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World War I Draft Registration Cards: Introduction

Contributed by Nancy Lovelace Gooch September 5, 1999


Approximately 24 million men aged 18 to 45 registered for the draft between June 5, 1917 and September 12, 1918. The World War One Draft Registration Cards provide much of interest to genealogical researchers. The cards currently are available for searching at the National Archives Southeast Region, East Point, Georgia. For those unable to search in person, archives staff will do so for a fee.


The cards are now being microfilmed by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and soon will be available at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah, and at the numerous Family History Centers through out the country. For information about the Family History Center closest to you, call your local LDS (Mormon) church for information or search the Internet at one of the numerous LDS sites.


Not every card contains a full birth date. When the day, month or year is omitted an underline ____ mark is used to show that it was not recorded on the card. When no birth date is given, the age in years has been included.

The numbers at the beginning of the information are self-explanatory, i.e. Card #, Serial #, Order # or in some cases, just a number, depending upon which card was being used. The numbers 1-4-10-with either the letter A, B, C, or D, indicate the state (1) County (4) and the Local Registration board (10). The letter indicates at which registration the card was made. (See card info below.)


World War I Draft Cards - Information Asked At Specific Registrations:


                                          5 Jun 1917 (A)                     Jun & Aug 1918 (B)                    Sep 1918 (C & D)


Age of men registered               21-31                            21 since 5 Jun 1917                  18 - 21 (C)   31 - 45 (D)


Birthplace                                 yes                                       yes                                       yes


Present trade, occupation

    or office                               yes                                        no                                        yes


Dependents                              yes                                        no                                        yes


Nearest relative

    and address                          no                                        yes                                        yes


If Bald                                      yes                                        no                                        no


Married or Single                       yes                                        no                                        no


Previous Military Service             yes                                        no                                        no


If Exemption claimed,

    what grounds                        yes                                        no                                        no


Father's birthplace                      no                                        yes                                        no

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