. Florence, Ala; Nearest Relative: Jennie Shapiro; 632 Main St. Nashville, Tenn. Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Grey; Disabled? No; Registrar: E. R. Robinson, September 12, 1918.
Card # 225 No. 2481 No. 170 1-4-10-A
BAULDWING?, RICHARD: 312 E. Tennessee St. Florence, Ala; Age: 28; DOB: June 13, 1889; Natural born; Where Born? Nashville, Tenn. USA; Occupation: Sheet Metal Worker; Employer: G. H. Russell, Where employed: Florence Plb. & Rfg. Co; Have you a father, mother, wife, child under 12, or a sister or brother under 12, solely dependent on you for support? Wife and one child; Married; White; Military Service: No; Claim Exemption: Support of family; Signature: Yes; Height: Short; Build: Medium; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Black; Bald? No; Disabled? No; J. T. McPeters, Precinct 10 Florence, Laud. Co. Ala; June 5, 1917.
Card # 221 No. ___ No. 62 1-4-10-A
BOUGGUS, ALBERT: Address: E. Mobile St. Florence, Ala; Age: 27; DOB: Dec 4, 1889; Natural born; Where born? Laud. Co. Ala; Occupation: Blacksmith; Owns business; Where? Florence, Ala; Have you a father, mother, wife child under 12, or a sister or brother under 12, solely dependent on you for support? Wife & 1 child; Married; Caucasian; Military Service: No; Claim Exemption: No; Signature: Yes; (Letter C in red pencil on bottom left hand corner of card) Height: Tall; Build: Medium; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Dark; Bald? No; Disabled? No; Registrar: J. T. McPeters; Precinct 10, Laud. Co. Ala; June 5, 1917.
Serial # 940 Order # 186 1-4-10-C
BOUNDS, CLYDE: Address: Florence, Ala; Age: 20; DOB: Jan 11, 1898; White; Native born; Occupation: Electrician; Employer: Blank; Place of employment: Florence, Ala; Nearest Relative: John Bounds, Florence, Ala; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Black; Disabled? Blank; Registrar: S. D. Rice; September 12,1918.
Card # 258 No. 1 No. 13 1-4-10-A
BOUNDS, PERCY: Address: Florence, Ala; Age: 28; DOB: Jan 3, 1889; Natural born; Where born? Florence, Ala; Occupation: Carpenter; Employer: City, Florence, (# 7 written in red pencil on this line) Have you a father, mother, wife child under 12, or a sister or brother under 12, solely dependent on you for support? Yes; Single; White; Military Service: No; Claim Exemption: No; Signature: Yes; Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Light; Bald? Blank; Disabled? Blank; Registrar: H. P. Davis, Precinct 10, Florence, Ala; June 5, 1917.
Serial # 974 Order # 2688 1-4-10-C
BOUNDS, SAM: Address: Florence, Ala; Age: 32: DOB: Dec 27, 1885; White; Native born; Occupation: Carpenter; Employer: Harry B. Austin; Florence, Ala; Nearest Relative: Mrs. Pearl Nance Bounds, Florence, Ala; Signature: Yes: Height: Medium; Build: Medium; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Light; Disabled? Blank; Registrar: S. D. Rice, September 12, 1918.